
He used to be a Reserve Genin

My second chance at life only made me realize its preciousness. Being a ninja was a choice I never wanted to make but in a village full of homicidal, reality-bending assassins; you don't get much choice. The plan is to lay low until everyone is lower than me. So fingers crossed and begin the first step; Failing the second Genin Test and entering Genin Reserve Corps. Disclaimer: Characters used in story other than Itsuki and OC's belong to Masashi Kishimoto.

NoodleBrain · Book&Literature
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43 Chs

Immortal Cells

A year has passed since Itsuki's encounter with Jiraiya. He had been teaching Naruto ever since. Naruto is naturally talented when it comes to seals but a lack of proper education is holding him back. Before going too deep into seals, Itsuki is mainly teaching Naruto primary education.

It is two more years before my graduation and Naruto is soon beginning the Ninja academy himself. On the other hand, my medical-nin training has come to an end. But before becoming a full-fledged medic I recommended myself to become a senior medic. I have all the qualifications bar one. Every medic had to master an A rank medical and certain other medical ninjutsu like Mystic palm, Charka Scapel, Poison extraction, and others jutsu which cover all facets to medical ninjutsu. The other requirement was to submit a research paper on the topic of medic's choosing on medical ninjutsu which I am currently working on.

Tsunade's rise to fame came through her research paper which defined that cells of the human body could only divide a certain number of times before becoming incapable of any further division leading to death. This result was directly tied to her trademark technique Creation Rebirth, which forces cells to forcefully divide to obtain rapid healing in combat but at a price of reduced lifespan after every use. Her paper was phenomenal at the time when cells were believed to be immortal.

My research is also heavily linked to Tsunade's because while it's known a limit exists to the number of cell divisions, no one knows why. Moreover, all medical techniques are yin chakra based also just heal by accelerating the natural healing of the body one way or another. But I remember from my previous why a limit to cell division exists. Also, Yang based healing displayed by Naruto later on completely bypass such restrictions. Snake sage, toad sage, and Otsusuki living for thousands of years do not make sense either.

So I decided to develop a yang-based healing technique to hopefully find something but I have no idea where to begin. No one had ever developed Yang release medical ninjutsu ever or at least no one who made them public. It's simply not done and goes against half what you know about medical techniques.

Sighing, I flop back on my chair after hitting another roadblock in research. In front of me is a fish laying on paper with complicated medical jutsu formulas written on its surface. I hoped to reproduce Mystic palm using Yang chakra instead of Yin but so far had been unsuccessful.

"Knock Knock Knock!"

A plane faced, black-eyed man wearing standard high collared Konoha Medical-nin Uniform which looked like a maskless biohazard suit, enters my office. Even though not official, I was considered a full-fledged medic and got an office for research purposes.

"Good Morning Captain Kito." I get up and greet the newcomer. In Field, Medic-nin usually operate in a four-man cell and their leader is called the captain. Captain Kito is someone who I apprenticed under and once I became a field medic, I will most likely work under him.

"Good morning to you too Itsuki" Kito replied politely. My relation with him had always been amicable but we maintained a professional attitude while working with each other.

Kito took out a storage scroll and placed it on the table. "A request came directly from Hokage's office. They want you to analyze this."

I open the scroll and pass chakra over the seal in the standard Konoha release pattern. A white piece of cell culture which had a disturbingly high concentration of Yang chakra was released from the scroll.

"So what is this?" I asked Kito.

Kito shrugged and replied "No idea. We were only informed it was obtained from Orochimaru's lab back when he fled the village."

Before I could continue to explore more, Kito advised with a concerned expression "Itsuki, we were said that this was kept in refrigeration but between you and me, both can clearly see cell culture is freshly grown. If I were you I would be careful." I nodded. It didn't take too much thought to know what these cells were and who sent them to me.

'It is troubling that Danzo is taking a personal interest in me but on the other hand, I should thank him for delivering Hashirama's cells to me.' I immediately went to work to analyze the cells.

Kito watching himself being ignored and merely smiled. As a fellow medic, he certainly understood the thrill of working with something new.

Itsuki spent the entire day and night on the cells. Hashirama was well known for his combat prowess, crowned as the strongest man since Sage of six paths but very few know that he was also a very accomplished Medic. Madara himself praised him in his battle against five Kage and also placed Tsunade's creation rebirth at the same level as her grandfather's techniques. And that could be seen in his cells. Without a doubt, Hashirama used Yang based healing techniques but even more phenomenal is that despite having passed the limit they could divide long ago, cells were still functioning properly and not developed into cancerous cells.

But to say them they could be directly planted in the human body as Danzo wants is the height of foolishness. When placed in a foreign body, they simply act as cancerous cells and slowly kill the host. I simply have no idea how Madara simply placed them on his body and did not kill himself but I can guess it is probably due to his own chakra empowered Yin chakra he obtained for being Indra's reincarnation which is directly inverse to Hashirama Yang balanced each other out also giving him Rinnegan in the process.

I would like to study the cells more but looks like Danzo is getting impatient. I could sense a hidden Anbu with muted emotions hiding near my office since the last hour. Taking a few small samples from the cell culture, I store the rest inside the freezer. I deliberately took all notes with me while leaving my office in case someone decides to look shuffle through my hard work.

After reaching the orphanage, I was out the moment my head hit the pillow.

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Next day, I was sleeping in class when Hana woke me up by sharply poking in my ribs. Over the past year, Hana had started to mature both physically and mentally and we have started to treat each other with grudging respect along with usual banter.

I raised my head and saw the entire class staring at me. I look towards Fusao sensei for an explanation.

"You are being called to Hokage's Office." Fusao sensei explained, pointing at Anbu standing outside the room.

I nodded and walked to the Anbu.

"Anbu san, let's just get it over with." Anbu's mask hid his reaction but I know for sure he smiled. Side along shunshin was extremely uncomfortable for the passenger. He took my arm and directly and shunshined in front of Hokage's office. After pretending to get my bearing for a few moments, I entered the building.

Hokage's secretary directly leads me to the main office and after waiting for five minutes, I was standing directly in front of the Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi and his adviser as well as Head of Root Anbu division Danzo Shimura.


Author Notes:

The concept of limit to the number of divisions a cell can perform is taken from an actual real-life concept called Hayflick Limit which basically says that a human cell can replicate only a certain number of times(40-60) before it cannot divide anymore.

This chapter and the next chapter may appear a little theory-heavy but this theory will form the basis of Itsuki's Orignal Jutsu as I just don't want to pull it out of nowhere.