
Office suspicion

The cluttering of the beautiful vase seated on the table of the luxurious office made the faces of the workers pale. They sat murmuring between themselves wondering if they were all going to be fired like the previous workers..

Inside the office, Michael was fuming very hard. He could not describe the type of emotion that was corsing through him at the moment. Everything he worked for was at the brink of collapsing and he did not even know the cause. He had hired very experienced cyber officers, security and police officials but nothing had changed. His personal computer, his documents, bank accounts and dealings with prominent people were being hacked and his infromation made away with.

He was not the only one facing this problem in his company but his was probably the worst case of them all, this person surely had it for him. Michael fired all his staff thinking the culprit was lurking amongst them. After he had done that, the problems subsided and even stopped abruptly only to start being worse again

' Olivia, my office, now!' he shouted into the telecom. Olivia sauntered into the room shaking all over, their boss was not in his best times and anything, no matter how menial it was would cause your job

'Sir' she barely sounded audible as she stared at the back of the chair. Her boss turned and her heart missed a beat, he looked deadly and so serious, it terrified her to the core. Her boss was a very handsome man, but he always looked too serious. The company was actually passed down from his father but that was when it was only a small business, it became massive after he took over. Though he was still serious even then, he smiled once in a while. But no one could blame him, someone anonymous was seeing to it that his company collapsed.

' Have you contacted the police? he asked her without looking at her

' No sir, I will.....'

' No, do not contact anyone. Let's pretend everything is okay'

' But sir, the shipment has gone missing again, this being the third time not to talk of the plummeting sales due to the change in price we did not have any idea about, I am sorry sir, but we are plunging into hordes of debt.' she tattled

' You think I do not know. Just do as I have said. And one more thing, I think we need to lay off some of the workers. Bring me the list of all of them. And also, no one is to be allowed into my office when I am not around.

Olivia nodded and left the office.

Michael stared out his window feeling helpless which was not like him. He just did not know who to trust and who not to. He looked into the other companies facing the same problem but the patterns had nothing in common. The company had business dealings with some of them but that was during the time his father was still the chairman.

He picked up his keys and walked out the office ignoring how his workers were watching out of the corner of their eyes.

He did not go to his penthouse but went directly to his parents home. His mother had passed, his father lived with his butler and a maid.

Michael parked his car and walked into the house glumly, his father was outside talking to a man he was not particularly familiar with.

' Mark' he called him

His father, Mr. Mark Davidson turned and smiled at his son oblivious to his situation at the company. Michael had decided it was best not to tell his father because he was not in the best of health.

' Did you forget I was alive' he said with no hint of humor

' I have been busy' he replied bowing his head slightly to the visitor.

This is my friend, Jacob, he owns Hughson shipping company. They used to work with us.

Michael had actually heard the name of the company, but he did not know the owner.

' Hello, young man, you sure do not look like this old fella. I see your mother in you' he said

Michael did not know what to say to that and just cracked a false smile.

The maid entered the room bearing a tray with snacks. Michael was not familiar with her so he ignored.

' Sir, please someone is asking to meet Mr. Davidson' She said

Jacob Davidson laughed, ' That must be my son, let him in'

Mark looked at him perplexed and asked, ' Your son is in the country?'

' Yes, he came a few weeks ago, he was checking up stuff in the company. I told him to come here, I hope you do not mind'

Michael's father waved it off.

Michael was at a time were he was very wary of people, and did not like the idea of his father accepting visitors.

He left the parlor, on his way to his room he met said son. He noticed they might be of the same age, he was tall, with neatly cropped hair, from what he could see, he was not fully Asian, he had silver eyes. He was actually a handsome man.

Jacob's son saw him and walked over extending his hand. ' I finally get to see you, I have heard a lot about you. I am Nathaniel, Nate for short.' he introduced

' I am sorry, I cannot say same, I am Michael' he introduced himself rather reluctant

' I knew that, Mr. Davidson, nice to meet you. Would you please know where my father is?' he asked

Michael suppressed an exhausted yawn and pointed to the place their fathers were and excused himself

He grabbed a few document from his father's study and came back downstairs. He walked towards them

' Mark, I am going back to my place, I want to speak with you personally tomorrow. I will have a driver bring you to my place tomorrow. Till then, do me a favor. Do not let anyone in here'

His father looked at him grimacing, ' Why shouldn't I, you know I sometimes have meetings here in the house'

' I know, but just for this week, put them off schedule.' Michael said. He knew it was going to be difficult convincing him. He was such a business freak that he sometimes feared he knew the situation in the company but was not saying anything.

' I do not what is going on but I know something is going, is that what you are telling me tomorrow' his father asked

Michael nodded and said. ' No more, we will talk when you come over'

He went back to the parlor to bid Jacob goodbye. His son was no where in sight.

He saw him leaning on a Benz SUV, ' I was waiting for you'

' For what?' Michael said rather rudely.

Nate hesitated before saying, ' It seems you have also not told your father what is happening in your company'

Michael stared at him not uttering a word....

'How did you know?'

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