
He's cold

MJ_100z · Urban
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7 Chs

What if the girl took some pictures?

Nina entered her apartment feeling sore on her whole body. She needed to freshen up. She walked into her bathroom and had a quick shower. Looking herself on the mirror she almost screamed. That idiot Ian made sure he marked every part on her body with hickeys. Now she understood why the driver thought she has been harassed. ' who marks someone like this?' she was really pissed off this time. She then changed into something clean and head to her kitchen. She needed to regain her strength after the yesterday's scenario. She was feeling weak, she cursed Ian for not being gentle.

She made herself some soup,then filled her stomach. After making sure she was full, she walked to her room. She needed to take a nap. That sex thing with Ian had really drain her more than she could expect. 'what a wild cat!'.


Nelson was relieved seeing his boss agree to meet the lady without having to schedule an appointment. ' he must be in a good mood!'. Nelson invited Maya in, then closed the door behind her.

Ian who has been texting on his phone raise his head to face the lady who has now sat across him, just to be surprised. 'This must be a joke!'. The girl across him is not the one he had expected to see. Yes she is beautiful just like the one from last night, they even have some similar features. His relaxed face turns cold just in a minute. Maya who has been observing him for a few seconds before he turned to face her noticed the change in atmosphere. ' did i do something wrong?'. She didn't know what Nina did last night but she couldn't afford to be on this man's bad side. She knows how dangerous it is messing with a man like him.

"Who are you?" The already disappointed Ian spoke. " I am Nina Simon from Ink Enterprise, am here on behalf of colleague Maya, and the company...." " And where is this..colleague of yours?" Ian interrupted her folding his hands. " She um..she has an emergency!" Maya tried to come up with a lie. " What kind of an emergency?" Ian asked observing the girl, he had to know why the switch. He cancelled the deal and bad mouthed Maya knowing for sure Ink Enterprise would send the same representative to fix whatever misunderstanding occured during the meeting. He didn't expect the plot twist.

" She is not feeling well" Maya had to level up her confidence seeing the man's serious face. 'that's interesting' Ian thought. "Did this... colleague of yours tell you what she did during the meeting last night?" Ian had to know what kind of a girl he got involved with. "No" Maya answered truthfully. " But am sure she didn't mean any harm...and we would really like for you to pursue the deal as you intended." Maya tried to convince him. Ian looked at the girl sitting across him. She is breathtaking, but he wanted the one from last night. He wasn't planning on signing the documents after he has slept with the girl, but he just wanted to see the girl. He is not the one to mix work and pleasure. He watched the girl across him trying to see underneath her well composed expression. 'God, is he tryna psycho analyze me?' Maya tried not to roll her eyes seeing how Ian was staring at her with total silence. " You know I don't think your company deserve the investment deal from my company" ' neither do i,but who cares i need the job' Maya clears her throat, " I.. ah..sure you Mr Theobald, this investment..." "can you fetch me a cup of coffee please am feeling a bit thirsty" Ian interrupted her again. And he was sure he saw her beautiful face turning cold, but it lasted for a second before she recomposed herself. He was trying to press a different button, just so the girl could make a wrong move. He could tell just from observing her, the girl's tolerance level is low and he needed enough reason not to persue the deal. He could also see Something was just off, he couldn't quite put a finger on it but he sure will.

'what the fuck is wrong with these rich dudes..... coffee my ass'. Maya smiled at Ian not wanting to provoke him, then stood up heading out. Just as she stood up she accidentally pushed her tote bag and it fell down and her things scattered on the floor. She quickly picked it up returning her things in it. She made sure the copies of the documents she made after Nina decided to ignore her were still in good shape. She then stood and left the room. Ian who has been looking at the girl waiting for her to ask him how he wanted his coffee saw the girl leaving without a word. He didn't want to bother with her dumbness, so he stood up returning to his work. As he was standing he saw something down the coach the girl was seated. He didn't want to bother but something just pushed him. So he bent and picked it up, and to his surprise it was Maya's ID card. He wasn't ready for another plot twist and he wasn't sure how to react to this...he just ended up laughing sarcastically. Wait!...was he getting old that people think they can play tricks on him. He's cold face turned even colder. So he didn't just sleep with a stranger but a stranger stranger. A million of questions ran through his mind. 'what if the girl took some pictures?' his expression was now demonic. He wasn't about to be blackmailed by some stupid girl, he grabbed his phone and called Nelson.

