
he’s been dancing with the devil all night - a drarry fanfiction

Welcome to another Draco x Harry Fanfiction. Dive deep once again into one of my stories. ------------------------------------------------------- Draco's heart has been shattered. Harry had been married off to another boy. That changes soon. Harry's usually a happy, boy until he marries a boy called Alex thinking he'll be sweet to him. He was wrong. Alex ends up hurting Harry for a year. ------------------------------------------------------- Main Characters Ron Harry Draco Alexander Hermione Pansy Blaise

Tori_Demand_ · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

he owes me one

I drive away to my parent's house after Harry recedes into Weasley's house. I have only entered the driveway of my parent's house and the mood is gloomy. The gates open wide and I walk through into the house thinking of only one thing. The kiss I had with Harry. My parents were sitting silently in the dark manchester style living room as I made my way up into my room and took a shower. My thoughts overtake me. Maybe it's that look in his eyes that had floated me. He was living with the devil all year, and now he's running away. I'll watch him run away, in the dark, I watch him run away in the dark, oh yeah… 

I finish showering and fall flat on my bed. My bed creaks slowly. I decided to sleep to get my mind off Harry for now. It's too late. Harry's also invaded my dreams. 

~Harry's POV~

I can't believe Malfoy actually kissed me.. I thought he was my enemy, but I think things might have changed for both of us. I started unpacking my luggage as I thought about what had just happened earlier today and about the freedom I finally had. I could actually do whatever I wanted without the fear of Alex hurting me. So the first thing I do is call Hermione and Pansy, from my laptop. I log into my Skype account and start a call on the first group called "Gossip Gang" which had me, Pansy and Hermione in it. 

They answered immediately, and as soon as my camera was on Hermione squealed "Harry, we haven't talked to you for so long, but Malfoy had informed us about what had happened with you and Alex". "Yeah… and um besides that… believe it or not Malfoy had actually kissed me before he dropped me off at Ron's house." And as soon as Hermione heard that she yelled through the camera "MY SHIP HAS SAILED". She doesn't shut up for quite a while after. After an hour of chatting to Hermione and Pansy they both hang up and I hang up as well. I decided to sleep as well. 

I wake up later at seven to the scent of trifle wafting around the house. I comb my messy black hair and walk down to the kitchen. Ron was already eating a serving of turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes while Blaise was cooking trifle. There was also a bottle of Firewhiskey on the dining table. I decided to sit down next to Ron and I helped myself to some turkey as well. 

I also have the trifle. At my old house, takeout was the most common form of food I got, because of Alex but it feels so good to have cooked food for once after a year of takeout. 

We were finishing off the trifle when I heard a knock from the front door, and I slowly pulled out my wand. Ron approaches the door and opens it to see Hermione, Pansy and Draco. I sigh in relief. I tuck my hawthorn wand in my pocket and say hello to Hermione and Pansy, before turning to Draco and saying hello to him as well. Hermione and Pansy smirk behind us, and I give them a death glare. 

"We're calling shots," said Blaise. I enter the dining room again and Blaise has brought out five shot glasses and another bottle of Firewhiskey adding to the remaining one. He pours an equal amount of Firewhiskey into each glass and sends them to the living room table with a flick of his wand. I grab hold of a shot glass and down it. The Firewhiskey bottle also flies into the room. I pour another shot. "Damn, Harry!" yelled Hermione. 

I continue drinking shot glass after shot glass before eventually getting dizzy from the heat. I walk into the washroom after fifteen glasses of Firewhiskey to wash my face and get rid of the heat. Draco steps into the bathroom as well, and I hear a clicking noise from behind him. He dims the lights of the bathroom, and takes two steps towards me, before forcing his mouth onto mine. I fought back and then gave in as he was drunk. 

The kiss got heated real quick and his hand slid under my T-Shirt before he bit down onto my neck. "Ngh~ Malfoy stop, you're drunk-" I said. 

"At least if we wake up in a bed together it'll be less embarrassing just because I was drunk," he said. 

