

Snyposis. This is my second book, please show some encouragement by leaving a comment in the comments section after reading each chapter. Atinuke Keturah Demilade is a young, beautiful lady who is very determined to make a name and image for herself in the society after the humiliation she witnessed her mom go through. She isn't very smart and can say a lot of stupid things but that doesn't stop her at all. Samuel Oyewole Douglas is a very handsome, smart and emotionally strong man. After what happened to his family and himself several years ago, he decided to come to Nigeria in search of some peace of mind. He hides his pain behind a false smile and a playful behavior. Lolade Daniel Coker, daughter of late business guru David Daniel Coker, has inferiority complex and so she hides that, pretending to be happy amidst her rich and classy friends but deep down, she knew she only wanted to be a simple girl and continue to be friends with her childhood bestie who she was so jealous of despite being a hundred times better than her in terms of money. Adediran Prince George a totally fake man and a fraudster who came back to Nigeria with a lie that he came back in search of the queen of his heart, a simple woman to get married to and return to America with her. Olatunde Akanni Fiyibi, a man who continously lied so that he could keep two wife's without either finding out about the existence of the other. He gets caught and is separated from the best family he could ever ask for. Dupe Sarah Demilade, a wonderful wife and a good mother who was betrayed by the man she trusted and believed to love her. After this incident happened, she was dragged, humiliated and ridiculed by those she believed were her family. By herself, she raised her daughter to becoming an independent woman. Justin, Ayoola, Timothy are all Samuel Oyewole's friends and partner in crime. Adebisi Adeoye a secretary and a busy body. A total chatter box who can't mind her own business and meddles way too much. The Demilade family consisting of bunch of small and big hypocrite and gossipers. Here is just a little bio of the characters of the book, He might be the one.

Mey0 · Urban
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20 Chs


"Ahh, what arrogance."

I watched as he went away and then hissed and went back to my apartment.

"How could I expect him to be of help to me. That...that....." I rolled my eyes as a murmured this words to myself.

I spent thirty minutes looking for a new dress to wear. All I had was office wears, I rarely go out for any event. Though I like talking a lot sometimes but I am not that social.

"Gosh, I am in so much trouble now. That dress was the best I had."

I was about to put on the only skirt and top that could possibly fit into a wedding style when I heard a heavy knock on my door. My heart missed a beat and I almost ran into my room to hid.

"Will you open the door or not?" A manly voice asked. How could I not recognize that voice, that is obviously Sam's voice.

"What is he looking for now?" I asked myself.

I decided to open the door slightly so that he wouldn't be able to talk too much nonsense and I questioned him from the opening of the door.

"What do you want?" I asked peeping at him.

"Can't you even let me in?" He asked smiling weirdly.

"No I won't." I replied him with a cold voice.

"Unbelievable! I didn't even intend to come in even if you offered." He said looking away.

"Is that why you came here?"

"No, I brought your dress. I found it in the trash, I wonder why it was there?" He brought out the dress from a plastic bag as he spoke.

My dress looked so terrible, it was so dirty.

"That surely came out the bin." I wispered in agony, I was feeling very weak after seeing the dress like that.

Only one person could have done such a terrible thing and that is the same person that brought me the dress.

"Here, take your dress." He said with a tiny smile playing at the corner of his lips, this stupid smile was very visible to me.

"Did you do it?" I asked after I collected the dress.

"What?" He asked since he didn't hear what I said.

"Nothing." I said and shut the door on his face.

"How rude." He scoffed as he walked away in anger.

That day added to the list of crimes I hold him responsible for. This are the reasons why I didn't like Sam at all.


I got up quickly, without saying anything to him I picked up my shopping bags that were lying on the floor and some of the cloths that had flewn out during the accident and wanted to make my way across the road when he held my hand and dragged me back.

"What was that for?" I yelled at him.

"You are such an ingrate, can't you even thank me for saving your life." Sam said, his voice showing a bit of anger.

"Do I have to?"

"Gosh, you are so terrible and quite rude."

"See whose's talking." I said sarcastically.

Sam picked up his broken cellphone and looked at it with so much contempt as if he was offended by the phone.

He turned towards me with anger burning clearly showing in his big eyeballs, he walked towards me with that same fierce look and for a second there, I got scared by his reaction but he suddenly passed me and went on his way.

"That psychopath, he scared me." I heaved a sigh perhaps it was that of relief.

"That crazy woman, she's so annoying but not to worry, I will so frustrate her that she will pack her things and leave the estate for me." Sam kept murmuring angrily to himself as he barged into his friends apartment that was more like a boys hostel.

"What's wrong with this one?" Asked Justin, one of his friends with a smile.

"Bro, wetin dey sup naw?" Ayoola asked Sam and he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

He thought in his mind and wondered why he was upset by what Miss I know pass everybody did today. Usually he is never bothered by anything she does.

"Why did I get upset by that?" He asked himself and shake his head, then he sat down.

"I don't know." He replied his friend.

"You don't know ke? Ayo wetin dey wrong your friend?" Justin asked looking at Sam's face.

"Is that annoying neighbor that I have naw." Sam bursted out.

"Mrs pretty?" Ayoola asked.

"Mrs pretty ko, Mrs preta ni." Sam answered him in anger.

"It's obviously Atinuke, that fine but rude girl we meet in his estate everytime we visit him." Timothy said as he came out of the kitchen with a large tray with lots of goodies (snacks) on it.

"Bro, just tell us wetin you want make me do that girl and we go do am." Ayoola said looking fiercely at Sam.

"We go treat her fuck up sharpaly." Justin chipped in with a vicious smile.

"Kill somebody's child and go to jail. You better don't try anything funny." Timothy advices as he placed the tray on the table in front of Sam.

"Eat and drink. Just keep ignoring the lady, I am sure she might be depressed and she wants everyone to be like her, also depressed." Timothy said to Sam and sat down by his side.

Sam picked up a cucumber and started munching on it. He would do exactly as Timothy advised, can't allow Miss I know pass everybody frustrate him and destroy his peace of mind.

I quickly went to where my car was packed and got in. I already received five missed calls from my mom and couldn't afford to receive anymore calls.

But while driving, I couldn't stop thinking about Sam and his broken phone.

"Gosh, he broke his phone while trying to save me and yet I didn't thank him for that."