

Summer Dean is a young and beautiful woman in her mid-20s, she is the heiress of a multi-billion company, and she can only become the CEO of the company after she gets married. To Summer, she can't get married because she still hasn't found her Prince charming. She is a social butterfly and an extrovert, always on the news for the wrong reasons. Xavier Knight is a young and handsome billionaire in his early 30s business-minded and doesn't have time for women, shy and introverted. He loves his only sister" Cherish ” and can do anything to make her happy. Cherish is just like Summer, always causing trouble. Summer met Xavier during a business meeting and fell in love with him, she intended to make him marry her, to Summer, it was love at first sight. When Summers finds out that Xavier is Cherish's older brother, she plans with Cherish to make Xavier accept her as his wife. Xavier finally agrees to marry Summer, but on the condition that they will get divorced if he doesn't feel the same way about Summer after one year. What happens when Xavier doesn't feel the same way about Summer after one year? Would they eventually end up together? Can Summer get Xavier to love her?

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The Kiss

Summer and Anita sat down after grabbing their drinks, Kelvin came over greeting the girls," Hi girls!!"He said while grabbing a sit. "Summer meet Kelvin, Kelvin this is my best friend, Summer," Anita said.

Summer extended her hand to Kelvin for a handshake, and said "Nice meeting you" Kelvin accepted her handshake and replied," The pleasure is mine". " So, let's get down to business. So what do you have for me?" Summer asked Kelvin.

"Nothing much, he has a clean record," Kelvin said. "Cut to the chase am not concerned about his record I need his info," Summer said. "Okay, from my investigation I found out that he has a little sister, and they lost their parents at a very tender age. Moreover, Xavier has never dated any woman before for reasons best known to him," Kelvin said.

"Apart from what you just said now do you have any other info about him?"Summer asked. " Yes, I have his details including his house address, his sister's school address and some other things about him, Kelvin," replied.

"Thank you very much," Summer said smiling but send the info to Anita, she will forward it to me. Please can I have your bank details, so I can send you your pay," Summer said? He replied," Don't worry about the pay and I will send the info to Anita".

"I can't thank you enough, Kelvin, Summer. "No problem," Alright girls, I will leave you to have fun, Goodnight and take care", Kelvin said and then left. "Let's go have fun and drink in a stupor, "Anita screamed.

A few minutes later, the girls got drunk, Summer screamed at the top of her voice, getting the attention of some people in the club, including Xavier and Jayden.

"Not this troublemaker again," Xavier said. Jayden asked, "Do you know her?". " I don't really know her, met her once in a business meeting. After the meeting she walked up to me telling me she loved me and wanted to be my woman," Xavier said.

Jayden smiled and said, "I think I like her, she is a perfect match for you". Xavier looked at Jayden angrily, "sorry bro no offence but that girl is beautiful and sexy", Jayden said.

"I know she is pretty, but she is a troublemaker just like Cherish. She is always on the news for the wrong reasons, with what she is doing now, I won't be surprised if she makes it to the news headline tomorrow", Xavier said. Xavier and Jayden were still talking when Summer saw them.

She smiled when she saw Xavier, she went over to where he was sitting shouting" My Prince charming".On getting to where Xavier was seated she jumped on top of him and kissed him on the lips.

Xavier was shocked for a few seconds, but when he regained himself, he quickly pushed her and stood up angrily, "What the hell was that for Miss Dean? He shouted, I have told you before, and I will still say it to your face again "Am not interested in your Miss Dean, and please stop harassing me", He said in anger.

Summer quickly stood up from the floor and said to Xavier," Sweetheart stop stressing yourself, I love you and I will keep coming until you accept me as your woman", she smiled. "In your dreams," Xavier replied. Then walked out of the club with Jayden.

He drove off to his house in anger. When he got home, he quickly went to his bathroom and washed his mouth, remembering the kiss with Summer, he poured the whole bottle of mouthwash into his mouth and brushed his teeth, when he was done, he took his bath and went to bed.

Meanwhile, Summer is in her room celebrating her little victory, she quickly calls Anita to forward Xavier's info to her. She intends to go to his house the next day. With that, she went to bed and slept like a baby.

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