
He Who Feels Guilt [Honkai: Star Rail]

"You'll make a fine Aeon" that's the last thing he heard before he died...or that's what he thought, now, waking up in a place far away from his home, he lost all purpose but gained a new one, he shall now share and experience everyone's Guilt, for that is not always something bad to feel. As Ryan Chevalier follows an unknown path, one that is still not decided, he'll have to help not only himself but other's with embracing the goods and wrongs of Guilt...that is his new purpose. For a reason he was chosen as He Who Feels Guilt

Awaken_wolf · Video Games
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28 Chs

Chapter 9: Belobog, the last bastion

Narrator's Pov

"Whoever that Sampo guy is, we're not with him." Ryan spoke looking towards Gepard.

"Yeah! Did you see how fast he ditched us?" March added a bit annoyed.

"I'm a captain, not an adjudication panel" Gepard spoke looking at the group. "As citizens of Belobog, all of you have the right to defend yourself, but that only under the scrutiny of The Architects, not now, I'll have to take you all with me"

"W-we are not from Belobog!" March quickly spoke growing more annoyed.

"March, do you have any picture of Jarilo-VI?" Stelle asked looking at the girl.

"O-oh right! I took one before" she quickly went towards Gepard a bit weary and showed him the photo she took. "L-look! This is your planet, it's where we are right now"

"...." Gepard looked at the picture and then closed his eyes. "It is said that a long time ago, visitors from beyond the skies would visit our home, but the blizzards from the Eternal Freeze would make their passage impossible and therefore...we stopped receiving visitors..."

"S-see? We're saying the truth! We are not from this planet" March smiled a bit as she backed away.

"If what you say it's truth, then this beyond me, I must go now, and present all of you to the Supreme Guardian"

"The supreme guardian?" Stelle rose a brow curiously.

"Their leader...I suppose" Dan Heng sighed a bit. "Well, as long as we don't have to dl 2 weeks of community service..."

"I already said I was sorry!" March looked a bit embarrassed to Dan Heng.

"Please follow me" Gepard made a small bow before turning around and starting to walk.

"Well...at least we won't go as prisoners." March sighed and started to walk.

"What about them?" Stelle asked pointing towards the three unconscious guards.

"This is close to the city, I'll send a small group to retrieve them, unless you would be fine to help me get them to the city." He stopped looking at the others.

"We can help...it's kind of our fault after all" Dan Heng sighed and went to one of the guards picking him up and putting him on his back.

Stelle quickly went to the other two guards and grabbed one of them putting it over her shoulder, while Ryan seemed to struggle a bit to lift up the remaining guard but eventually managed to put him over his shoulder.

"Thank you sorry to bother you with this, let's go" Gepard again started to walk.

As they walked, the group of four started to feel how the air slowly got warmer and warmer, until they eventually reached the gates od the city, leaving the three guards alongside the guards of the gate, Gepard kept leading them through the city.

"It's so much warmer here~" March smiled a bit.

"That'd be because this is Belobog, the last bastion of humanity."

"Last Bastion?" Stelle asked a bit confused.

"..." Gepard kept himself silent before starting to talk. "Seven hundred years ago, monster from beyond the sky set the world ablaze, the land was turned to scorched earth, with raging infernos and billowing towers of smoke stretching beyond the horizon."

Ryan's lower lip twitched a bit as he heard Gepard, monsters attacking everything and everyone, as if he could hear the cries of help from everyone, he looked around, imagining the fire and smoke.

It remind him of something...

"In the midst of the conflict, the Eternal Freeze descended without warning. Suddenly, sweeping winds brought blizzards which buried the invading Legion. Belobog was all that remained." He stopped walking, having reach what seemed to be a square, a huge building on the top of some stairs, while Gepard looked at a monument that had a huge blue stone. "The steadfast Architects built this city. Under the protection of Qlipoth the Preservation, Belobog remains forever warm in the face of unrelenting cold."

"Qlipoth...so there're Aeons who aid the mortals..."

"It sounds like if he was quoting a book..." March muttered but still Gepard seemed to hear her.

"Gepard, we suppose that you've fought some creatures that come out of tests in corroded space, from Fragmentum to be more specific, right?" Dan Heng spoke and Gepard looked at him a bit impressed.

