
He has descended - Revamped

What happens when the one who trained all heroes, gets his wish at last Follow as our protagonist given never before seen shortcomings fights through them to make something out of himself. He is helped by his companions he finds during his adventures, his parents and his teachers. He meets tragedies overcomes them and grows in the process, growing stronger step by step, one punch at a time Please note that i am the same author for He has descended. For some reason i was locked out of my account had to start the story afresh.

Kingoftimepass_1 · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 27: The test 3

Kush was surprised at the movement of the boulder. The boulder was really heavy, even the metal orcs will not be able to push it, but if 500 odd orcs work together, it might be different issue altogether. Kush knew he did not have a lot of time, but with his battered body he could pretty much do nothing but wait for them to arrive. He waited for a few more minutes in the same posture so as to not disturb Snoopy, all the bones and muscle sinews in his body were hurting, his fingers were shaking, "Was it fatigue? was it death? Was it fear? Or worse yet, was it the fear of dying like the people of the village, butchered and violated before actually being killed" he thought to himself. Powerlessness was coursing through his body, he then remembered what the guard had done to his family, how he had killed his family. "Brrrr…" he shook his head multiple times "Not yet, not ever" he said, as he used his bloodied hand to slap his cheek and balling it into a fist hit his chest. He atleast had an hour before they figure how to push the boulder away, till then he had to take a power nap and re-energize himself, he slept for about quarter of an hour, before the rock started moving. The weight of the boulder rubbing against the rim of the cave meant a large amount of noise was being made even when it shook. "UNnnnnghhh…" slipped out his mouth as he stretched his well-developed body, but highly dehydrated body, with exemplified muscles would have been any woman's or man's wet dream, sans the cuts or stab wounds or axe slashing wounds or blunt weapon wounds of-course. The movement of it bed and noise from the boulder rubbing against the rim of the cave entrance, woke the dog from its sleep as well. Not like it needed the sleep; "Woof" it barked, as it used its cute black eyes to look at its master. "I know Snoopy; you'll have to come with me now. Haah…" he said and then pulled out the deer skin he peeled off of the carcass from before. He fashioned a pouch out of it and tied it to his back. He placed Snoopy in the pouch. Used the rest of the deer skin to fashion a holster for his black axe. It was difficult to stove it when he needed to use another weapon, but axe had to perform another function than that of a weapon, it was to protect Snoopy on his back. Cause he could not guarantee he would not get hurt on his back and he was sure for some reason that nothing could break through his axe he did not know why he was so sure and for some reason he did not care. Once he was ready, he put his left hand on the ground and pushed, he then brought his right foot nearer to himself and together they pushed him up and using the support of the wall, he stood up, putting most of his weight on his left leg. Orcs were still unable to budge the boulder from its place "Looks like I gave them to much credit. Heh… pipsqueaks" he said as he was still bleeding from everywhere. The pools and trails of blood he had created all over the battle field would have killed anyone hundred times over but, for some reason he was still alive and ready for battle.

