

Summer Dean is a young and beautiful woman in her mid-20s, she is the heiress of a multi-billion company, and she can only become the CEO of the company after she gets married. To Summer, she can't get married because she still hasn't found her Prince charming. She is a social butterfly and an extrovert, always on the news for the wrong reasons. Xavier Knight is a young and handsome billionaire in his early 30s business-minded and doesn't have time for women, shy and introverted. He loves his only sister" Cherish ” and can do anything to make her happy. Cherish is just like Summer, always causing trouble. Summer met Xavier during a business meeting and fell in love with him, she intended to make him marry her, to Summer, it was love at first sight. When Summers finds out that Xavier is Cherish's older brother, she plans with Cherish to make Xavier accept her as his wife. Xavier finally agrees to marry Summer, but on the condition that they will get divorced if he doesn't feel the same way about Summer after one year. What happens when Xavier doesn't feel the same way about Summer after one year? Would they eventually end up together? Can Summer get Xavier to love her?

Redpen · Urban
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50 Chs

Teach me how to love you.

Summer had been feeling under the weather for a few days, but she tried to push through it, not wanting to worry anyone or have Xavier take care of her, sympathizing. However, as the days wore on, her condition worsened until she could barely get out of bed. " Where is my wife? ", Xavier asked the housekeeper. Sir, she is still in her room, she has been sick for days now", the housekeeper explained. " Sick!!! Why didn't you tell me that my wife was sick?" he yelled at the housekeeper. "Sir, she asked me not to", the housekeeper said, defending herself.

Xavier quickly rushed to Summer's room, he sat on her bed touching her body to check if she is running temperature. "Your body is very hot", he said, as he quickly goes to get cold water and a towel. He got back with the towel and water and started cleaning Summer's body, trying to calm her fever down. "Why did you ask the housekeeper not to tell me that you have been sick? He inquired.

"That's because I don't want your pity acts", she said with a weak voice." You have always been cold to me, I have tried my best to make you love me and am tired", Summer said with tears in her eyes.

"I know I have not been the best husband to you, but I want you to understand that I care about you, although my actions speak otherwise. I truly care about you", Xavier said, while locking his hand with Summer's. "You care about me?" Summer asked with her face beaming. " Of course, I do", he replied." Then why are you always cold to me? ", Summer asked.

" I don't know how to love, I haven't loved anyone else other than Cherish, and I haven't dated before, so loving you is a new thing to me", Xavier explained. Summer sat up and held his hands," I know am not the best woman, and maybe I might not be your type, but Xavier, I truly do love you", Summer confessed." I'm willing to learn to love you, Summer, please teach me how to love you", Xavier said. Summer hugged Xavier with tears in her eyes." Thank you for opening your heart to me", she said, smiling. Xavier wiped her tears and said, "Thank you for loving me and Cherish unconditionally".

"Now tell me your symptoms, so I can call the doctor," Xavier said, Summer smiled and then explained her symptoms to Xavier, he called the doctor and explained Summer's symptoms. The doctor recommended some over-the-counter medication and fluids but advised them to come in if her condition didn't improve.

Xavier got up and went to the kitchen, heating some soup and making a cup of tea for Summer. He brought it back to her, along with a few crackers.

"Here, try to eat this," he said, helping her sit up.

Summer took a few sips of the soup, feeling grateful for Xavier's care. She knew he wasn't the most affectionate person, but she could see the concern in his eyes.

As the night wore on, Xavier checked on her regularly, making sure she had everything she needed. He brought her a warm blanket, fluffed her pillows, and even read her a few chapters from her favorite book.

Despite her illness, Summer felt closer to Xavier than ever before. She could see that he was trying to take care of her, despite his natural reluctance to show affection.

"Thank you, Xavier," she whispered as he kissed her forehead goodnight.

"Of course," he replied, a small smile on his face. "See you in the morning."

Summer's heart swelled at his words, and she knew that even though he didn't always show it, Xavier loved her deeply. She fell asleep feeling grateful for his care and the little conversation they had.