
An insensitive bastard

"Is this your way of hiding the truth from others?" Erin stared at Marc in the mirror. It leaned against the door of the cubicle where it came out recently.

Earlier, the latter told him not to get too close to him at school. And now, it's the one that's been making him feel worried that someone might catch them together.

"And far as I know. We're not doing anything that's recklessly inappropriate. We're basically just talking here." it said walking towards the sink. And washed its hands.

"Come to think of it. I haven't gotten over our last kiss," it said turning to him again. Taking a few steps closer. It leaned towards him and closer to his face.

He closed his eyes thinking that Marc would decide to kiss him anytime. But it didn't. Instead, its lips went to his ears and started whispering.

"You know, Once I tasted something, and I liked it. It doesn't leave my mind. And nothing can ever quench my thirst until I'm fully satisfied." Erin felt a tingling sensation from the neck down to his spine. And Marc was the one doing it to him. "But don't worry, this isn't the right time or place to do that." he immediately had his eyes wide open.

Marc was staring at him with an amused grin.

"I came here to warn you." its face suddenly turned serious.

"A-about what?" he said still hung up with the sensation it left behind.

"A guy named Tennesey will soon approach you. And I advise that you stay away from him as possible."


"Cause he's not someone to trust."

"And you are?" he answered back.

"Let's just say that he'd do anything to make my life miserable. And that includes hurting the people around me."

"He doesn't even know what our relationship is."

Marc had that amusing smile on his lips.

"And what relation is that actually?"

"Stop with your word games. I'm not playing it." he glared.

"Just be careful around him. You wouldn't want to get tangled up in our issues."

With the way, Marc's face looks. He's thinking that it's better to just heed its advice.

A light kiss on the forehead made him flinch. It was something he didn't expect it would do after.

"See you later at home." he blushed while he send it out with his eyes.

Why did it sound like a husband telling that to his wife?


Erin was still blank as he sat with his friends at the cafeteria.

What is it with Marc that makes him feel so different? He then thought of Lucas. It was more than what he felt around the latter. Even the slightest touch from Marc could make him tremble and feel sensations that he's not aware of before. Which was different around when he's with Lucas. He only felt warmth and happiness. Yet, the excitement and thrill weren't there.

"What is it?" he didn't even notice that Reese was talking to him.

Lizzy seemed concerned as well. though its mouth was busy slurping the noodles.

"What?" he was caught unprepared.

"Would you mind telling us what happened earlier?"

"What- happened?" he asked back.

"You were alone in the men's room with Marc?" It had to tone down its voice a bit. To avoid unnecessary gossiping. " Don't tell me that you two just talked? 'Cause I don't buy it."

"That's all we did."

"Really?"Reese stared at him. Suspicion was written all over its face.

"He told me to be careful with someone."

"I wonder who would that be?" An unfamiliar voice came up from behind him. A man having the same grin but with very a different intent greeted him later. It had both arms propped up on each of his sides. As if it was denying him the ability to flee.

Everyone was starting to stare in his direction. That he suddenly felt conscious. He wanted to shove those arms away from him. But something tells him that it's not a good idea.

Even the way Reese secretly shook its head from him. Made him realize that it was probably the one Marc had warned him about earlier.

Marc, where are you? He firmly closed his eyes. Wishing that the latter would show up and protect him.

And it did show up. Only that it did nothing but stare from across the room. As its friend harass him in front of everyone.

"Are you waiting for a hero to save you?" Tennesey asked as its eyes gaze at the one he was staring at that time.

The two men sparred with their eyes.

That's when Tennesey lowered its body to whisper at his ear. It obviously wanted to see Marc's reaction. By doing its best to piss it off. But it seems that its plan didn't work. Marc remained calm and collected as it walked out of the cafeteria without looking back.

That cold-hearted bastard. He tried his best to hold back his tears by biting on his lower lip. As he watched Marc disappear from the crowd.

"Now, that's boring." Tennesey seemed disappointed and mocking at the same time. "I guess I'll just have to find a better way to annoy him. it said retrieving its arms shortly. But you on the other hand are not off the hook yet." it left soon after without thinking about the damage it had left behind.