

Opening the calendar, on July 28th, I drew a circle with a red watercolor pen.

I feel a bit dazed. Unconsciously, has it been a year already?

I closed my eyes and Gong Xu's face became clearer and clearer in my mind.

Gong Xu, it has been almost a year since you left.

Today is the 24th, and in four days it will be your one-year anniversary!

I placed the desk calendar on my desk and pulled out the second drawer on my right, where there was a photo.

The person in the photo is a gentle young man with clear eyebrows and eyes. He was wearing a diving suit, with a warm smile and dark eyes reflecting the light of the sun.

I reached out my finger and gently brushed it against his face, it was a completely warm touch.

Of course there is no temperature, because that is just a photo. I couldn't help but smirk bitterly, holding my chin with both hands and turning my head to look out the window.

Outside the window, there are dense branches of peach trees, and ripe summer peaches fall heavily on the branches.

Everything is so familiar, just like last year, just like every year that has passed away. The difference is that this year's midsummer has no more Gong Xu.

Not only this year, but from now on, there won't be any more.

As soon as I think of this, my heart starts to ache faintly."Picking up the rain, I'm coming in!" My mother's voice came from outside the door, and the door was immediately opened by her. She brought me a plate of fruit. "You can have lunch in a while, let's eat some fruit first! You still need to go to the hospital for a check-up this afternoon, haven't you forgotten?"

"Well, thank you Mom, I haven't forgotten." I smiled and said to her.

She seemed to feel a little relieved, put down the fruit, and walked out of my room.

There is a cut apple on the fruit plate. I picked it up and took a bite. The crispy and tender flesh was sweet with a hint of sourness, and the taste was like an untouchable button. With a click, memories associated with it immediately surged up in a surging and unstoppable momentum.

I covered my mouth, almost afraid to breathe, and my heart tightened and tightened again. After reaching a certain limit, all my emotions disappeared instead.

The sound of cicadas is infinitely amplified in my ears, and the sunlight is becoming more and more dazzling. At that moment, I suddenly had an illusion, as if it was not the summer vacation after the college entrance examination had ended. Time rustled back for two years in my ears.

Cicada, sunshine, ginkgo, tidy tables and chairs, classmates whispering quietly, teachers walking around with books on the podium, and a white shirted boy sitting next to me, holding his chin with his hands and staring out the window at the ginkgo tree, lost in thought.

He has the most beautiful profile, the best hairline, and the best scent that belongs only to him.

The class bell finally rang, and the classroom suddenly became noisy.

I am lying on the desk, still looking at him.

"On the weekend, let's go to the aquarium together," he said as he turned around.

I opened my eyes wide, was he talking to me?"I happen to have two tickets." He leaned on the table like me, with a stack of books piled high in front of his head. We hid behind the books, as if whispering.

My lips couldn't help but curl up and say, "If I could..."

"Let's go together," he said, looking at me with a gentle gaze.

"Hmm." I nodded while resting my arm. His pitch black eyes reflected my slightly flushed face.

That was my first off campus meeting with Gong Xu.

For that meeting, I practiced practicing my most beautiful smile in front of the mirror, searching for the best angle, opening the wardrobe and flipping through all my clothes, searching for the most beautiful one.

I was so troubled and so happy that in the end, I even wore a school uniform to meet Gong Xu.

When I saw Gong Xu wearing the same school uniform shirt, all the worries and anxieties disappeared.

The light in the aquarium is dim, and the lights in the water blur the entire aquarium like a fantasy world.

In front of the jellyfish exhibition hall, I looked up at the beautiful jellyfish in the water and whispered, "Actually... I didn't plan on wearing a school uniform."

"Well, so am I." He stood beside me, his voice deep and gentle.

I turned to look at him, his eyes were deep, jellyfish swimming back and forth in his eyes - the shadows reflected in his eyes.

He is also looking at me.

When I looked back at him, he happened to be looking at me.

"Hmm..." My hands were tightly held together, feeling extremely nervous. This kind of atmosphere makes me want to tell him how I feel at this moment.

"Ah!" He reached out and pointed to the front, "Wedding dress.""What?" I hesitated for a moment and turned my head to look in the direction he was pointing.

That is a white jellyfish, as if wearing a pure white veil, just like the wedding dress on the bride's body.

"Really!" I lay on the glass wall and looked at those beautiful jellyfish with Gong Xu.

I really had a great time that day. Gong Xu outside the school is completely different from the one inside. He looked at the beautiful fish in the aquarium, his eyes shining like light.

He loves everything related to water, and he also loves those elves who live in water. He patiently told me about the names and characteristics of those fish.

On the way back, he specially took out a big red apple in a fresh-keeping bag from his bag and handed it to me. The cautious and particularly shy appearance seemed to have hesitated for a long time before finally gathering the courage to do this.

He said, "Here you are, it's delicious. It's already washed clean!"

I still remember the taste of that big red apple, with its crispy and tender flesh that was sweet and slightly sour, which is my favorite flavor.

At that time, as I kept lowering my head and biting into the apple, I kept thinking all the way, did Gong Xu like me a bit, just like me?

Or is it just because I said I wanted to learn diving, that he regarded me as a friend with common interests?

After all, when we were on campus, we rarely spoke. Most of the time, it was me who was looking at him, at the scenery outside the window.

That night, I had a dream that I went to the beach with Gong Xu. A huge sunset hangs over the sea, dyeing it a magnificent orange red color. I stood by the seaside with him, quietly watching the sunset.I turned around to look at him, and he happened to be looking at me.

I said many, many things to him, chattering like a noisy little sparrow. He just smiled, just listened, and then gently said to me, "Me too.".

Are you too?

You, like me, have been tossing and turning for this meeting, worrying about what clothes to wear, practicing facial expressions, postures, and even breathing rhythms during the meeting. Do you want to practice your heartbeat repeatedly?

However, the time hidden in the cracks of time, in front of desks, and secretly passing through ginkgo leaves is slowly becoming old.

Cicadas still chirped outside the window, the air conditioning sent out cold wind, and the sour and sweet taste of apples still lingered in my lips and teeth. I reached out to cover my eyes, tears overflowing from my fingers.

I choked up. These beautiful memories have become so lonely and sad because one of them is gone, that every time I recall them a little, tears flow down my face and I can't help but feel sad.

Gong Xu, Gong Xu, I like you!

How great it would be if you told me "you too" in the aquarium!

Otherwise, I won't be able to tell you this sentence until you die.

Gong Xu, do you know?

I like you, but I have never told you about it.