He placed his hands against the boulder "Hmm… feels really empty entering a battle without the axe" he thought "But…" he thought about times he spent with Snoopy, how they had spent their winters cuddled together when they were trying to beat the cold, how the dog never ate before him, how he comforted him in those hungry winters when all small animals would hibernate or when they used the coconut shells to play ball, how when no human ever wanted to see him this dog had comforted him. He came back to himself and continued "But… saving Snoopy is more important. I will figure it out as things go". He then firmed himself up took a deep breath. He put a little strength in his hand and pushed, not hard enough to fling it off but just enough to roll it on the 6 orcs and the metal orcs who were pushing the boulder "Heh-heh, dumbasses" he said, as he continued pushing and rolling it over them as the boulder crushed the seven pig faced men, their organs and blood squeezed out their bodies like red toothpaste being squeezed out of its tube, like paste it stuck to the ground in a semi liquid form. Kush and picked up the boulder and threw it among a nearby unit of orcs. The boulder itself took care of 10 more orcs. Kush picked up the slightly bent metal axe from metal orc's flattened carcass, he then plunged into the battle field like a warlock after orc blood "AAAAAAAAAA…". The scream sent shiver down orcs' spines as he went along the with the slaughter splitting the orcs in halves, splitting flood of orc blood, it was after he was done with another 12 when three metal arrows came towards him one from the back and two from the front. Kush ignored the one in the back and parried the two in the front "Unnghh…" slipped his mouth when his injured limbs were exposed to the explosive power of the arrows, he noticed the axe in hand had been dented. He picked up a stone axe and continued with his slaughter, his injured shoulder meant he couldn't throw arrows, but the axe was still bearable, he destroyed the skulls of orcs in his path one by one. The force was so much that the axes which the orcs had been using their whole lives was being destroyed every second crushing of skull. Instead of parrying the arrows now Kush now took the approach of guiding the arrows away from himself, he made sure never to be hit by one of the metal orcs or metal archers and his chainmail took care of the attacks from stone orcs. Things were going fine for about 2 hours, He had taken care of 107 ordinary orcs and 1 metal orc. The remaining 15 orcs were finding it difficult to injure him. At that time three metal rocs decided to surround him from the front, while all 8 metal archers started firing from locations of elevation, trying to find a chink in the absolute impenetrable offense of this monster. Kush knew stone axes were a waste of time in front of this line up so he started running away, from the clearing where this fight was occurring to the forest. The other metal orcs then entered the fray trying to prevent the escape of the bastard Kush managed to overpower the ordinary orcs before they could reach him. Kush them limpingly started running in the forest cover, the awesome vision of the metal archers followed him for a 10 km, but soon they lost him.

