
he's a Korean s*x gog

whiteman_daniel · Fantasy
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19 Chs

chapter 15

😋 He's a Korean S*x god 😋

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Episode 15

💕 Ji-a's POV 💕

I slept like a baby last night and when I finally woke up Kyung-gu the male servant came to take me out for a stroll inside the house and compound, well like a form of exercise I guess

Making our way back into the building from the back door Kyung-gu wheeled me into the big sitting room downstairs, that's when I saw Byung-ho, Lee Chun's friend from the hospital

I was really happy to see him and their was a lady in the room also, she looks a lot like Lee Chun's sister Kia, really pretty. I'm guessing she is Lee second sister Mia

She spoke kindly to me unlike her younger sister but then she exploded as soon as I mentioned her brother name Lee Chun's. When she asked how I was in this condition

She just came to a weird conclusion that I was sitting in the wheelchair because Lee Chun had s*x with me so hard or something

Is that even possible???

I have never seen a thing like this before, she just kept shouting and screaming Lee Chun's name until Lee Chun came out from his room

" What? Why are you screaming my name so loud this early morning huh? "

Lee Chun said and it was clear he is only just waking up as he still has that sleepy face and he was only wearing a robe... He looks quite handsome. Dumb head!

" Come down this instance! "

Mia shouted but she didn't even give him the opportunity to come down himself as she quickly ran up the stairs to meet him

" What is wrong with you huh? Why_ "

Lee Chun was still yet speaking when his sister gave him a hot slap

" Ahhhhhhh "

He screamed out quickly holding the slapped cheek

But Mia wasn't done with him just yet, she kicked him hard repeatedly on his left leg with her high heels shoe

" Ahhhh.... Ouch... Ouch... Ouch... "

Lee Chun screamed hopping up on one leg

Then Mia grabbed hold of his right ear and dragged him down the stairs

" Ahh... Ohhh... Ochhh...Ochhh "

Lee Chun kept crying like a little baby girl

I wanted to say something but this was just ~really hilarious to watch plus he deserves some punishment not only for hitting me with his car but also stealing my precious meats yesterday night. So I just sat back and w~ atched some classic entertainment....

" What did I do huh? Let me go! "

Lee Chun cried out

" This!

This is what you did "

She said pointing to me

And Lee Chun frown right away " I just knew it most have something to do with this cripple monkey. I wil_ "

He hadn't finished speaking when Mia slapped the back of head hard that the sound echoed

" Ahhhhhh.... Stop hitting me okay! "

" Shushhhhh... How could you do this to a young poor girl "

She asked still looking really agitated

" It was a mistake okay... I didn't mean for this to happen okay! "

Lee Chun said whilst still robbing the back of his head

" So you hit her with your worthless thing until she ended up needing a wheelchair?"

She said fuming and Lee Chun misinterpreted what she meant by thing

He thought she was referring to his car not knowing she was referring to his d**k as the worthless thing...

" My thing isn't worthless okay, and besides I only hit her once, just once "

He said and Mia grow even more mad

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" You liar! How can you hit her just once and she ended up in a wheelchair, you most have been drilling her all night and demanding unthinkable styles "

She said and he looked really confused

" Huh... drill? All night??...?? "

Lee Chun finally realized his sister was saying totally different thing from him

but before he could say anything to clarify matters Mia had jumped on him and started beating him up

" I have told Dad and Mom that you will kill a girl some day but they won't listen to me now see what your over sexual activities has resulted to, you d**khead... Dummy... nincompoop "

She kept saying amid slaps and kicks

" Ouch.. Ahhhh... Ohhhh.... "

Lee Chun kept crying and it seems he was dancing some kind of funny dance step as he kept changing his hands movement

Touching his head, arms, back, legs, and stomach. All places Mia was hitting him at

I kept laughing silently but then I decided that Lee Chun has suffered enough at least for this morning

" Sister stop!!! "

I screamed on top of my lungs that it felt like the glass house would collapse

Mia stopped inflicting pain on her brother and turned to look at me and I wheeled myself slowly to them

" I can't have s*x with this big head dummy. I and your brother never had s*x. That can't happen cus I find him really disgusting rather your brother here was driving recklessly and he ran me over "

I said

" Oh... Is that what happened? "

Mia asked looking silly and I nodded

" You see! You see!... You have been hitting me for nothing... Ohhhh my back hurts so bad...my head... Ouchh... "

Lee Chun kept whining

" Oh shut up... You still deserve all the beating you got... Why where you driving recklessly huh? What if she had died?.. Just go away before I decide to beat you up again "

She said and

" Heyyyy....You just thank you stars that you are my elder sister unless I would have_ "

" You would have what? "

Mia said cutting him short and walking close to him

" Nothing "

Lee Chun quickly stated

" Good, very good cus I have every right to beat some sense into your brain. Don't think because you are a boy or taller than me means I won't whoop your a$$. Cus I will continue whooping your a$$ that will never change even when you are a 100 years old and using a walking stick "

She said and Lee Chun muttered some words angrily before looking at me with a mean stare like I was the one who had been beating him up since

I just chuckled and wheeled myself closer to his older sister Mia. He can't touch me if I stay close to her

" I have to get out of here, this house!

Byung-ho let's get going. Come let's go "

Lee Chun said walking to the door

" B..but you haven't even showered yet and you ain't putting on proper clothes "

Byung-ho pointed out

Lee Chun glanced at himself but he still didn't change his mind " Just come with. I will shower and change in your place. Better still let's go to a massage parlor. One don't need to be dressed properly to get a message. I think I really do need a massage after the serious beating I just received plus I can't stand these annoying people "

He said glancing at me and Mia with bad eyes

" Okay.... Goodbye sister Mia "

Byung-ho said bowing his head " Goodbye Ji-a "

He said smiling warmly

" Goodbye Byung-ho... Please do come back another time "

I said and he nodded before leaving with his friend....

_____________ ⏲️

Location: Massage parlor ( private section )

😋 Lee Chun's POV 😋

I lay alone, naked on the massage bed, face down and tummy flat with just a white clean towel covering my loins

Byung-ho was in a separate room from mine as we both booked a private message session..

" Good morning Mr Lee "

I heard a sweet voice say

I raised my head up to find that a pretty young lady has just entered into the room wearing only a seductive red robe

I smiled then rested my head back

" How are you feeling today Mr Lee? "

She asked placing one of her hands gently on my back

" All my body hurts bad "

I said

" Oh my!

Then I guess hands and fingers won't take this pain away "

She said and just then I saw her robe dropped to the floor...

Afterwards I felt two soft substance with pointing mouth touching my back... In case you are still guessing what it was

It's b**bs and nipp**

She kept using her b**bs to massage my back...

" How are you feeling now Mr Lee? "

She asked

" I think I'm feeling a little better "

I said enjoying the feeling of her b**bs

" Tell me how this makes you feel "

She said then she moved one of her hands into the towel... straight to my d**k and started stroking it

" it feels great "

I groaned out smiling....



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