

Summer Dean is a young and beautiful woman in her mid-20s, she is the heiress of a multi-billion company, and she can only become the CEO of the company after she gets married. To Summer, she can't get married because she still hasn't found her Prince charming. She is a social butterfly and an extrovert, always on the news for the wrong reasons. Xavier Knight is a young and handsome billionaire in his early 30s business-minded and doesn't have time for women, shy and introverted. He loves his only sister" Cherish ” and can do anything to make her happy. Cherish is just like Summer, always causing trouble. Summer met Xavier during a business meeting and fell in love with him, she intended to make him marry her, to Summer, it was love at first sight. When Summers finds out that Xavier is Cherish's older brother, she plans with Cherish to make Xavier accept her as his wife. Xavier finally agrees to marry Summer, but on the condition that they will get divorced if he doesn't feel the same way about Summer after one year. What happens when Xavier doesn't feel the same way about Summer after one year? Would they eventually end up together? Can Summer get Xavier to love her?

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Best Friend's Gist

Getting to her room, Summer quickly entered her bathroom to take a shower, after bathing, she applied her body lotion and sprayed a good amount of perfume on her body. She grabs her phone and lay on her bed while dialing Anita's number, after a few rings!! She picks.

"Hey Anita!! After ditching me at the club last time and going after some random guy, you didn't care to call me",Summer said. "Am so sorry girlfriend, but I'm sure you won't blame me if I told you what happened,"Anita said. "Okay so spill it I am waiting",Summer said sitting properly to get the gist from Anita.

"So, babes when you left to use the restroom. I met this geek god so handsome, Gosh!! Babes the gentleman looks like a real-life drawing. I'm sorry I left without informing you, but I couldn't afford to lose him, so I went to drink with him. Sweetheart, am sorry I left without you, though I don't regret leaving with him", Anita explained.

"Oh!! Please, Anita, I have heard enough, so back to the reason I called you. Guess what sweetheart??",Summer said. "You know, am not good at guessing," Anita replied.

"Okay, I will need to spill the beans myself. Anita I finally found my Prince charming" Summer said excitedly. " What!!! Where!! How!! When!!?" Anita asked. " Calm down baby girl, I will answer all your questions",Summer said.

"But first, does Xavier Knight ring a bell??",Summer asked. " Wait, Summer, are you telling me that Xavier is your Prince charming,"Anita asked. "Exactly what I was trying to explain sweetheart" Summer said. " Summer that man has no interest in women, he hasn't dated anyone and I guess he might be gay",Anita started.

"No!! Baby girl you need to calm down, first, he is not gay",Summer explained. "How sure are you that he is not gay?"Anita asked. "Believe me, sweetheart he is not, I asked him myself",she said. "What!! You asked Xavier Knight about his sexuality",Anita asked. "Yes, I did baby girl and believe me, he is as straight as a ruler, just that he is so busy with work that he doesn't have time for women",Summer said smiling.

"And you think he would have time for you?" Anita asked." Don't bother yourself baby girl, I am going to make him mine. Just get your dancing shoes ready, I am getting married soon",Summer explained. "Okay, girlfriend, I wish you luck in getting your Prince charming",Anita expressed. " Thanks, sweetheart, you are the best,"Summer said happily.

" Seen you soon Anita, I am feeling sleepy already," Summer said, yawning. "Okay, goodnight sweetheart, Anita said. " Goodnight Anita and dream about me", Summer said and then ended the call and slept off.