
I dont want Romance

"Shi Nan!!! Where is that girl now? I can never keep up with her." Mim breathing heavily stopped to catch her breath. Being Nans caretaker for 15 years has really been a task. Its hard to believe Nan will be 18 in three days. She's grown so beautifully. Long black, wavy hair. Cat-like grey eyes with green and gold specks. For those who didn't know she was Half human and Half witch, would just think she was a super model. She was every mans dream and any womans nemesis. She has a firey streak, with a uncontrollable desire to cause innocent chaos. Shes curious about everything, but has a heart so pure and so kind. Above all shes highly intelligent. She's always getting into trouble, ever since she could walk. Never intentionally. It just happens that way. Mim goes into the garden and of course there she finally catches Nan sittng against the tree reading. Luckily this time she wasnt creating chaos somewhere. Mim smiles and laughs to herself. "Nan, now you know we have to finish fitting you for your birthday dress." "We want you to be exceptionally beautiful. All the handsome guys will be there, both human and magic bearing men." "Only the finest will attend. Hopefully you will meet your soulmate." Mim said dreamily. "I am not interested in meeting any soulmate or whatever you call it Mim. I may read romance, but I'm not looking for it." I don't want to experience any heartbreak someday. Thats what it always leads to." Nan said and thought to herself that she never wanted to feel the pain she witnessed her mother go through when her father left her mother. She'll never forget the tears her mom cried when she was just a 5 year-old girl. Her mom and dad were screaming at each other. her mom begging him not to leave, and her dad screaming he never wanted a child or a wife, especially not her mother and that he wanted to be free from the burden of a family to take care of. He pushed her mother onto the floor, looked at the 5 year-old Nan with no emotions, shook his head and walked out of their lives forever. Till this day Nan doesn't believe words that come from a man. To her a man does nothing but lie and leave. "Oh Nan, come on. One day a man is going to appear before you, and sweep you off your feet." said Mim. "No, Mim not me. Like I said I dont want Romance. I'm happy with out it." Nan said with a defiant and finalized attitude as always.