
He Is Missing The Villainous Late Husband

After the death of Fu HaoRan, Yu Xuan's heart shattered into pieces. As his widow, he was the recipient of Fu HaoRan's massive amount of inheritance. He spent hid days drowning himself with alcohol and was depressed all the time. He mourned for his late husband with the companionship of his designer clothes, designer jewelries, and money that could last him several lifetimes. But only Fu HaoRan knew the truth -- that after his death, this man hosted parties, lived in their mansion, drove expensive sport cars, traveled the world, and flirted with mens. Yu Xuan was having the time of his life. Fu HaoRan wasn't so angry that his soul dissipated; quite the contrary, he was so angry that he had come back to life! Fu HaoRan, who had come back to live, looked at the mourning Yu Xuan and smiled devilishly. "We are on! Watch me make you fall in love with me for real this time! ... Hello , everyone . I brought you a new novel/story which was a Bg (boyxgirl) but turned in a Bl (boy×boy) genre. The original one novel name i will not reveal it here, if wanted I have revealed it on the first chapter comments section. Please don't report or anything this is only for entertainment purposes no harm to anyone or anyone's feelings. Hope you enjoy it ! Happy reading !!

Mensai_Esh · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Chapter - 1. Spirit of Fu HaoRan couldn’t help but want to ask, “????”

City of S, September.

The dry and hot summer finally received it's first fall rain that cleared the heat and stuffiness in the air and brought about a hint of coolness.

On the Panshan highway was a motorcade moving slowly forward. This was the largest and most well-known cemetery of the City of S – Panlong Cemetery. It was an excellent location, being close to both mountains and waters. Except the pouring rain was getting heavier and heavier. Soon the sky got darker and the motorcade slowed down even more. Finally, the motorcade stopped in the sheets of rain.

One after another, men dressed in suits exited from their cars in an orderly fashion. Someone opened the door of the first car, opened up a black umbrella and waited for the passenger in the car to exit.

In the back seat was a man in a long, full black suit. He had on a sliver specks on his face pale, his figure slender, her waist barely wider than two hands could hold. Hr looked like a fragile dodder flower under the protection of the black umbrella and made others felt that any second now he could be blown away in the fall's windy rainstorm.

"Take care, Mrs. Fu. Our thoughts are with you," said the cemetery worker softly as he walked up to him with an umbrella.

Yu Xuan looked up at him. He was fragile, his eyes red, his face pale. He showed him a courageous smile like that of a dark and stormy night.

"Thank you," Yu Xuan said to him.

Yu Xuan was handsome, his eyes glittery, his voice soft and delicate. Whenever he showed a bit of shyness, he gave the feeling that he was soft and pitiful; he was the kind that would stir up men's desire to conquer and protect him.

Even though the workers see this day in and day out, they almost felt bad for making him and let him to watch his husband being buried in front of his own eyes.

The couple had only been in love for three years before they were torn apart; this was just too cruel.

"Please follow me, Mrs. Fu."

Yu Xuan followed him forward.

Fu HaoRan was an impressive man when he was alive, so naturally his funeral would also be grand and impressive. His grave site couldn't be too bad either; it was the best spot at Panlong Cemetery. Professionals were hired to study the fengshui of this spot and it was a good spot. And this was going to be Fu HaoRan's cloth grave.

(T/N: When the body of the deceased could not be located, only their clothes were buried.)

Even though they were not able to find Fu HaoRan's body, the yacht that he was on, blew up into pieces and caught on fire. Search and rescue covered a 20-kilometer radius in the ocean for three days and still wasn't able to locate his body. The chance of him surviving that was slim to nil.

Standing in front of the tombstone, Yu Xuan saw the black and white photo of Fu HaoRan. He choked up in tears and turned his head away. He couldn't bear to look at it any longer.

The casket was lowered into the ground and the grave was filled and the rain continued to get heavier.

Other guests of the funeral sighed behind Yu Xuan.