"How do you...yes, in the blizzard, there're still many threats, those monsters included." Geosrd sighed a bit before starting to walk towards the building on top of the stairs.

"I supposed it, we haven't fought any of them yet which is...strange, we haven't even seen them" Dan Heng rubbed his chin a bit curious.

"That is indeed weird, usually, they are common on the outskirts of Belobog." Gepard spoke and then looked at them. "I would later ask to have a word with all of you about this matter...We are really lacking Intel..."

They slowly walked up the stairs, eventually reaching the huge building, Gepard went forwards speaking with a soldier and after a few seconds, he made a small signal to them to follow him into the building, as they reached the office of the Supreme Guardian and Gepard opened the door, they heard an argument inside.

"But that's a meaningless sacrifice, how can you-" a girl with grey hair and eyes stopped talking looking at the group opening the door.

Cocolia, cleared her throat and looked at the girl. "You may leave, Bronya, visitors have arrived..."

"I...yes mother"

Bronya slowly turned around and walked pass them, giving them a small look...the moment she passed through Ryan's side...

"If only I could make this a better place..."

Ryan quickly drove a hand to his head letting out a small grunt, he had suddenly gotten a headache besides hearing a voice in his head...the voice of the girl that had just left the room.

"Ryan? Are you feeling okay?" Stelle asked a bit worried.

"My head started to hurt...I think it'll be better if I go outside and breathe some fresh air..." He sighed and stoped holding his head.

"Gepard...please take our dear guest outside, if he keeps feeling unwell, give medical attention to him." Cocolia spoke as she looked towards Ryan a bit weary.

"Yes, Madam Cocolia" Gepard nodded and went towards Ryan. "Let's go"

"Yeah...sorry guys" Ryan looked to the others.

"Don't worry, we won't take long, Ryan, I'm sure it's just the sudden change in temperature" Dan Heng nodded with his head.

Ryan nodded and alongside Gepard they left the room, walking outside of the building, Ryan slowly sat on the steps of the stair, still grunting a bit.

"Your name is...Ryan, right? Do you want to get a check up?" Gepard asked while looking down at Ryan.

"I'm fine Gepard...no need to worry, just a little headache" he smiled a bit.

"I'll trust you...what are your intentions here? If you don't mind me asking?"

"No need to act so formal Gepard...you're already reminding me of someone" Ryan laughed a bit. "Those three talking with the Supreme Guardian are here to help this planet..."

"And you?...what are your intentions here, Ryan?"

"Hmmm...besides, helping them if they want me to...I'd say I'm here to learn" Ryan sighed a bit and looked up at the sky. "You could say that I'm in an excursion"

"I see...I want to ask you something, it's something a bit personal" Gepard asked and then slowly sat alongside Ryan.

"What is it?" He asked a bit curious.

"How...strong are you? During our fight you cut through my shield, I had even strengthened it because I knew I wouldn't have been able to block it properly, but you...still cut through it"

"I'm... not really that strong Gepard, I'm just fast, you probably didn't get to strengthen your shield in time" Ryan smiled a bit and Gepard kept himself silent for a short time.

"Yeah...you're probably right" he looked away from Ryan. "He lied..."

"Gepard, tell me...what do you know about the girl that was speaking with the Supreme Guardian?" Ryan asked a bit seriously.

"You mean Commander Bronya? Well, she's the adoptive daughter of Madam Cocolia, and will be the next Supreme Guardian, she's young, but still holds her position as heir and commander very proudly... she'll be a fine leader." Gepard smiled a bit while replying.

"Do you think...she feels sad?" Ryan asked again.

Gepard looked a bit taken back but then replied. "I... suppose...I don't doubt that she sometimes feels Guilty for not always being able to save her soldiers, I saw her at the funeral of one of her soldiers when she was just a captain...she looked like if she had broken, it's something that we all go through at some point, but for someone like her, that wants to protect all of us and to make our dear home a safe place for everyone...it must have been a sign of her not being able to completely make that dream come true..."

Ryan kept silent as Gepard spoke, the way he spoke about that girl, it reminded him of how he was before...wishing to be the one who could save everyone, but the day he woke up from that silly he felt as if all his world had went down, he gave a deep sigh and then slowly stood up.

