
He Doesn't Want To Loose Her

Sadie Parker has been in love with her best friend Zach Simpson for years. But to Zach they are just best friends. After Zach tells Sadie he has found the one she decides it's time for her to move on. In comes Haden Anders, who has an up hill battle to win Sadie's heart. After Zach sees Sadie with Haden and sees that she is actually interested in this man he starts to panic. Unbeknownst to Sadie he has also been secretly in love with her too. He has always been scared to try to be more than friends with her. He never wanted to risk losing her as a friend. But now he must decide if he is willing to let her go or to be the man of her dreams. And Sadie must decide on which man will win her heart in the end. This is this authors first time writing a story. Please don't be too hard on me.

Jami_Anderson · Urban
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7 Chs

5 Their First Date

Zach burst into laughter as he told Sadie that Roses face was so funny and cute when she ran into him that he couldn't help himself and just had to ask for her number. "So when did you ask out Rose for a date?" asked Sadie curiously. "I called her that night! I couldn't wait to get to know her better. You know me if someone can get a reaction from me I just have this need to get to know them right away." laughed Zach. "I asked her out for the next night. Sadie it was one of the best dates ever. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my entire life." Zach began to think back as he told Sadie all about it.

Zach picked Rose up promptly at six that night. He took her to one of his favorite diners in town named Sills. Sills was an old fashioned diners where you can get the best Hamburgers and shakes out there. The waitress led them to a booth and took their drink orders. After she returned with their drinks she took their order for the food and left. Zach picked up his straw and was starting to take the paper off the straw. He didn't take it all the way off and rolled the end of the paper into a small ball. He took the other end of the straw and blew on it. The paper went flying off and hit Rose smack dab in the forehead! Zach began to laugh as Rose said "Hey! You just wait I'll get you back!" and Rose began to do the same thing with her straw. When she blew on the straw instead of hitting Zach it flew across the room and hit some lady in the head! Rose was mortified and quickly ducked down. Zach sat there and laughed and laughed. The bad thing was the lady didn't realize she had a the paper stuck in her hair! The whole time they were at the diner this poor lady had this paper stuck in her hair. Every time the would look over at the poor lady they both would burst out laughing!

Once they were done with dinner Zach took Rose ice skating. Zach wanted to show off his skills but didn't stop to think that maybe Rose wasn't that good at ice skating. So most of the time Zach had to hold her hand and escort her around the ring. He didn't mind that one bit either. He just had the best excuse to hold her hand for the first time. Soon Rose started to get the hang of it and said "Hey! Look at me Zach! I'm skating all by myself now! I really didn't think that I would be able to do that. Zach turned around and said "Your doing great. Keep up the good work." Just as he said that Rose slipped and fell right on her butt into a small puddle. As she stood up again she was so embaresed. If someone where to look at her butt they would think that she had just peed her pants. Zach just laughed and told her "Its ok. Who cares if you looked like you peed yourself as long as you are having fun. That is all that matters."

After they finished ice skating it was time to take Rose home for the night. As he walked Rose to the door he was still trying to decided if he was going to kiss her good night or not. When Rose said "I really had a great time. Even though I embarrassed myself several times I still enjoyed myself. You made me feel safe and that I could be myself. That hasn't happened for me in a really long time. Do you know what I mean? Zach answered " I know what you mean. I felt like I could be myself with you too. The only other person who ever makes me feel that way is my best friend Sadie. She and I grew up together and honestly we are more like brother and sister then just friends. Our famlies are always doing things together. Sorry I probably shouldn't talk to you about another woman. Its just she means a lot to me. I would like to go out again; but anyone that I date needs to understand that Sadie will always be apart of my life. If you can't get along with her then there will be no us." "I can understand and really don't have a problem with that. In fact I would like to meet this girl that means so much to you." So do you think we could go out again another time?" Rose asked nervously. "I would love too. How about tomorrow?" He asked. Rose laughed and said "I was hoping you would ask that so of course I can go out tomorrow." Zach then made up his mind. He slowly moved in closer to her and started to lean his face closer to her. Soon their lips touched. It was a sweet and soft kiss that ended a little too soon. But Zach was a gentalman and wasnt going to push things with them too fast.

As Zach was just about to finish telling Sadie this story. He took Rose's hand and looked into her eyes lovingly. This is why I haven't been keeping in touch as much. We have been on a date every night since then. "Oh I see how much I mean to you!" Rose jokingly said. Zach looked at Rose after she said that and could see that she was joking. He just smiled and continued to hold Rose's hand. "Hey Zach! Your hogging up all of Sadies time. Why don't you let some of her other friends hang out with her too! said Meela Anders as she walked up and took Sadies hand and started to drag her away. She is one of Sadies best girl friends. As Meela dragged Sadie away She couldn't help looking back at Zach and seeing him drag Rose out onto the dance floor. For some reason she couldn't get this bad feeling out of the pit of her stomach. As Zach told her about their first date Sadie couldn't help but be a little hurt.

Have you ever had a huge heart break similar to this? You can leave me your thoughts anytime. I would love to hear them. If you think I can change anything let me know. Everyone please be safe.

Jami_Andersoncreators' thoughts