"Haah… haah…" Kush was taking deep breaths to relieve his fatigue sitting at the bottom of a tree, thinking fast. He had sorted the matter of protecting his back now he just needed to heal and recharge. He knew it was only a matter of time the before the orcs find him, soon in a few minutes a stone arrow came and hit him across the side of his temple and was smashed to dust, Kush's head jolted from the impact. If not for powerful neck and tough skull this would have been it, things turned dark for a moment, but only for a moment, as the light was back on, his body was falling to the right, he was unable to register what was happening to him for a moment, to him it seemed like time had slowed and things were moving up, by the time his shoulder hit the ground, "Thuk" came the muffled sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. No one could hear it, cause the person in question had lost his hearing temporarily and attackers were far away. Just as the shoulder hit the ground his head shook again at his neck, shaking his brain. The world had turned silent and saliva was flowing down his lips 'tip' came the noise as another drop of saliva fell in the small puddle below his face. In a few seconds he started registering again what he was seeing. A few dozen ordinary orcs were headed his way. Kush, licked the end of his lips to suck up the saliva flowing down his face, puts his palm on the ground in an attempt to push himself up. He realized that he could not put any strength in his arm and that, even his left leg was not listening to him. The orcs a few km away were rushing to shorten the distance between the two, the archers shooting arrows at Kush and hitting his body with every shot, without any strength resisting them, Kush's body was slipping around on the ground at every hit of the arrow. Initially the hits were not hurting, but slowly they started to hurt, he could hear the arrow screech through air, rustle through leaves and rampage through barks, strength was returning to him. He slammed his open palm against the ground and pushed himself backwards. He still could not ball a fist nor could he run properly, he was still limping, but it was worse this time. His speed slowed down a lot, tripping a few times on rock and roots, he rolled on the ground and continued running. Slowly he was able to form a grip. When an arrow came by him, he grabbed it and turned around. He parried the other incoming arrows using. He then rushed towards the orcs now, and took care of them while letting a few slip away. "Shit" he cursed as he strode out to find another hiding place, when a metal arrow was flying towards him through the air. He brought out his dagger and deflected the incoming arrow, the cold eyes of the metal archer on seeing shot another three arrows at him and also launched a signal arrow in the air to announce his location. "Dammit" he cursed again, the cut in his palm was deepening every time he deflected the blow, when another metal arrow came from the back and "THUNK" hit the black axe squarely sending Kush flying in air about a meter above the ground for a distance of 10 m where running speedily from the front appears a metal orc who swings his axe at Kush. Kush turned his body to take the hit on his back which send him flying again, another metal orc was approaching him there, he dropped to the ground on his back to the take the vertical strike of the metal orc. 'BOOM' came the sound as the wind was driven out of Kush's lungs, he lunged forward and pulled out his dagger and pushed it in the metal orc's crotch "SQueallll…" screamed the metal orc as his axe dropped from his hand, Kush opened up the orc with his foot-long dagger starting from his groin all the way up to its neck and let the contents fall. He picked up the axe and went into a rampage again, the hit to the temple had impacted his movement visibly, also his fatigue was piling up incrementally. Finally, a metal arrow managed to impale his left leg thigh muscles. The toughness of the muscles meant it could not pierce through but still managed to plunge 4 cm in his thigh "Fuck!!!" he screamed, he still did not stop. Seeing a hill at a distance he made his way forward and killing through the horde of orcs as much as he could, deflecting arrows as much as he could, trying to survive as much as he could. Right he had a hole in his shoulders, a hole in his stomach, a slash across his back, his right leg calf muscles were shorn through, left thigh muscles were impaled and his left palm had a cut perpendicular to his finger, preventing him from grabbing things properly. Till now he had managed to destroy a little more than 200 orcs and 2 metal orcs. The axe in his hand had become dented all over from deflecting the metal arrows. He managed to reach the hill and used it to protect his back as he continued killing orc after orc. He was now beginning to understand the powerful vitality of orcs and why people feared them. Right now he was half conscious, destroying incoming orcs and deflecting any dangerous arrows and allowing a few non-dangerous arrows to pass through. He was like a sitting duck for archers as they were simply trying their marksmanship, good news for Kush was that the axe wielders' numbers were dwindling… fast… as they simply came in to be grinded by the meat cutter ushered in by the metal orcs and metal archers, the pressure on Kush was reducing as the close to 190 orcs were slaughter and his movements considerably slowed… Suddenly one of the incoming metal arrows instead of having a pointed arrow head had a blunt rock instead tied to it, Kush's already dented axe on taking the hit could not deflect it properly and arrow continued in its path and hit him squarely in the cheeks again almost knocking him out, his already jelly legs gave out as he went along the path of arrow, the toe of his right leg was still touching the ground as he was lifted right off, he turned his face to let the arrow go on in its path and then stomped his left foot on the ground again and bent his back forward, he bent his knee, pulled hand back, his eye white cause his pupils had slipped up in his eye lid, his skin entirely covered in blood, he screamed "AAAAAAAA…" blood in his throat meant his voice was utterly guttural. He looked like a blood demon to the orcs, this one shout scared the orcs shitless and they stopped where they were. The whole chaotic battlefield went silent, so that you could hear the rustling of leaves when wind passed by. Some of the orcs including the metal orcs took a step back as if to run, a first time for them. But Kush was far too gone to realise this and screamed again "AAAAAA…", the orcs who were running back were some more and started taking a few more steps back "AAAAAA… AAAAAA… AAAAAA…". It was now, one by one the metal orcs were starting to realize, this guy was long gone and then one metal archer let an arrow through which struck Kush square in the chest just a little above the previous arrow stab wound, it went in about 2 cm and flung Kush away and as he crashed against the hill, his feet about 2 ft above the ground. Slowly Kush's body slid down the slope to the foot of the hill and he became immobile. A metal orc approached Kush's body slowly and carefully, when it saw the battered zombie-esque body, a chill ran down its spine, it lifted the axe to finish the job when a small figure jumped out from the behind battered body. The sudden movement scared the metal orc, as he fell on his butt.

"woof woof woof" it the small pug Snoopy barking at the the giant orcs. He seemed like a rat to the gigantic orcs standing before him, but undaunted it barked "woof woof woof" the metal orc which had fallen on it ass on seeing the dog got angry. It stomped its feet in front of the dog to scare it, but the dog had though scared stood its ground "woof woof woof" it went. The metal orc opened its dirty disgusting mouth and at the dog and screamed at it "AAA…". Snoopy' s legs became weak and from fear, scared it still stood its ground and went "woof woof woof". This pissed the orc off as it kicked the dog heavily. Snoopy on being hit flew off the ground and crashed into the hill about 5m above it foot. Slowly like a bug on windshield, Snoopy's body slid down the slope of the hill. When it reached the foot, in front of surprised eyes of the orcs it once again stood up in front of its master and barked "Woof…" but couldn't utter any further. This pissed off the metal orc once again, as it kicked the dog away. Snoopy on being hit once again hit the same spot and then slid down the slope of the hill. When it reached the foot, of the hill, it stood up once again and stood in front of Kush. The pissed off orc once again kick the dog and saw it hit the same location follow the same trail down and then stand back up again. "Impossible!! A simple kick from me will split open an elephant let alone this tiny pug" the orc thought and "how the fuck is it alive??!!!". Once again it kicked the dog into the hill, the dog followed the same trail of blood down the hill. This time it was not able to stand on all its four only the front two legs, but like doing a push up the dog got up on its front two legs and slowly dragged its body for about half a foot and tried to bark "Arrff…" at a very low amplitude. The metal orc's eyes became bloodshot from anger as it raised its foot to stomp the dog to death, Snoopy did not close its eyes it just looked its master with a smile waiting for its impending death which would happen in a fraction of a second.