~that's enough children~

After an hour we both crashed into my bed. My legs were aching from him. Before I fall asleep I change into my joggers and a t-shirt, and then I throw some cushions and a blanket on the floor. Yes we may have had our first round but there is no damn way I'm sleeping with my enemy. I only did this because he was drunk. I stretch quickly and then fall asleep on the floor. I wake up to the twittering of birds in my room and as soon as I see Malfoy crumpled on the bed above me I swear under my breath and change into my clothes for the day. I walk out of the room and the scent of food wafts around the house. I walk down into the kitchen and see Ron dressed in Blaise's shirt with red spots on his neck. It must have been a ridiculously long night for Ron.

 "Hey Harry," he said. "Long night?" I said. He blushed and said "Yeah.. Blaise's pre-rut put me in a really bad situation" he said, stretching. "Speaking of which… Malfoy had kissed me yesterday in the bathroom and I think he also marked me. I can remember him biting my neck. "Holy shit Potter. His parent's will kill you and him if they find out you've been bitten" said Blaise. "I mean it'll be less embarrassing if we were both drunk." I said. Both Ron and Blaise look at eachother. I stretched. 

~Malfoy's POV~

I wake up on a crumpled bed and look around to see it was in Blaise's house. I get up and gather my belongings before smelling the food in the air. I walk down into the kitchen. I only walk into the room when I see Potter at the dining table dressed in my blazer shirt. "Speak of the devil, look who's up" said Blaise peeking out of the kitchen. "Shut up Zabini" I scowled. He rolled his eyes. "Draco you do know you had a one-night stand with Harry right?" Blaise shrugged. My face turned red. "There's no fucking way I did-" I said. Harry then stands up and pulls the collar of his shirt to the side. "Explain this then. And trust me Alex did not mark me" he said.

I winced. "We-We were both fucking drunk alright?" I said. "I tried fighting you alright. I tried pushing you off my neck, but it's too late. I'm bonded to you now" Harry said. I knew I fucked everything up from there. "Sorry" I said. "Don't" Harry said. I walk to the front door and open the door. I walk out and instead of driving home I apparate home.

I apparate to the far end of the country where my parents' house was. In a dark oak wood forest. I entered through the liquid like silver gates and then I was dragged in by someone. I was thrown into the living room. "Explain this photo Draco" said my father, holding up a phone and a photo. I sigh. "Can you just leave me alone? I've had a shitty day father." I said. I tried walking to my room before I was yanked back into the living room by my father. "You aren't going anywhere until I get an-" he was cut off from a huge crack. My mother had just apparated into the room and she had her wand pointing up at my dad. "Crucio" she said. My father writhed in pain defenseless and then my mum said to go pack my bags.

I ran to my room and opened up my silver suitcase and stuffed it with tracksuit pants, jackets, sweaters, underwear and t-shirts. I walked out of my room dragging my silver suitcase out with me, and then my mother came to my side. She held my hand. "Ready?" she said. "Yes" I sighed. We apparated into the midst of the city and narrowly dodged a bus coming full speed at both of us. We scuffled down the dingy alleyways and into a hotel entryway. "Welcome to Hogwarts Hotel.co" she said. 

I look up and down the red building and we both walk into the check into the two suites and we take the glass elevator up there. I open my suite door and walk into a different world. It was decorated with gold and white luxury items. I decided to unpack my bag and then set up my phone and laptop. 

There were no new messages from Harry's chat. I sighed. I guess it was better than talking to him about what had happened last night. I sink into my bed later and cry myself to sleep. Gosh. I wish I never fucking even decided to show up, or worst of all take shots last night. I should have just stayed home. I just fucking know he'll never talk to me again. My gut wrenches at the thought. I spend most of the day crying in my bed, and my mum doesn't even come to check on me. I wake up from a long slumber later and head downstairs to the restaurant and eat some food. I eat some truffle and steak before walking upstairs again and falling this time into a prolonged sleep, regretting my decision evermore. How was I going to remain friends with Harry now??

poor malfoy

(yes i decided to update the chapter, cause it was so fucking short. hope you guys enjoy it)

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