
Head for the Seas

In a world where kingdoms and pirates exist in stark contrast, the meeting of Sora, a regal princess, and No-eul, the daughter of Japan's most notorious outlaw, a Korean, was nothing short of a fateful encounter. Despite the obvious complexities and risks that come with their respective worlds colliding, these two fearless women bravely plunge into the depths of a forbidden romance, unearthing an unbreakable bond that they are willing to go to great lengths to protect. But will their love stand the test of time or will their union succumb to the societal pressures that threaten to tear them apart, leaving them with nothing but a tragic tale to tell?

perksofbeingobey · LGBT+
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13 Chs

At the Stroke of Midnight

The guard promised to intensify the search for the kidnapper. However, he couldn't help but wonder why the doctor was so adamant about capturing the woman whom the princess had already confirmed to not be a criminal. He had seen the way the doctor and Princess Sora interacted, and he couldn't help but feel that there was something more to their relationship than what meets the eye.

Do-hyun approached Princess Sora, his expression filled with concern. "Are you alright?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.

Sora nodded, feeling a mixture of emotions coursing through her. She was relieved to be back in the palace, safe from harm, but to think that No-eul's life would remain to be in danger her heart felt troubled.

"Who was that woman?" Do-hyun asked, his tone curious.

Sora hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say. She knew that No-eul was the one who had saved her, and she didn't want to put her in danger by revealing her identity.

"Just a stranger," Sora replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Do-hyun nodded, seemingly satisfied with her answer, but Sora could tell that he wasn't convinced. She knew that she would have to be careful from now on, both for her own safety and for No-eul's.

Sora felt restless as she lay in bed, her mind consumed by thoughts of No-eul. She couldn't stop thinking about the brave woman who did everything to run along with her, even though they barely knew each other. Despite the danger, Sora knew she had to see No-eul again.

The next morning, Sora quietly slipped out of the palace with the help of a trusted royal servant. She knew she had to be careful not to attract any attention or raise any suspicions, so she dressed in plain clothes and kept her head down as they made their way through the town and into the woods.

Eventually, they arrived at the cliff where No-eul had jumped. Sora's heart raced as she approached the edge, her eyes scanning the waters below for any sign of her savior. But all she could see was the endless expanse of the ocean.

Desperate to find No-eul, Sora turned to the royal servant. "Can you help me look for her?" she pleaded.

The servant nodded, and together they began to search along the cliff, calling out No-eul's name and scanning the waves for any sign of movement. As they walked, Sora couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

What if No-eul was already captured? What if she was hurt?

But despite her fears, Sora pressed on, determined to find the woman who had risked everything for her.

The royal servant then found a note and showed it to Princess Sora. The latter couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. She had hoped to see No-eul again, to thank her for saving her life and to find out what had happened to her after she had jumped into the sea. But the note gave no clues as to No-eul's whereabouts or what she was doing.

Despite the lack of information, Sora felt a sense of relief knowing that No-eul was safe. She couldn't bear the thought of No-eul being in danger because of her. Sora knew that she had to find a way to reach out to No-eul, to let her know that she was grateful for everything she had done for her.

With the help of the royal servant, Sora decided to leave a message for No-eul. She wrote a letter expressing her gratitude and left it in the same spot where the royal servant had found No-eul's note. She hoped that No-eul would find it and know that she was not alone.

Days turned into weeks, and there was no response from No-eul. Sora began to worry that something had happened to her. She confided in the royal servant, who promised to keep an eye out for any news of No-eul's whereabouts.

But as time went by, Sora started to accept that she might never see No-eul again. She couldn't help but feel a sense of loss and regret, wondering what could have been if circumstances had been different. Nevertheless, she was grateful for the short time she had spent with No-eul, and she would always cherish the memory of the brave girl who did everything to help her.

With a confident stride, No-eul began to make her way deeper into the forest, her feet moving easily over the uneven ground. As she walked, she listened to the sounds of the forest around her: the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves in the breeze, and the occasional crackle of a twig underfoot.

As No-eul approached the cliff, she felt a sense of familiarity wash over her. As she gazed out at the landscape before her, memories of the previous night flooded her mind.

No-eul's heart raced as she saw the note from Sora hanging from one of the trees. She eagerly unfolded it, devouring its contents with her eyes. Sora was safe, but No-eul couldn't help feeling a pang of longing in her heart. She somewhat misses the princess's company and couldn't wait to see her again.

She wrote to Sora once more, this time with more genuine thoughts and feelings.

Dear princess,

Thou art as beautiful as the moon in the sky, and thy words hold a power that shan't be denied. I yearn to see thee once more, to hear thy voice and feel thy touch.

Come to the cliff at the stroke of midnight and let us meet again. I shall await thee with bated breath, hoping thou wilt grace me with thy presence.

Until then.

Forever thine,


The next morning, as Sora read No-eul's letter, her heart began to race with anticipation. She looked up at the royal servant and whispered, "We have to go."

The two of them quickly devised a plan to sneak out of the palace undetected. They agreed to meet at a hidden entrance that the royal servant knew about, and to make their way to the cliff where No-eul was waiting.