"I have heard that Mr. Fu and his wife were very close. Now that Mr. Fu was gone, how come Mrs. Fu wasn't crying at all?"

"Don't you know? Mrs. Fu cried for three days straight at his funeral service. He even passed out a few times. He had probably cried himself dry by now."

"Ai, that poor thing, becoming a widow at such a young age."

"Well, he did inherit his tens of billions in wealth. At least he wouldn't have to worry about money."

"What is the point of having all the money if he isn't around anymore?"

"I guess you are right."

A few almost undetectable sighs reached Yu Xuan's ears and he lowered his head and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

A jacket was placed over his back.

Yu Xuan turned around to look at the person standing behind him.

"Sister in law*, you should take care of yourself." It was a very young man. He had a flattop haircut, his features were sharp, and he didn't look like someone one would want to mess around with. But the hint of tenderness on him washed away the viciousness between his brows making him look gentler.

Yu Xuan smiled palely at him and said, "Thank you, Ah Qi."

After handing Yu Xuan his jacket, the worried Ah Qi stepped to one side.

* Doesn't have to be real sister in law. Men sometimes will refer to their buddies' wives as sister in law. Or in the case of gang members, they refer to each other as brothers, so the brothers' women would also become their "sister in laws". 

At the end of the long and tiring day, when Yu Xuan returned to Fu HaoRan's mansion, four lawyers in suits were already waiting for him.

"Mrs. Fu, this was the twenty billion inheritance left to you by your late husband Mr. Fu. Please take a look."

Yu Xuan acknowledged softly, took the documents from the lawyer, and merely glanced at the document.

As Fu HaoRan's wife, under the situation that Fu HaoRan had not made any arrangements to his possessions, Yu Xuan was the first in line to inherit everything that belonged to him.

Fu HaoRan probably hadn't expected that he would die in such an explosion at his young age.

"Mrs. Fu, please read over it more carefully. If everything looks okay, all the inheritance will transfer over to you after three months," explained the lawyers. "That's because Mr. Fu's body was never found. According to the law, Mr. Fu is just a missing person right now, not deceased. If his body is still not found after three months, you can apply at the court officially announcing that he's deceased."

Yu Xuan just looked sickly. It was obvious that he had no interest in these documents that laid out every possession that belonged to Fu HaoRan, "Thank you, Lawyer Huang. I will let you take care of them all."

Lawyer Huang sighed. He had always heard that Mr. and Mrs. Fu were always in love, and now he finally saw it for himself.

Come to think about it, what was the purpose of having a lot of money when without your loved one?

You might be fulfilled materially, but what about emotionally?

Thinking about it, Lawyer Huang said in the utmost serious tone, "Don't worry, Mrs. Fu. We will take good care of this."

"Thank you so much."

After Yu Xuan saw the lawyers off, he turned down late night snacks from the maid and went upstairs to rest in the bedroom by himself.

As soon as he pushed open the bedroom door, a chilling wind came from nowhere rushed into the bedroom and Yu Xuan shuddered.

Slowly, he walked inside the bedroom and locked the door behind him. He let out a sigh of relief, finally he was alone. He took off the silver specks and started removing his makeup in front of the mirror on top of the dresser.

His skin was flawless and of a light and healthy tone, but he applied the thickest and whitest foundation to make his face looked pale. He also intentionally applied no blush so he looked down and unhappy. He had no choice; he had a good appetite and was well rested lately, he had never been in better spirit before. His skin was a healthy glow of rose color, except that his eyes were puffy, that was from crying for three days at Fu HaoRan's service.

After Yu Xuan was done removing his makeup, he went and hid in the bathroom. He poured himself some hard liquor from Fu HaoRan's precious collection and soaked into the bathtub.

Yu Xuan had been running around outside all day long. The rain was heavy and he was drenched. Soaking his sore limbs in the tub, he rested his head on the tub's rim and let out a relaxed sigh.

Come to think about it, it had been exactly three years since he had transmigrated here.