"Captain Landau" a guard approached them and Gepard stood up looking at him. "We've received orders to not limit the movement of the outsiders"

"Really? Then tell everyone about those orders, we don't want any misunderstanding" the guard quickly nodded with his head and then left. "Seems like your friends made a good impression to the Supreme Guardian."

"They seem to be better than me with words...I'm not surprised." he chuckled a bit "and about Bronya...Do you...have an idea of where she might be?" Ryan asked and Gepard stood up alongside him.

"Why? Planning to ask her in a date?" The blonde smirked a bit and Ryan deadpanned at him. "Sorry sorry haha...it's been a while since I could talk to someone casually, my sisters would tease me to death if they were here..."

"Sounds like you have a good relationship with them..." He smiled softly.

"Yeah, we don't spend too much time together, but we care about each other, specially about Lynx, our little sister...we know she's a big girl but, we can't help but worry about her..." He suddenly stopped talking and laughed a bit nervously. "Sorry, I shouldn't be telling you about my family drama..."

"Don't apologize, I...never really had anything similar to sibling so...it's good to know that you have a good relationship with them." Ryan smiled warmly at Gepard and the blonde shared the same smile.

"Hehe, still, sorry, and about Miss Bronya's matter...I'm not sure where she could be, do you wish to talk to her?" He asked a bit curious.

"Yeah...I...kind of understand what she might be going through, someone helped me at that time, and I feel like doing the same for her might be good." He smiled a bit.

"A lot of us care about Miss Bronya, her leadership, determination and kindness are well known, if you could somehow lower her burden...a lot of us would appreciate that." Gepard nodded with his head.

"I'll do what I can, Gepard."

"Hey~! We are back!" March's voice sounded a bit away.

The two of them looked towards the building and saw the three Trailblazers approaching, Stelle immediately smiled and leaned onto Ryan.

"Already romancing someone~? I always knew you were ga-"

"You really want me to print my hand on your face again, don't you?" Ryan crossed his arms above his chest.

"W-what did she just say..." Gepard seemed to be a bit nervous about the girl's words.

"Ignore her, she has been like that ever since we met her, she's a gremlin." March sighed a bit rubbing her forehead.

"Well... I've received orders of not limiting your movements, seems like the Supreme Guardian has you on high regard." Gepard spoke again.

"Yep~ we have our Charisma stat on 10 so that makes us very persuasive~" Stelle smiled putting her hands on her hips.

"I see...I'm afraid that I still have duties, so I'll be returning to my post, I hope you enjoy your stay in Belobog...Ryan, remember what we spoke about..." He nodded his head towards Ryan and started to walk away.

"Wait!" March stopped the blonde who turned to look at them. "What uh...places do you recommend us to visit."

"Hmmm...I'd recommend the Golden Theater or the History Museum...you do need a pass to enter the museum though." He rubbed a bit his chin. "There's also the Neverwinter Monument, it's Belobog's most signature landmark...and if you like music, you can head to the Neverwinter Workshop, you can sometimes catch an outdoor performance, the artist is... you'll see." He smiled a bit nervously at the end. "And if you're staying at the Goethe Hotel...he careful about the alley with Guards in it, it started to be affected by corrosion, so be careful..."

"So the corrosion even entered the city... that's a grave situation." Dan Heng rubbed his chin a bit concerned.

"Yes...we are mounting a resistance as we speak, I must leave now, I hope all goes well for you." He nodded with his head before finally leaving the group of four.

"Where should we go now?" March asked a bit excited.

"Miss Cocolia said we'd be discussing everything tomorrow in grater detail, she said she booked us a few rooms in a hotel, probably that Goethe Hotel, Gepard spoke about." Dan Heng crossed his arms above his chest.

"Yeah...probably it'd be good to check there" Ryan sighed a bit. "I'll probably just rest."

"Oh right...how are you doing Ryan, better?" Stelle asked giving Ryan a few pats on the shoulder.

"A bit...my head hurts less, some rest could be of help."

"Then let's go to the hotel, that way we can also rest a bit before exploring the city" Dan Heng nodded with his head and then started to walk.

