
he's a Korean s*x gog

whiteman_daniel · Fantasy
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19 Chs

chapter 11

😋 He's a Korean S*x god 😋

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Episode 11

💕 Ji-a's POV 💕

Did that big head just call me cripple??? Did he just implied that my legs are the wheelchair???? 😠

I'm so mad right now! I feel like strangling that pervert throat. I feel like plunking those big eyes of his out

He should thank his stars I'm not able to walk unless I would have hit that wheelchair he called my leg on his ugly face

" Pervert!... Ugly chicken... Come back here and face me coward... Stop running away, you can run but you can't hide cuz I will catch you and when I do I will so break all your teeth... "

I kept cursing and yelling at him but he didn't turn back he just walked away...

" I am sorry Madam but can I assist you to your legs "

His male servant who looks like my age mate said still referring to the wheelchair as my leg and I felt like punching him right in his sacks

" Stop calling that thing my legs! "

I yelled and I almost cried

Why will he be calling a wheelchair my legs. Don't they know how hurt that is making me feel

" I am sorry Madam, it was a mistake "

He quickly apologized and I forgave him

I really don't get mad easily, and if I do I quickly forgive because I love making friends and since he apologized I forgave him BUT I will never forgive that big head jerk Lee Chun. Never!...

Assisting me to the wheelchair

" Madam are you sitting down comfortably? "

The male servant asked

" Yes, what's your name? "

I asked

" Kyung-gu "

He replied smiling

" Kyung-gu, nice name. My name is Ji-a, don't call me Madam again, please call me Ji-a and I will call you by your name Kyung-gu

No one calls me madam and it feels so strange, I don't like it. Please call me Ji-a. Okay "

I said and he nodded

" Ji-a "

He said smiling then started wheeling me away

While I admire the beautiful building and surroundings

" Oshhhh... So beautiful. How can a jerk live in this kind of beautiful house. Life isn't really fair "

I said loud enough for Kyung-gu to hear he chuckled

" This isn't Master Lee Chun's house, the house belongs to his father Master Lee Hung. Lee Chun lives here with his parents and siblings, two sisters. Lee Chun's father is very wealthy and powerful the wealthiest man in South Korea "

He says

" Ohhh... His parents are very rich I see, no wonder he is just a annoying spoilt brat "

I said

Suddenly a feeling started creeping into my mind. I won't just be living with Lee Chun alone but his entire family... What if all of them behave exactly like Lee Chun huh? What will I do?

I'm starting to get scared again

" Kyung-gu "

I called out his name

" Yes madam_ sorry Ji-a "

He quickly corrected himself

I smiled " How are Lee Chun's parents and sisters?.. Are they nice? Are they good people? "

I asked and his facial expressions wasn't that so reassuring

" Well they pay my bills on time, I don't expect them to be nice to me, I'm just a servant boy and they are very rich and powerful people

But you are their guest so they should be nice to you "

He said then smiled afterwards

More like an unwanted guest...

He wheeled me into the building and inside was really beautiful even though I had already seen some parts of the inside while outside since the building was made of transparent glass..

My eyes rover around admiring the whole place when I heard a female voice

" Who is she? "

I shift my focus to where the voice came, that's when I saw a beautiful lady seated on one of the couch

I didn't even notice her at first as I entered I was carried away by the beauty of the place

She stood up from where she sat and walked to my direction " Who is she? "

She asked her male servant Kyung-gu while staring at me

" Madam Kia, she is Ji-a. Master Lee Chun instructed me to take her to one of the guest room "

Kyung-gu replied and she stared at me intensely, her eyes running all over me making me very nervous

Kia? She most be Lee Chun's sister, she looks really pretty

" I never knew my brother had any crippled friends "

She said

What's wrong with this people! Why do they keep referring to me as cripple

I have officially hate that word cripple

" I am not a cripple, neither am I friends with your brother "

I spoke out

" Really? Then who and what are you? " She asked and I really didn't know how to answer that question at first

What does she mean by what I am? Ain't I a person??

" I.. I am the girl your brother ran over with his vehicle, my name is Ji-a "

I said and she looked confused

" Lee Chun ran you over? " She then raised her head to face Kyung-gu

" Is she telling the truth? When did this happen? "

" She most be saying the truth, because Master Lee Chun drove her here himself. Sorry I don't know when the incident took place "

" I see " she said then drifted her eyes down to me

" But I don't get it, what are you doing here? I get my brother ran you over but why did you follow him all the way to our house since you ain't his friend? Are you here to demand for money? Tell me "

She said and it was more like an interrogation than a chit chat

I wasn't really comfortable with her questions. What does she take me for?

Does she think I intentionally got injured so I can come live with them in their big house or beg money from them?

I don't think I like this girl

I wanted to blast her straight away, I might be poor but I am no thief but then I started hearing a strange, loud female screams

" Ahhhhh.... Ohhhhh.... Ouchhhhhh..... Oh yeahhhhh.. Oh yeahhhhh... Oh pleasessss... Pleasesssss "

" What's that?... I think someone is crying for help "

I said really concerned but then Kia chuckled

" That's no cry for help, that's my brother doing what he does best "

She replied with a proud face

" Huh... Your brother is beating up a girl? I always know that your brother is a good for nothing... Ohhh I will so deal with him "

I said already thinking how to punish Lee Chun for beating up a girl

" Where did Lee Chun pick her up from again? She is really silly and daft "

Kia said talking to Kyung-gu

" Huh?... Silly? Daft? "

I know what silly means but I don't really know what daft means but I know it's not something good

This Lee Chun sister really has a sharp mouth

" Your pervert brother is busy beating probably killing an innocent girl and you calling me silly and Da..ft? Huh

Won't you go stop him? "

" No one is killing anyone. Lee Chun is busy f**king the girl good. Can't you hear her screams of pleasure? Or can't you differentiate between a cry or help and that of pleasure? "

She said staring at me like I am one strange thing

" Huh??? "

What did I just heard, ' F**king' ' 'Pleasure'

He is having... s*x with a girl

" Ahhhhhhhhhhh "

I screamed out really irritated inserting one finger each in my ear holes to block the irritating sounds I was hearing

" What's wrong with you? Why are you screaming? "

Kia asked looking confused

" Gross!

Gross!... Gross! ....Gross!... "

I just kept reciting but I was still hearing that disgusting screams

That guy is a real pervert!

Gosh I hate him!!!




Oh my

This is something else. Ji-a seems to hate everything Lee Chun does

The S*x god can't even have s*x in his house without irritating Ji-a

Kia and Ji-a don't seem to be getting along quite well

How will Ji-a cope is this house with Lee Chun's family and the Lee Chun's sexcapade?