Three years ago, everything went dark in front of Yu Xuan's and, all of a sudden, he's got a husband who was gay who loved boys. Yu Xuan knew that Fu HaoRan didn't like him much, but he, on the other hand, was well aware of the type of man that he liked.

Fu HaoRan liked men who were like dodder flowers. Growing around him, obedient, no temper and having no opinions of their own.

When it came to this, Yu Xuan did a good job at gauging himself. In the three-year time, he let Fu HaoRan keep him like a canary and had successfully made him think that he was so in love with him that he could never live without him.

Why did Yu Xuan do that, one may ask.

Because Yu Xuan had to follow the script. Because if he didn't follow the script, he'd die a tragic death.

On top of that, Fu HaoRan was a 100% boss villain. He has power and status and he was ruthless. Anyone that crossed him risked being harmed or killed.

Fu HaoRan had two wives before him, but both wedding nights, one went missing and another died of an accident.

The day Yu Xuan had transmigrated,  He was scared shitless by Fu HaoRan.

There were screams of terror coming from the dark basement; there were blood stains in the hallway. Was that what you'd expect to see in a normal household?

Yu Xuan felt like he was treading on thin ice every day in the past three years that he spent with Fu HaoRan. Yu Xuan had always worried that one of these days he'd inadvertently offend him and be dragged into that basement of his.

But, luckily, just like the script had it, Fu HaoRan died in an explosion on a yacht and there was nothing left of him.

It was finally all over.

Yu Xuan no longer need to fear for his life every single minute, nor did he need to pretend to be a dodder flower under Fu HaoRan's control.

Yu Xuan had finally made it. He was so happy he wanted to sing out loud.

"The sun in the sky is red… yiya yizhi youwei yaer yazhi youa… the masses had stood up to be the owners… yiya yizhi youwei yaer yazhi youa… the masses had stood up to be the owners… " *

Even Fu HaoRan, standing next to the tub…. No, one should say even the ghost of the once Fu HaoRan, couldn't stand Yu Xuan's horrible singing. He looked at Yu Xuan's toes sticking out of the water swaying from side to side in sync with the rhythm of the song.

Three years they had been married and he didn't even know that his wife would sing this kind of songs.

A month ago, Fu HaoRan was having a business negotiation on a yacht, perhaps it was a plan that had been in the works for a long time but he lost consciousness in an explosion. When he came to, he was already at his own funeral. His current state was a bit interesting. He could see others, but he couldn't touch anyone. Nobody could see or touch him.

He was what the general public would refer to as a "ghost".

Except that Fu HaoRan was a cultured and well educated person, and an atheist to top. He didn't fall into this "general public" category. But now that it had become an undeniable truth, he must accept the fact that he was now officially a ghost.

What was even more difficult for him to accept was that the same man who cried till he had passed out a few times during his funeral service, the one who acted like his world had ended after his death, the one who was so depressed, who hadn't eaten for days…. His skin was so good now they were of a rosy tone, he was so well-spirited that he wanted to sing loudly. He was resting comfortably in the bathtub while applying a facial mask, drinking red wine, and having the time of his life.

He seemed so happy. He didn't look a bit sad like he did in the day time.

Fu HaoRan frowned. In his memory, Yu Xuan had always tried to do everything to appease him and always worried that he'd anger him. Yu Xuan had always been a scaredy-cat. The way he looked now, he looked nothing like a cat, but more like a cunning fox. A fox that finally showed its tail after his death!

Fu HaoRan approached Yu Xuan and Yu Xuan shivered again, feeling an inexplicable chill. He downed the hard liquor in his hand and almost spit it all back out. It was bitter and pungent and he almost choked on it!

Yu Xuan grumbled, "This is terrible. Why did Fu HaoRan like it so much?"

Having said that, Yu Xuan got up and rinsed off the bubbles from his body.

Right after he was done, he heard Aunt Lian** knocking on the door, "Madam, you hadn't eaten much tonight. I made some snacks, you should have at least a little bit. This is not good for your health!"