Maya walked out of Ian's office and approach Jessi. She assumed she was Ian's secretary as her desk is close to his office. She greeted her and asked where she could get some coffee. She also asked if she knew how Ian liked his coffee. Jessi was a bit hesitant but after Maya has explained to her about his meeting and Jessi was certain she saw her entering her boss's office, she gave her the info. Maya thanked Jessi and walked to the direction she was given just to bump into Nelson who seems in a hurry. Not in the mood for her pranks he walked away just after a brief apology.


Ian is sitting on his chair holding Maya's ID card, playing with it. Nelson who has been standing before his boss for a few minutes now is getting a bit nervous. " Did you get anything concerning the girl from last night?" Ian asked still playing with the ID card. "No...but i've given Tony the details you have provided about the girl. He will run them and get back to me" Nelson answered not understanding why his boss seems interested in the girl. Ian looked at Nelson then extended his hand giving him the ID card he was holding. Nelson took the card and his eyes were about to come out after he had taken a look at it. " Is she the girl you wanted me to find?" Nelson was a bit confused. He thought Maya had changed her name just to trick his boss. "I found that on her things, but she is not the girl from last night" she said pointing at Maya's tote bag. "You mean she lied?" "No... They both lied. The girl from last night used the name Maya Angelou and this girl used the name Nina Simon while she is Maya Angelou." Nelson felt a bit hot. He could tell Maya was crazy from the encounter he had with her, but he didn't know she was this crazy. She must not know who he's boss is to try a mess with him."I wanna know who that girl from last night is.. who she works for, he family, her love life.. everything about her!! " Ian gritted his teeth. He was mad for letting his desire get the best of him. He has worked so hard to be where he is right now, he can't let anyone destroy what he has worked for. " And keep an eye on Leonard, he might be the mastermind" ian added.

Just as he had finished the last word a knock was heard on his door. Maya pushed the door entering Ian's office. She walked careful and placed the drink on Ian's table, away from his documents. Nelson looked at the girl then his boss waiting for a shout. To his surprise his boss gave her a smile.'is he the same person just a minute ago?'. " Miss Nina, right?" Ian asked. Maya nodded her head, " i should have told you to get for both of us, please you can have the coffee" Ian said keeping his sarcastic smile on. Maya looked at the man as if he had just teleported in the room. Seeing he wasn't joking she stood and grabbed the drink taking a sip. Nelson looked at his watch not wanting to be apart of whatever his boss had in mind. Noticing it's 11:40, he cleared his throat gain attention from both Ian and Maya. "It's 11:40 and your meeting with the L&G company is 12:00pm" Nelson reminded him. Ian stood up grabbing his coat, leaving Maya confused. " Miss Nina, it was nice meeting you!" Ian added before grabbing his phone leaving the room. 'what the fuck!' she really didn't understand the man. He asked her to bring coffee just to end up asking her to drink it herself, she didn't even like coffee. And now he is just gonna walk away from her just like that. She was beyond mad, she turned to look at Nelson. "What did you say to him?!" She had to find someone to put a blame to. Nelson walked towards her with confidence knowing this time, luck was on his side. " He asked me to pass this to you!" Nelson gave Maya her ID card smiling at her. Maya felt lighting had strike upon her. She felt ashamed but couldnt let Nelson have a moment, she turned to face him wanting to say something. "You better watch what you say next!" Nelson interrupted her before she could say a word.

hi there!

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