"Ryan, what where you and Gepard talking about?" March asked a bit curious as she started to follow Dan Heng alongside Stelle.

"Nothing important...just asked about Bronya, the girl that was speaking with the Supreme Guardian." He spoke also following Dan Heng.

"Love at first sight?" Stelle asked with a little grin. "Should I tell Herta~?"

"Really Stelle? That's the best you got?" Ryan sighed a bit tired. "It's nothing like that, something just seemed...off, about her."

"Well...if she was off you can just TURN HER ON" Stelle smiled and the other three deadpanned at her. "Owwww, c'mon I was quick there, Right? March, Dan Heng?"

"Don't...don't talk to us, Stelle." March simply facepalmed at the girl's words.

A few minutes later, Ryan entered into a room of the Goethe Hotel, seeing the small room he simply sighed a bit relieved...a room so small for rest did indeed remind him of the times he used to travel...when he was nothing but a child.

He closed the door behind him, and put the lock on it, he slowly walked to the bed and sat on it, resting his hands on his legs and closing his eyes, starting to concentrate.

"Let's talk...I want to ask you something"

No response...

"Really? Nothing? I know you are hearing and seeing me, you always are"

Still no response...

"You really want me to say it, don't you?...fine! You win...sorry, I do need you"

"That's what I like to hear~"

Everything seemed to suddenly stop, Ryan stood up from the bed and looked outside the window of the room, seeing the snow completely frozen in place, as well as the people who walked outside of the hotel, he turned around again...and saw her.

A woman wearing a black dress that covered her almost completely with the exception of her face, she wore a black veil that made the upper half of her face be covered in shadows, the lower half of her face showed that she had a pale and grey skin tone, as if she was a dead body.

"Really? I have enough with hearing you..." Ryan sighed deeply but the woman simply chuckled darkly.

"Oh~ my dear Ace, aren't you happy of seeing a familiar face?" The woman smiled and slowly walked to him.

"Just...tell me what you did to me" Ryan closed his eyes, not wanting to see the woman.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She stopped in front of him with a smile.

"Bronya's thoughts...I heard them, I'm not able to read minds...so tell me what you did" He kept his eyes closed frowning a bit.

"I didn't do anything, that was all you...these new abilities you and that dirty puppet spoke about, that's one of them, you didn't hear her thoughts...you heard the Guilt inside of her" the woman slowly rose one of her hands, starting to slowly caress Ryan's cheek.

"Why... didn't you stop that entity from bringing me here?" He spoke a bit angry seemingly hating that the woman touched him.

"Why should I have stopped it~? It saved you from certain death, you know I will always care, love and protect you, my dear Ace" with a little grin she leaned close to his face.

"...how are you here?" Ryan asked, still with his eyes closed.

The woman smiled and then separated from him. "I have little to no authority here, unlike in our world, where people kill people no matter what, my reign here is limited to you...I can only appear here because you are here, I barely have enough power to temporarily kill the flow of time"

"Was that really necessary? There're powerful entities here that could realize what you did...Turzina" Ryan opened his eyes looking at the woman.

"You're Using my name now uh~? Are you worried about me, my dear Ace? Those Aeons...barely stronger than a 4th pantheon god, I could handle one of them...but more than one I don't think so, they are not a big deal...wouldn't you agree?" She smiled while looking at Ryan who simply kept silent. "And also...would you have preferred that those new friends of yours entered here and saw me? How would they react I wonder...to what I am and to what you are and what you've done~"

"...leave...that's all I wanted to ask you" Ryan simply frowned at he woman.

"Ugh...so cold, but fine, I'll leave for now, be careful, my dear Ace~" she smiled and in barely a blink...she disappeared.

As soon as the woman in black disappeared, everything seemed to go back to normal, Ryan sighed and sat on the bed again, driving a hand towards his head.

"Is this really an Aeon-related ability...am I really able to hear the guilt inside of people?"

He groaned deeply and then lay his back on the bed, a conflicted expression in his face.

"I don't like where this Aeon thing is going..."

★ ★ ★

A/N: It's almost 3 AM here where I live...and here I am, writing.

I don't need sleep I need to write!

Anyways, Ryan's sugar mommy made her first official appearance, more about her will be explained later.

Anyways! Hope you enjoyed.