Yu Xuan tiptoed to the door and, pinching his nose, said in a deep voice to the aunty outside, "Aunty Lian, I am not hungry, just a bit tired, I just…. I just want to get some rest. You should go get some rest too."

Yu Xuan's voice sounded like he was choking back tears. His tone perfectly conveyed that of a man completely heart-broken from the recent loss of his husband.

Fu HaoRan took advantage of his current state and walked through the wall.

Aunty Lian, with a tray of food in her hand, sighed and even her eyes reddened. She choked back her tears and said, "Alright then. You get some rest, Madam."

Fu HaoRan watched Aunty Lian walked away slowly and he looked back at Yu Xuan inside the bedroom, he gritted his teeth so hard that they all cracked.

That was, if ghosts have teeth.

* A patriotic song, you can find the full translation here: Lyricstranslate.com

** Not her real aunt, just how she referred to an older maid, probably who had been with the family for a long time.

The first rain of autumn went on for an entire day. It was expected to lighten up by night, but it turned out to only poured harder.

A thunderous roar, and the sky lit up briefly.

It felt like even the house shook a few times.

Yu Xuan was leaning up against the headboard of the bed. He was reading and applying facial mask at the same time. The thunder outside didn't bother him a bit. In fact, he was so interested by it that he even grabbed his phone, pulled open the curtains and was going to take a few pictures to post on Weibo.

Coincidentally, another lightning struck down and lit up half the sky, and Yu Xuan just happened to capture it all.

Yu Xuan's handle on Weibo was "The Luxurious Life of a Wealthy Wife". A handle that nobody knew about but was quite fitting.

Yu Xuan had been posting hiw normal daily activities on Weibo from time to time. Something low key, nothing that would let others figure out who he was, but just enough to be able to tell that he really was some wealthy wife.

For that reason, he had accumulated also 200,000 followers in a three-year period.

As soon as he posted his pictures, he immediately received several dozens of comments, all of them grossly complimentary. 

"OMG. That was a great picture! What a wondering lightning strike!"

"This is by far the best lightning I have ever seen!"

"Ge Ge do you live in City S? Me too! That was such a strong thunder and lightning! I am so scared! QAQ"

(T/N: ge ge – older brother. A nickname for any male around your age but slightly older.

QAQ – represents sad face)

"Such powerful lightning, are you not scared, ge ge?"

Yu Xuan responded under the comment that asked whether she was afraid with, "But look at this lightning, it's bright and sparkly~"

Reading the comment that he had added, even Fu HaoRan, standing to one side, squinted.


Did Yu Xuan look frightened at all?

Fu HaoRan recalled the past. Every time there was a thunderstorm, Yu Xuan would run to him frantically in his bare feet with his eyes reddened. He would come from the bedroom into the study and cling onto him, shivering and telling him how frightened he was. Every time there was a thunder, he'd even let out a loud shriek and bury his head in his chest while wrapping his arms around him tightly and wouldn't let go no matter what.

Yu Xuan had seemed sooooo frightened back then. He needed to be comforted in order to fall asleep. Now that he was gone, not only was Yu Xuan not afraid of thunders anymore, he even had the mood to lift up the curtains and take pictures?

Did that mean Yu Xuan had been lying to him this entire time?

Fu HaoRan's eyes darkened as he examined his wife in front of him that was nothing like how he remembered him to be.

He must find out how much more about Yu Xuan was fake!

After posting on Weibo, Yu Xuan put down his cellphone and got ready for bed. That's when his stomach grumbled in a very embarrassing way.

In order to keep up with the appearance of being depressed and has a lack of appetite, Yu Xuan had barely eaten anything. Today was the day of the funeral service; he barely had two mouthfuls of rice before he said he had no more appetite.

Even though Yu Xuan was so hungry that he could feel his chest touching his back, he still forced himself to put the chopsticks down and returned to the bedroom mournfully.

