
He's only mine

Elsa is the daughter of a mafia leader, everyone was afraid of her and god help the one who disrespect her. She's fearless, heartless, controlling, quite brave and of course beautiful but she doesn't know what's love. She never loved anyone she was never jealous she hated boys she thought they're bastards that use women for their body. Everything changes when Jack moves in town, when he transfers in her school and makes Elsa feel things she never felt. He was nice, respectful, handsome and he was mysterious and different. hat will happen when they meet? What will Elsa do when she relizes his the one she wants? When she realizes that Jack's only hers and will kill everyone who tries taking him away. !!!After you finish season 1, go over to season 2! it's COMPLETED!!! WARNING +18 Please be advised that this story contains mature themes, sexual themes,violence and strong language!

lustfulsuprises · Teen
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45 Chs

Chapter 16

Jack:*rushes to the front desk looking worried*witch room is Elsa Winter in?

Nurse:let me check*starts looking on her computer*what you're relationship with her if you don't mind me asking?

Jack:I'm her boyfriend*looking at her impatiently* please hurry up...

Nurse:*widens her eyes*aahh yes she kept saying your name none stop*looks at him*she's in room 9

Jack: so I have been told...thank you*rushes there as fast as he can and gets inside without knocking*baby?...

Elsa:*looks towards the door as her knee  and neck are bandaged*jack.... *coughs and winches in pain but tries not to show it*

Doctor:you have 10 minutes then she needs to rest and sleep of course*looking at Jack *

Elsa: don't forget who I am doc *looks at him*he is staying with me and that's final*glares at him *

Doctor: *widens his eyes instantly nodding*r-right... You can stay as long as you want *he walks away out *

Elsa:come here hold my hand... *looks at him begging him with a bit teary eyes*please...

Jack:I'm here babygirl*walks to her and holds her hand while sitting down and kissing it *wanna tell me what happened....?

Elsa:I did my job I killed the gangs, you know the ones flynn said then as I was driving home I got a call and the guy said that he will kill you that he has you.... I lost it and didn't pay attention to the road, then they hit me from the side and I ended up crashing... *starts crying*i thought he was going to hurt you I thought you were going to be dead...

Jack:you crashed and you could've died but you worry about me.. You are really different and just crazy..*sighs and kisses her hand*rest for now baby

Elsa:I wanna go home.. *looks at him while pouting*please... I fucking hate hospitals

Jack:let me talk to the doctor... I need to make sure you can leave *goes to stand up*

Elsa:fuck him just take me*looks at Jack and pouts lifting her arms up wanting him to pick her up*pick me up just don't move my leg and neck

Jack: fine I'll listened to you once again but if I see the need to come back to the hospital I am dragging you back here*chuckles and picks her up carefully*

Elsa:*rolls her eyes while wrapping her arms around his neck*fineeeee...

*30 minutes later at Jack's house*

Jack:*places her on his bed slowly and carefully*how's that.. ?

Elsa:*groans*god.... I can't move my neck*rips the bandage off her neck, making Jack notice how swolen it it but she doesn't care and just cracks it* aghhh!

Jack:don't move it! *holds her head still *don't make me take you back in the hospital*looks at her witch concern*

Elsa:okay*smiles and laughs*im okay don't worry...but can you undress me please... *blushes kinda looking away*

Jack:yeah*sits next to her and helps her sit up then slowly slides her shirt off her as she has just her bra and has few cuts on her chest and belly*elsa....

Elsa:I'm okay baby *smiles not moving her neck *will it make you feel better if you take care of it...?

Jack:yes much better *stands up taking the alcohol wipes and walks to her but first unclips her bra taking it away*

Elsa:*blushes*jack~~*blushes and goes to cover her breasts*you can't just do that you idiot~

Jack:Elsa no*holds her hands down and starts wiping her cuts *nothing I haven't seen*rolls his eyes a bit*

Elsa:*winches whenever he touches a cut but still has a blush on her face*shit...

Jack:*finsihes after few minutes*god... I hate seeing you like this..it hurts me even more when you pretend that it doesn't hurt...

