
He's my Monster

A friendly girl from the not so friendly family meats this monster. He was originally going to kill her but after seeing her situation he puts petty on the girl and ends up adopting he and now she is learning about the world with eyes and not just words.

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38 Chs

New house.

As they arrived at the new house M was a little bit happier to see that they were telling the truth.

"So how many rooms are there" M asked at he looked up at the second floor from outside.

"Well there are 3 bedrooms,3 bathrooms, a livingroom that's not so living right now, a kitchen, a dinning room, and a extra randum room, oh and a bacesment and attic." Zane said as they made there way in.

"Cool but how did you guys even get it. you know that it's hard to get a house this big." M said.

"Well it's easy to when there's two people fighting one." Zack said. As they passed the living room they saw a dead body.

"don't worry we will clean that up before Lucy wakes up." Zane said. They all made there way up stairs.

"Meaning that you are the one taking care of us we are letting you pick the first room." Zack said just wanting to get on his good side.

"witch ones the master bedroom" M asked. Zane pointed to the door farthest in the hall on the right.

"You guys made sure this place was furnished right?" M asked.

"Well we got rid of a lot of stuff and only left the beds in the rooms." Zack said.

"ok. You two start cleaning up the body and I will be down in a second to help." M said and watched the two boys go down stairs. After they left M walked into the closes room to his and put Lucy on the bed and then kissed he on the forehead.

"Goodnight my little killer" M said because he new Lucy could not hear him. M then walked out of the bedroom. After he left the room Lucy sat up with her eyes wide open.

"Looks who's talking you murder" Lucy said because she new M could not hear her through the door. She then looked at the room she was in. The walls were a baby blue color and the bed she was laying on was a light, vary light green. So much that it almost looked white as the pellow. Lucy not being abill to walk without struggle got up anyway. She held her stumic and went to the closet and opened it. It was completely empty besides the dresser that was in it. She heard a ding from a corner of the closet and look that direction just to see a bright light. she got closer and saw that it was a phone. The phone had on long crack along the side of it but the rest of it was good. She slid her fingers across the phone to find that there was not password. The phone didn't even look like it had been used once because all he history was clear but the person just sighed in to the phone. Lucy being the kid she is just turned it off and grabbed the back the was peaking out from the corner from behind the dresser. It was the phone box and the charger was in it.


Do any of you know if I am aloud to link my discord on this app because I read the rules and I know I can but before I do I just want to know if I have to have permission

Sorry but stores don't exist in that world so this is the only way I could think to get her a phone

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