This was payback time.

Yu Xuan was starving.

Yu Xuan looked at the clock, it's 11 o'clock.

Yu Xuan figured that Aunty Lian was probably already in bed; and there should still be food in the refrigerator!

Thinking of that, Yu Xuan crawled out of bed in his bare feet and gently opened the bedroom door. He stuck his head out and looked around, listening for any noises.

The mansion was located in Fushui Bay. It was far from the city with crisp air. The surrounding was very serene.

Yu Xuan lived in a three-story mansion. An older maid and the chauffeur stayed in a small building next to the mansion; Aunty Lian stayed on the first floor; and second floor was guest rooms. His and Fu HaoRan's master bedroom was on the third floor. Altogether there were about 10 or so rooms, the mansion was so quiet right now that one would be able to hear if a needle was to fall on the floor.

The quiet surrounding gave Yu Xuan a creepy feeling.

Even though Fu HaoRalan had been dead for over a month and the 7th day had come and gone, he was just buried today.

(T/N: Chinese people believe that the spirit of the dead ones will visit on the 7th day after their death.)

Sure, it sounds superstitious, but could one blame Yu Xuan? Yu Xuan being here was the product of metaphysics, and what if Yu Xuan wasn't the only one?

Yu Xuan felt uneasy and didn't want to go downstairs.

But then Yu Xuan thought about all the food in the kitchen. He couldn't wait any longer and finally summoned up his courage, walked outside of the bedroom, and started descending the stairs one step at a time.

When he reached the second floor, he could already see Fu HaoRan's portrait that was still in the living room.

Even though the shrine had already been removed, Fu HaoRan's portrait remained where it was. In front of the portrait, there were a few, lit traditional candles. The entire living room was pitch black except for the few candles illuminating some dim light.

Dimly lit by candles, Fu HaoRan's portrait was eerie.

(T/N: I had earlier called it a "funeral service" where the MC cried for 3 days straight and passed out a few times. The correct translation should be a shrine that the family of the deceased set up at home with a picture in the middle like the one below.)

Picture: Shrine for mourning at home for a period of time after someone has passed away.

Yu Xuan felt his knees weakened, and his hand that's resting on the banister started to sweat.

As the saying goes: If you have nothing to hide, you wouldn't even have to worry about ghosts knocking on your door in the middle of the night.

But Yu Xuan had hid a lot! He had been pretending to be a dodder-like man for three long years. Now he was revealing his true self right after his death. What if Fu HaoRan came back from the other side and wanted to set the record straight with him?

The more Yu Xuan thought about it, the creepier he felt. Scenes after scenes from scary movies that he had watched in the past to kill time flashed pass his mind. Yu Xuan wanted to go back into his room and hide.

So what if Yu Xuan has to starve for one night?

You just bear it and make it through. 


Yu Xuan put his hand over his stomach and stared straight ahead.

But he was so hungry. He wanted to bear it and make it through, but his stomach said otherwise.

If Yu Xuan didn't get something in his stomach, he probably wouldn't be able to sleep.


Yu Xuan gave up fright and continued headed downstairs.

For the sake of not working up Aunty Lian on the first floor, he walked on his tiptoes slowly, one step at a time, making no sound at all as he walked.

When he was walking in front of Fu HaoRan's portrait, even his calves were trembling. Yu Xuan dared not look even a little bit sideways; he didn't want to make eye contact with Fu HaoRan's portrait inadvertently!

Finally, Yu Xuan made it across the living room and into the kitchen. He opened up the refrigerator and pulled out a sandwich and an apple and walked back out of the kitchen stealthy like he was a cat burglar instead of the owner of the house. When he reached the dividing line between the kitchen and the living room, he took a deep breath, mustered up enough courage, and walked in front of Fu HaoRan's shrine with his eyes closed.


A chilled wind coming from nowhere made the candles flickered like they were about to go out.

Yu Xuan froze on the spot like someone had cast a spell on him, he couldn't even move one muscle.

