
He's my Monster

A friendly girl from the not so friendly family meats this monster. He was originally going to kill her but after seeing her situation he puts petty on the girl and ends up adopting he and now she is learning about the world with eyes and not just words.

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Out the door

"where's the bathroom?" Lucy said because she never got a tour of the house.

"come with me I will show you" He said as he got up and started to walk to the bathroom. Lucy followed him to the bathroom and it turns out that the bathroom was the door right across from his bedroom. Lucy then went in the bathroom and started the water. She took a nice long steamy bath after half a hour had passed Lucy was still enjoying the really hot bath but she started to get tired so she rested her head on the edge of the tub and after a little bit she fell asleep.

After a nuther 30 minutes the monster desides to check up on the child. He knocks on the door and dose not get a response. He then knocks on the door again and called out to her.

"Aonani?"and he still had no response. He had no option but to go in now.

"Aonani I'm coming in" he said to worn her and he still got no response. The opened the door and he could see her dead asleep with her head halfway underwater to the point where she could not breath. The monster worried out of his mined quickly took Lucy out of the bathtub. He checked her pulls and she was still alive and after a sigh of relief because she was alive. He took her back to the bedroom. He then set her on the bed. Before he tucked her into bed her could not help but to realize that most of her chest was covered with scars. He didn't like the sight of seeing that and so he put the blanket over her quickly. He then left the room because he needed to do something.

After a while the little girl woke up again. She looked around the room and saw some clothes on the night stand beside the bed. It looked like clothes that would fit her. The shirt was a bit to big and the pants fit just right because there were strechy pants. Lucy also found a note with the clothes. It was from the monster. The note said

Hay kid I'm going to be gone for about a hour or two it might even take three hours but I just wanted to tell you. Foods in the fridge and don't go outside. I would have brought you with me but seeing you passed out in the tub made me change my mind.

The little girl struggled to read so the only thing she got out of the note was that there was food somewhere. So the girl went to the kitchen because even if she could not read it was in the refrigerator she still new that food was most likely to be found in the kitchen. It didn't take long for her to find the food. After eating the girl tryed to read the rest of the note but could not. She was behind in English by alot so eventually she gave up on reading it. She then got up and went to the front door. She was wondering what was out there and if the fog had cleared. She then opened the door and walked outside. It was still fogy and there was still a night sky. She was so confused it should be morning by now. She decided to walk through the thic fog to explore. she stayed on the side walk and made sure not to get off of it. After a little bit of walking down a the sidewalk blind as a bat because of the fag she ended up tripping. she went a little to far to the left and she fell on mulch. She had lost the sidewalk and tryed to find the feeling of being on concrete again but she soon ran into a poll. It was connected to a swing set. She didn't know what it was like to swing but she has watch kids do it before so she sat on a swing and start to swing on it. It was fun for a while but then she heard someone's voice. She stopped swinging and got up.

"hello?"she said not knowing that she just confirmed that she was there to the monster. she got scared because she heard the sound of something running around her. After the noice got a bit closer she started to run.

-at the house-

"Aonani I'm home" he said as he came in through a different door. He saw the note on the floor so he nee she was awake.

"Aonani? where are you" he said as he glanced around and as he passed by the living room and the kitchen he saw the front door wide open and it took him about 5 seconds to rush out the door. He closed the door behind him and because he was a monster it didn't take long for his eyes to adjust to be able to see through the fog somewhat.

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