
He Doesn't Want To Loose Her

Sadie Parker has been in love with her best friend Zach Simpson for years. But to Zach they are just best friends. After Zach tells Sadie he has found the one she decides it's time for her to move on. In comes Haden Anders, who has an up hill battle to win Sadie's heart. After Zach sees Sadie with Haden and sees that she is actually interested in this man he starts to panic. Unbeknownst to Sadie he has also been secretly in love with her too. He has always been scared to try to be more than friends with her. He never wanted to risk losing her as a friend. But now he must decide if he is willing to let her go or to be the man of her dreams. And Sadie must decide on which man will win her heart in the end. This is this authors first time writing a story. Please don't be too hard on me.

Jami_Anderson · Urban
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7 Chs

2 Picking up Sadie

Zach arrived at Sadie's house on time as usual. Zach knew how much Sadie liked to be on time to things. It really annoyed her when she was late to things. It was one of her biggest pet peeves! It was rude to show up late. To her it was a sign of respect to others when you are on time. She hated having to wait for others when they were late. She felt it was a waste of her time and she could be doing something else. So Zach knew he better be on time to pick her up.

Sadie was the first friend he made when he moved here with his family when he was thirteen years old. This was one friendship he cherished more then any other friendship. He so wanted them to be more than friends but he was so scared to take a chance. He was so afraid that if things went wrong he would lose her and he didn't want to take that chance. He loved her so much and she meant everything to him.

He did have a lot of girlfriends but they just couldn't compare to Sadie. So they were very short lived romances. In fact his longest relationship was for three months. Sadie had also dated a few men through the years and they always ended in heart ache. He was always there for her when they came to the end. He would let her cry on his shoulder and would always find a way to cheer her up. This was also something Sadie always did for him too. Every time he broke up with a girl she was by his side.

Zach walked to the door and knocked and waited for someone to answer the door. Mrs. Parker answered the door and welcomed Zach in. "Hello Zach. Long time no see. How have you been?" "Oh I have been doing really good." "That's good to hear. Sadie tells me that you have been really busy with your new job." "Oh yes I have been. I haven't had much time to hangout with Sadie because of it. We just got a new Client and my boss wants me to take the lead and present some new ideas for their products." Zach got a job in advertising right after he graduated from college. His boss has been so impressed with his ideas that he decided to let him be the lead for this client. Everyone was envious of him. His boss has never let some newbie take the lead before. "Wow that is quite impressive!" exclaimed Mrs. Parker. Well, I better let Sadie know that you are here." She yelled to the top of the stairs "Sadie dear Zach's here to pick you up." "Ok mom, Please tell Zach I will be right down, I just need to put on my shoes." Sadie yelled. Mrs. Parker turned to Zach and said "You heard her. She'll be down in just a moment. You two have yourselves a good time tonight. Oh and Zach thank you for throwing this birthday party for her." She gave Zach a big hug and left the room to go and get her camera. She had always took a picture of Sadie on her birthday and they always had Zach in them since she turned fourteen. It was tradition and she wasn't going to miss this year either.

Zach watched the stairs in eager anticipation to see Sadie. As Sadie came around the corner and started to descend down the stairs Zach saw her. She took his breath away! He was so speechless with how beautiful she looked. He noticed she wore his favorite dress and her beautiful long hair was down. Whenever her hair was down he couldn't resist touching it. It was always so soft and lovely. He hated when she wore her hair up. Not that she wasn't beautiful with her hair up, he just couldn't run his hands through her hair as easily.

As Sadie got the bottom of the stairs she asked Zach "So what do you think?" Zach was still struggling to get his voice back to answer her. He just stared at her until he cleared his throat and said "You are stunning tonight my friend! So beautiful!" He took her hand in his and gave it a short kiss. As he kissed her hand his eyes stared directly into her eyes. Sadie about lost her balance at that look. It made heart race and weak in the knees. Oh how she loved this man! She knew she needed to calm down so she took a quick big breath.

Mrs. Parker came back in the room with her camera and said "Oh Sadie you look as lovely as ever!" and quickly gave her a hug and a kiss. "Wow how my daughter has grown up to be such a beautiful young lady. I still remember you being such a little baby, but look at you now!" she explained with tears in her eyes. "Mom! Please don't cry! If you cry then I will cry and we can't have that. My eyes will be all puffy and red for our pictures." Sadie exclaimed! "Oh yes we wouldn't want that. Enough of that. Ok you two; you know the drill, line up so I can take your pictures." Sadie stood on the bottom stair and got a picture taken of just her first and then Zach stood next to her. He put his arm around her and pulled her close to him and they both smiled for the pictures.

It was time to leave for the party. She told her mom that it was time to go and said a quick goodbye. Zach offered his arm to Sadie and said "Shall we?" Sadie took his arm and let Zach escourt her to his car. Zach opened the car door for her. When he was sure she was settled in the car and was ready to go he shut the door and walked around to get into the drivers seat. He said "Are you ready to go to the best birthday party ever?" "Of course!" she exclaimed. And they were off to her party. She was so excited to see what Zach had in store for her party! She could hardly wait to get there!