The chilled wind blew passed him and it felt like it had taken his soul with it. Yu Xuan was too frightened to move, not even a little.

Where did this wind come from in the middle of the night?

Yu Xuan swallowed with difficulty. He shivered like sweat was pouring down on his through a sieve. He had squeezed so hard that the sandwich in his hand was now but an unrecognizable glob. Yu Xuan turned ever so slowly to look at Fu HaoRan's portrait on the shrine.

There was nothing unusual about it; it looked just like how it always had.

But still, where did the wind come from?

Yu Xuan looked around. It was raining outside so Aunty Lian had shut all the windows tightly, certainly that wasn't where the wind had come from.

Perhaps he was just being silly.

Yu Xuan tried to comfort himself and continued to tiptoe toward the stairs.

Two more steps and Yu Xuan looked as though he had seen a ghost. He bit down hard on his lower lip; he wanted to run but his legs were too weak to run. H definitely felt it this time – someone was breathing on his neck!

Yu Xuan's throat quivered and he couldn't help but started to scream.



An even stronger chilled wind blew, and the candles in front of the portrait went out; the entire living room was now pitch black.


Came another thunder.

Yu Xuan was so scared he shut his eyes tightly. His legs were too weak to stand, so he squatted down right where he was. Yu Xuan broke out into cold sweats, and his teeth clattered.

For real? Metaphysics was real?


The light was turned on in the living room and, suddenly, it was bright like daytime.

Aunty Lian's voice sounded very much like a savior's right now, "Madam, what are you still doing up?"

Yu Xuan whipped his head around, and there were tears in his eyes. They were from fear, but when Aunty Lian saw them, she thought madam was missing his husband.

"What's that you are holding in your hands… ?"

When Yu Xuan saw Aunty Lian, all his fear was gone. Slowly, he recovered and regained his composure.

Softly, Yu Xuan said, "I…. I was sleeping and dreamt that HaoRan said he was hungry, so I thought I'd bring him some food."

"Hungry?" Aunty Lian was from an older generation; she believed in metaphysics. When she heard Yu Xuan's words, she quickly walked over and took the sandwich and apple from Yu Xuan and placed them in front of Fu HaoRan's portrait, "Don't worry, Madam. Let's leave these here for now, I'll go make some more food…." Choking back her tears, she added, "…. For the master."

Then she headed into the kitchen.

Yu Xuan stood in front of Fu HaoRan's shrine and looked at Aunty Lian, who was busying herself with cooking in the kitchen. He could smell the aroma of cooked food. Now he had no idea whether he should stay or go.

Before long, Aunty Lian brought out a piece of steaming steak and placed it in front of Fu HaoRan's portriat

The aroma of the steak, which was pan fried in butter, filled the entire living room. Yu Xuan swallowed a ton of saliva but could only stood behind Aunty Lian and watch.

"Master, this was your favorite dish. From now on, Aunty Lian will cook you your favorite dishes every day. You come up here to eat whenever you are hungry."

Come… up here to eat?

Yu Xuan shuddered.

He'd rather Fu HaoRan's ghost goes hungry.

"Aunty Lian, if there's nothing else, I am going to turn in. You should get some rest too."

"Okay, you get some rest, Madam."

Yu Xuan quickly made his way upstairs before his stomach grumbled again.

As soon as Yu Xuan had shut the door, his stomach started growling again.

Ay, just bear with me for one more day, I will take care of you tomorrow.

Thought Yu Xuan as he rubbed his tummy and felt asleep.

Fu HaoRan was very proud of his own accomplished.

He felt a little bit redeemed for being fooled all these years in the stormy nights.

The next morning, Yu Xuan dragged his body that was about to eat itself from hunger downstairs. Aunty Lian had made a table full of food, and kept on urging Yu Xuan to eat more.

"Look at yourself, Madam. You had lost so much weight already. Eat some more…. Just a little more. You barely ate anything. Eat some more, I'll go get you another bowl of porridge."