As all this was happening a large pair of translucent half open ancient yellow eyes about 500 m in diameter appeared in the sky above them, though for some reason nobody could it. "Father said he would come to this planet, which was why I waited for so long, sigh… the time almost fit too. I was too excited cause the kid's progress, it seems destiny still has something in store for me. Though that dog seems a bit unusual, I have never anything like it…". As the eye lids were closing on the yellow eyes, it stopped midway, it opened wide at the scene it was seeing as if it was shocked by how the vents were unfolding.

A couple of minutes ago, when the arrow hit the Kush's jaws, his consciousness entered the scenery of an extremely large island with a huge black mountain jutting from its middle. The island was weird in the sense that more than half of it jet black and the other half was like the perfect picture of a small village cattle, farms and all the stuff. Weirdly again there was just one huge mansion in it. Right now in front of him was a supremely beautiful woman, she had the most perfect of breasts, sexiest of waist, shapeliest of ass but he did not feel the slightest of sexual urge of seeing her, just pure love and dependency, like a child would have to his mother. It was an unfamiliar yet familiar feeling, it was warm feeling, he liked it so much that did not want to go back, but he realized this was not the truth cause the woman was teaching him something as if this not their first meeting. The woman seemed familiar for some reason, Kush did not know why he really wanted to but for some reason he did not care. At the end the woman said to him "Remember Kush…" he zoned out during the warning as he thought "how does she know my name?" when he came to he heard her say "… only once. Got it?" she said as she had the pointer finger out pointing upwards, like emphasising the one.

Outside in the battlefield, the metal orc's foot was coming down on Snoopy with the force of a mountain. Was looking at his master with a smile plastered on his face, suddenly his smile disappeared and his eye opened wide. He had expected to die trying to protect his master, this would have been a futile but a fulfilling way to die, but he saw his master jump towards it.

Kush jumped towards Snoopy and covered him with his own body, coming in between the massive foot of the orc and Snoopy. "Wham" the foot of the metal orc fell on Kush's back. Kush was on all three, covering Snoopy. Snoopy on seeing his master had tears flowing down his cheek "Kuuu…" the dog cried slowly. Kush pushed his left hand to force the Orc's leg up. The metal orc fell on its butt stunned out of it mind, but was now fuming with rage. He used his axe to finish off Kush. Kush ducked and rolled out the way and had his back against the hill. Seeing Kush up again, all the relaxed orcs rose up in attention. Kush placed Snoopy down and brought out Tanka. "As I thought, no matter how tired or broken I am, nothing can replace you" he said to the black axe. He then lifted up the black axe in and kept it horizontal to the ground and slashed it horizontally in air touching nothing in the swing. But as he moved his axe in a horizontal slash, a golden light was emitted from the axe. The light was about 20 m thick above the ground and it went out in the shape of an arc parallel to the ground whose radius kept on increasing endlessly. Whatever came in its path was obliterated, leaving nothing behind. All the gore, goo, blood, trees, rock, boulders and of course the orcs were obliterated to extinction. A huge arc was formed on the ground with Kush as the centre and radius of 20 km. nothing was left, only a giant patch of barren land.

Strength: 2600

Speed: 900

Agility: 250

Regen: 5004

Magic Regen: 16209

Toughness: 2703


1. Heavy Swing

2. Dodge

3. Horizontal Slash

4. ???