
Head for the Seas

In a world where kingdoms and pirates exist in stark contrast, the meeting of Sora, a regal princess, and No-eul, the daughter of Japan's most notorious outlaw, a Korean, was nothing short of a fateful encounter. Despite the obvious complexities and risks that come with their respective worlds colliding, these two fearless women bravely plunge into the depths of a forbidden romance, unearthing an unbreakable bond that they are willing to go to great lengths to protect. But will their love stand the test of time or will their union succumb to the societal pressures that threaten to tear them apart, leaving them with nothing but a tragic tale to tell?

perksofbeingobey · LGBT+
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13 Chs

Beyond Friendship

As the ship swayed with the waves, Sora looked over at No-eul with a curious expression. "No-eul..." she began tentatively. "I've been meaning to ask you something."

No-eul looked up from the helm, meeting Sora's gaze. "Yeah?" she asked, curious.

"I was just wondering," Sora started, her voice trailing off slightly. "Why haven't you ever been in a relationship before? I mean, you're such a beautiful and amazing person. It's hard to believe that no one has ever caught your eye."

No-eul's cheeks had tinged pink at Sora's compliment, and she looked down at her hands for a moment before meeting Sora's gaze again. "I don't know, I guess I've just never met the right person," she said with a shrug. "Or maybe I've just been too focused on other things, like building this ship."

Sora nodded thoughtfully. "That makes sense. But don't you ever get lonely?"

No-eul smiled faintly. "Sometimes, I suppose. But I have you and the sea to keep me company. That's enough for now."

Sora smiled back, but she couldn't shake the feeling that No-eul deserved to find someone who would love her as much as she loved the sea. "Well, I think whoever ends up with you will be the luckiest person in the world," she said, reaching out to squeeze No-eul's hand.

No-eul's heart skipped a beat at Sora's touch, and she found herself wishing that it could be Sora who ends up with her. But she knew better than to get her hopes up. She returned the squeeze and turned her attention back to the ship, trying her best to push her thoughts aside for the time being.

Sora gazed out at the endless expanse of the sea, lost in thought. After a few moments of silence, she turned to No-eul with a serious expression.

"You know, No-eul, sometimes I can't help but feel like things are unfair in the Kingdom," she said, her voice tinged with frustration. "There are so many people who suffer and struggle every day, while the rich and powerful just keep getting richer and more powerful. It's not right."

No-eul nodded, understanding the source of Sora's frustration. "I know what you mean," she said softly. "But unfortunately, that's just the way things are. It's up to those of us who have the power to make a difference to stand up for what's right and try to make a change."

Sora sighed, knowing that No-eul was right but still feeling helpless in the face of such overwhelming injustice. "I just wish there was more I could do," she said, her voice quiet.

No-eul placed a comforting hand on Sora's shoulder. "You can start by speaking out and raising awareness about these issues," she suggested. "And who knows, maybe one day you'll have the power to make a real difference."

Sora's eyes clouded with sadness as she looked at No-eul. "I wish I could speak up, No-eul. I really do. But I'm not allowed to talk about anything unless I'm specifically asked for my opinion," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

No-eul frowned, feeling a pang of sympathy for her friend. "That's not fair, princess," she said, placing a comforting hand on Sora's shoulder. "Everyone deserves to have their voice heard."

Sora gave a small nod, but her eyes remained downcast. "I know, but it's just the way things are. I don't want to cause any trouble for myself or my family by speaking out of turn."

No-eul squeezed her shoulder gently. "I understand, princess. But you don't have to keep everything bottled up inside. You can always talk to me, no matter what."

Sora smiled weakly at No-eul's words, grateful for her understanding. "Thank you, No-eul. I appreciate that more than you know."

No-eul noticed Sora's sadness and wanted to lift her spirits. "Hey, I have an idea," she said with a mischievous grin. "Why don't we catch some fish for dinner tonight? It'll be like a little challenge between us."

Sora looked up at No-eul with a faint smile, intrigued by the idea. "How are we going to do that?" she asked.

No-eul pointed to the fishing rods lying nearby. "We'll use these. It'll be easy, you'll see."

Sora's smile grew wider, and she nodded eagerly. "Okay, let's do it. I've never caught a fish before, but I'm willing to give it a try."

No-eul handed Sora a fishing rod and quickly showed her how to bait the hook. "Just cast your line out and wait for a fish to bite," she instructed. "It's all about patience."

Sora nodded, her eyes fixed on the water as she cast her line out. No-eul did the same, and the two settled in for a peaceful morning of fishing.

"Oh my gosh, No-eul, it's huge!" Sora exclaimed, her eyes widening as she felt the weight of the fish on the line. "What do I do? What if it pulls me overboard?"

No-eul chuckled at Sora's panic. "Just take it easy, princess. You've got this," she said, guiding her friend on how to reel in the fish. "Just keep a steady pressure on the line and reel it in slowly."

As Sora struggled with the fish, No-eul noticed that she was having a hard time keeping her balance on the swaying ship. No-eul felt the urge to help her friend, so she moved behind her and gently placed her hands on Sora's waist, steadying her.

"Here, let me help you," No-eul said, leaning in close to Sora's ear. "Just keep reeling, I'll support you from behind."

Sora felt a rush of gratitude towards No-eul, feeling her friend's hands steadying her. "Thank you, No-eul," she said, her voice filled with relief. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

No-eul smiled softly, her hands still on Sora's waist as she helped her reel in the fish. "You don't have to do anything alone, princess. That's what friends are for," she said reassuringly.

Sora felt a warm feeling spread through her body as No-eul held onto her waist, steadying her as she tried to reel in the fish. She couldn't help but notice the closeness between them, and the way No-eul's body pressed against hers. It was a feeling she had never experienced before, and it left her feeling a little flustered.

As the fish finally came into view, No-eul reached over to help Sora pull it up onto the deck of the ship. Sora's heart was pounding in her chest, and she couldn't help but steal a glance at No-eul's face, taking in the way the sunlight danced across her features.

For a moment, Sora felt like everything around her had faded away, leaving just the two of them alone on the ship. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more between them, and maybe it was something that went beyond just friendship.