While Yu Xuan was still pretending that he had no appetite, he was eating at record speed. He took the opportunity when Aunty Lian turned around to get him more porridge to shove a steamed dumpling into his mouth and chewed and he swallowed it in no time.

Fu HaoRan sat on the other side and watched this man who had everyone fooled.

After breakfast, Yu Xuan was finally relieved of his hunger. He placed some incense in front of Fu HaoRan's portrait and was about to head toward his gravesite when an unwelcome guest arrived.

Here's the backstory on the unwelcome guest.

Fu HaoRan had a sad childhood. His parents passed away when he was still a child, so he went to live with his uncle. His uncle was alright to him. He didn't scold him all the time, but always rolls his eyes at him behind his back. After all, it was one more mouth to feed.

After Fu HaoRan became successful, to repay his uncle for raising him, he paid his uncle an annual tribute of roughly 5 million a year.

Now that this uncle was paying Yu Xuan a visit after Fu HaRan's death, Yu Xuan could easily guess the purpose of his visit.

The leecher was here.

Aunty Lian was on guard. She sent a text message to Ah Qi, then she said to Yu Xuan, "Madam, why don't you retire to the study and get some rest? I can take care of this."

Yu Xuan smiled, "Don't worry, Aunty Lian. HaoRan was raised by this uncle. Now that HaoRan was gone, I am sure he's just here to pay HaoRan a visit. He couldn't possibly be here to leech off of us.

The uncle just stepped in the door and heard the last part. The expression froze on his face for a quick second, but he recovered immediately and played his elder's card, "What leecher? What nonsense are you talking about!"

Yu Xuan played his submissive card and said, "I apologize, uncle. I didn't mean anything by that, please have a seat!"

Uncle finally harrumphed and walked inside, followed by a woman.

Yu Xuan just pretended that he hadn't noticed her.

Uncle first lit incense for Fu HaoRan and gave a very touching speech in front of Fu HaoRan's portrait before the woman next to him finally talked him into taking a seat.

"Yu Xuan, I know that in the three years that you and Fu HaoRan had been married, you have always had a loving relationship. Now that he is gone, you were the one that's the most upset about it. I know this is a bad timing but, for the sake of HaoRan, I must tell you something. I apologize in advance. I simply can't keep this to myself."

"Uncle, that's alright. Do share what you have in mind."

Uncle nodded and pointed at the woman next to him, "Her name is Ah Yu. She and HaoRan grew up together, but were separated later on for one reason or another ..." The Uncle paused, then said, "She's pregnant, with HaoRan's child."

Yu Xuan looked at the woman standing next Uncle. With his eyes widened, he exclaimed, "Pregnant? That's impossible!"

Uncle appeared to be very understanding, "Uncle knows that it's a hard pill to swallow, but HaoRan…. He shouldn't have! But this is true, Ah Yu is three months' pregnant. Ah Yu is pregnant with HaoRan's only child. You can't let HaoRan go without leaving a child behind, right?"

Ah Yu, standing to one side, couldn't possibly look more pitiful, "Mr. Yu, I know it was wrong of me. I am not asking for my relation with HaoRan to be made official, but the child in innocent. All I want is for the child to be able to refer to HaoRan as 'father' after he is born. If you would allow that, I will do anything that you ask of me!"

Ah Yu became progressively more emotional as she talked and was about to kneel down in front of Yu Xuan.

Yu Xuan was stunned for a second, but moved out of her way.

"Don't, you are pregnant. Be careful of the child."

Uncle smiled with relieved, "Good boy. I know you'd understand. So you agree to admitting this is HaoRan's child?"

Yu Xuan looked at Uncle and seemingly struggling to find the right words, "Uncle, of course I want HaoRan to have a child, but… HaoRan… is infertile."

Standing next to them, the "infertile" spirit of Fu HaoRan couldn't help but want to ask, "????"

When did he became that...

To be continued ...