Elsa: you are such a baby*rolls her eyes then smirks and looks at him*kiss them~*chuckles and bites her lip*

Jack:*looks at her suprised but then he smiles* of course you would say that*chuckles and leans in kissing every single cut, looks at her and softly starts kissing her neck trying to be as gentle as possible*

Elsa:*moans and glups in pleasure and a bit of pain in the same time*shit Jack not the time to make me horny~

Jack:*chuckles*sorry*smiles and walks to his closet taking one of his shirts then carefully putting it on her and laying her down*lets take the leggings off*chuckles and slowly slides her leggings down and kisses her bandaged knee*do you want pants?

Elsa:no I'm okay like this *smiles looking at him as she yawns looking sleepy *

Jack:*notices and smiles* sleep baby you need as much rest as you can get...I'll be here but unfortunately I can't hold you..

Elsa:I know... *looks away sad and falls asleep after he kissed her head and covers her up*

*few hours later *

Elsa:*wakes up by the sound of a girl talking as she groans sitting up*god dammit of course girls go and throw themselves at him when I can't kick their butts! *yells but winches holding her neck*JACK?!

Jack:*runs inside as soon as he hears her*are you okay what happened?! And why the hell are you yelling?!*runs to her*

Elsa:*ignores all the questions he asked*I said don't talk to girls... *glares at him* who the hell is down stairs?..

Jack:*laughs and strokes her cheek*its just Hailey, don't worry to much... --

Hailey:* in the same time he walks in*hey I came to visit I'm sorry that this happened to you and I hope you get better as fast as possible* walks and stands close to Jack *

Elsa:thanks for visiting, I guess sorry for worrying you and I know I'll sound rude but don't touch my boyfriend* grabs Jack's hand holding it *

Jack:*laughs totally expecting this from Elsa and then he looks at Hailey*she is just a little bit to much jealous*laughs*

Hailey:I can tell*chuckles*dont worry I won't steal him forever maybe just an hour what do you say Jack let's go shopping for food and make Elsa something to eat while she rests?

Jack:that's a great idea*nods looking at Hailey and then he looks at Elsa*can I go? I'll make you anything you want.. ~

Elsa:*rolls her eyes being jealous as hell*fine but don't touch him *glares are Hailey*and I want chicken with salad and fries, all that with wine and after that I want desert first I'll have a cake of your choosing then I want you~

Hailey:*widens her eyes*ooohh shit~*laughs and walks out now feeling a bit jealous as well*

Jack:really elsa~! *blushes and let's go of her hand *why did you say that out loud? You will make things awkward~

Elsa:so what if I said it*chuckles and smirks grabbing his hand again and she kisses it *fucking neck if only I could move if~*looks at him up and down*the things I would do to you~

Jack:you are so fucking nasty~~*blushes rolling his eyes*im going now *chuckles and walks out but before he does he hears her laugh*

*1 hour later*

Flynn:*knocks and walks in Elsas room,looking at her with a bit of worry in his eyes*how are you?...

Elsa:*groans*im bored I can't move and my boyfriend isn't here!? How do you think I am?!

Flynn:*laughs*jack will be up here in 15 minutes they're cooking with Hailey and god is she good *smirks *they look cute both working together and talking and laughing*smirks teasingly*

Elsa:Flynn??!!!! *throws a pillow at him*fuck you! Go tell jack to hurry *looks away jealous and angry *

Flynn:I'm going*laughs giving her the pillow that she threw then goes down stairs*

*30 minutes later*

Jack:*walks upstairs with the chicken fries and wine as he puts it on her lap after helping her sit up*

Elsa:*ignoring him as she starts eating*

Jack:baby~*chuckles*are you really mad *chuckles and kisses her head*srop getting jealous were just friends

Elsa;Mhm sure~~*rolls her eyes continuing to eat*

Jack:how can I make it up to you~*smirks and ateokes her hair*

Elsa:*chuckles and smirks softly*i want you to give me a massage then I'll eat both my deserts~

Jack:done*chuckles*ill be my pleasure~

Elsa:*smirks and nods biting her lip, then she starts eating faster while getting lost in thoughts*

Jack:*whispers to himself* you are really one of a kind~

*few minutes later when she eats everything that was on the plate and that he made*

Elsa:come on let me see ehat you got~ oops I mean feel~*chuckles and bites her lip impatiently*

.....To be continued....