

The first time they met, he saved her life. The second time they met, he killed her brother. With no family left after the second war between Sendrit (country) and Sencia (country), she is convinced that she needs to repay her stupidity that led to her brother's death. 'I lost myself in nostalgic memories and I could feel a teardrop slowly making its way to my chin. All my good childhood memories seemed to be overshadowed by the imprinted sounds of many gunshots and screams. '

LanaSya · Fantasy
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Chapter 2: Don't you dare turn around

"I have a question." I decided to be practical and just ask him to come to the party. It couldn't hurt to be direct, right? "I want to go to a party, but I need to bring someone with me. Care to come along?" Okay, this is not the right way to do this. I started panicking. I must have lost my chance by now. Stupid, stupid me. "Sure."

Wait. What? Did he just agree? Argh, I knew lying isn't healthy. Now I start to doubt my ears. "When is it?" So he did agree! "Tomorrow, at 9 o'clock." I give him a piece of paper with the address. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." And I walked out of the cafe. I am shaking because I am still nervous. How does Audry do this? She is a natural when it comes to manipulating people I guess.

Friday evening, at 8:45. Bustling sounds came from the villa. I started walking to the entrance as I saw a few familiar faces coming towards me. They were my brother's friends. "Sya, you look gorgeous in that black dress." Aly had a big smile on her face. "You do too. You have always looked stunning in red." "It's Bordeaux red." She looked a little disappointed. "Okay, you have always looked stunning in Bordeaux red," I emphasized the word, Bordeaux. "... and you still do." That brought back the smile on her face. "So... Has your date come yet?" "No, he hasn't." I started to think that my mission failed after all, but then I saw those familiar eyes again. I unconsciously started smiling. "And now he has."

Aly turned her head and saw Tyrell Cagney coming our way. He sure is handsome, she thought to herself.

"So you really came." I tried to act natural, but my words were somehow very enthusiastic. Aly noticed this too, and a sly smile formed on her lips.

Tyrell just nodded. He gave me a small smile and led me towards the entrance. His warm hand on my back gave me a feeling of security somehow. Just focus on your task Sya, you can do this. I again repeated my brother's words from this morning in my head.

"Thank you." I have no idea why I was thanking Tyrell, but he didn't react except for a simple nod. "Why were you invited to this party?" "A friend gave me the invitation. She couldn't come because she had an emergency back home." Tyrell knew a lot of people here. That was to be expected because they were all officers.

I found the party a bit intimidating. The older officers smiled at me. I couldn't understand their knowing gazes directed at me. It looked like I had just done something worthy of a Nobel prize. A waiter offered me some wine. I realized that drinking wine gave me an excellent excuse not to talk to anyone. Sigh, this is the life of wealthy people, people who can afford to buy luxurious villas and crystal wine classes. After some time, they were gathering all the officers and guiding them to one of the rooms. My brother signed me to come over.

"What is happening now?" My tone seemed neutral, but my brother could sense my worry. "Let's go home." He knew this was the only way to ensure her safety.

*change of perspective*

Dayn cared greatly for his little sister. Although he had responsibilities in the resistance group, he would never let Sya stay at this critical moment. He kissed his sister on her cheek and noticed that she started to calm down.

He saw Tyrell looking at his sister. It made him extremely uncomfortable. He said to himself that he wouldn't allow Tyrell near Sya again. That look in his eyes, full of interest and intentions towards his sister, bothered him. He shot him a glare. Just before Dyan turned his head away he saw officer Chad Belway's hand moving towards the inner pocket of his jacket. Acting on instinct, he pulled his sister closer to him as if wanting to shield her from the world. Nothing could happen to her. He wouldn't allow it.

*back to normal*

Before we could leave the villa, the sound of a gunshot took over the room. The bustling sounds in the room were soon replaced by an ear-piercing silence. I heard my brother curse next to me. "They found out Sya. Hide behind a pillar, quick!" He shoved me to the direction of the pillars and took his gun in his hands.

The man who just shot one of my brother's accomplices was an officer next to Tyrell. His eyes didn't betray any thoughts as he still held his gun in a tight hold. My breathing became unstable again. My hands started trembling. Just like that night two years ago. I heard the same footsteps coming closer. I heard the door of the closet open again. It was like reliving that night again. I saw Tyrell looking at me. Those eyes... The exact same deep blue eyes I saw two years ago.

"Sya, come!" My brother stood next to me and forced me to leave the room. I couldn't hide my curiosity and turned my head. Did he have the tattoo? My eyes quickly trailed to his left arm. His sleeve was hiding half of the purple-eyed lion. But I could still recognize it.

When I saw the tattoo again, years later, I froze on the spot. My brother stopped his tracks. It didn't take long for me to realize that it was the most stupid thing I had ever done. A gunshot made me come back to my senses. Tyrell was holding his gun an shot in the direction of my brother. My world started to blur. I didn't know that tears were already rolling down my cheeks. I saw my brother's back stained with blood. "Run Sya, run for your life. Don't you dare turn around." He shoved me outside.

I hardened my heart and started running. My legs were tired from wearing heels, but my mind didn't work, and I didn't take them off. I had to keep going. My brother asked me to, so I kept going. My tears were already blurring my sight. I could see people running next to me, but only their figures. I don't know how I got home as I kneeled in front of the door of our house, still shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't go in. Not without my brother by my side. We were so close to escaping. I didn't know when I closed my eyes from exhaustion but giving in to my fatigue gave me an odd sense of peace. Falling asleep was the best thing I could wish for at this moment. Sleep washed every emotion away. At least for a few hours. Just a few hours.....