

* * *

Seolhui's treasure hunt continued.

Almost all the treasures obtained from the yellow roof were recovered.

Unfortunately, no useful treasure was found.

There were a lot of weapons that were not swords, and there were some medicines that were inferior to the Golden Changyak.

At least I did get one.

[You have obtained a grenade.]

Unexpectedly, I got a walnut.



Yeonyanggaeng 1 (take one bite), Geumchang Yak 2, Iron-Blood Poison Detox Wine 1


[Armor] Cloth silver armor

[Army] Wolhyangbi 1

[Secondary Weapon] Blast Bomb 1 (New)

<Absolute cost>

Four Great Pole Magic Wind (Wind)

<Miscellaneous goods>

Gwando Island Treasure Map (7/7)

There were still many treasures left, but Seol-hui immediately gave up.

Now is the time to prepare.

At this time the day is getting darker.

It was more important now to recover as much as possible the reduced internal strength through fortune-telling.

'In such a case, I wish there was a strong Naegongsimbeop.'


I did quite a bit of luck hiding in one place like that, and it worked.

I could see his numbers rising gradually.

And when it was past midnight.

Under the moonlit roof, Seolhui checked her condition.

[Value, Numerical]

Health 7,426 (↑120)/7,708

Inner air 4,490 (↑890)/7,070

It was a pity that it didn't go up as much as I had hoped, but there was nothing I could do about it.

Now, the masters that Cheok-ho spoke of will come in large numbers.

I had to prepare to meet.

When I lowered myself from the red roof.

someone saw

'It's that guy.'

Seolhui had an intuition that one of them was the Black Gold Captain.

The reason was that the letters were clearly floating above the man's head.


It was the mystery.

22 episodes. Accept mission (2)

'Somehow, we have to create a gap.'

This is the part Seolhui is most concerned about right now.

7 million combat power

I know my opponent is strong.

The numerically calculated power of Sinbirang is up to 70,000.

Literally, if you get hit, you have the fighting power to go to a goal in one shot.

I know I can lose.

However, I'm tired of stepping back in the future.

Numerous strong men stood in their way.

They will no longer back down to escape the contempt and ridicule they have shown.

And don't you still have one more life?

'Now that's a record.'

Is it because I got my first mission?

I didn't know it at first, but there were several changes in the status window.

[State, state]

Seolhui [During Gonma's mission]

Life Coin 2 Double Chance

body normal

[Value, Numerical]

Health 7,306/7,708

Air 3,600/7,070

Combat Strength 30,000 (New)

equipment, equipment

Weapon: short sword

Gloves: (Right Hand) Kwon Horse Armor

Armor: Eighthwang full body armor

'Believe in ability.'

Unlike the weak past, only you have the best talent.

Know your opponent's abilities.

Judging the situation with accurate numerically calculated information.

Don't you have the 'ability' to use a powerful blow to bring out the opponent's vigilance?

※ Success Reward: [One Celestial Dragon]

In particular, if you win this battle, you will get an elixir that you could never have in the past.

The moment you get this great reward, you are one step closer to the magic of the Heavenly Demon in your toolbox.

Because of the thrill I felt just thinking about it, that fear seemed to disappear somewhat.

[Uses stealth.]

If you are prepared, there is no need to delay.

* * *


The place where Seolhui was headed was a green building.

Unlike the purple building, this was a stand-alone building, and in terms of height, it was higher than any other building.

It is a circular tower-shaped building with a height of 7 stories, reminiscent of a mound in Jungwon.

Each floor was covered with blue tiles and roofs.

pod. pod. Papa Pat.

Seolhui quickly stepped on the eaves and climbed up the building.

To follow him blindly is tantamount to suicide.

Heukgeumdae is known as the best unit in Taehwanggak.

In fact, he is the captain representing the seven units belonging to him.

As you can see from his abilities, he was a different person from those he had dealt with so far.

'Coming here, you can see all the terrain clearly.'


Seolhui, who climbed up to the 7th floor roof, lowered his posture and looked around.

Under the soft moonlight, you can see the garden inside Gwando Island at a glance.

In the center, there is a purple building in the shape of a hye (匸), and around that place, a total of 6 buildings were built in the front and back.

And in the middle of the front row, there was a green building where he was located.

"… … Yes?"

Seol-hui was looking at the blue roof, and something was caught in her eyes.

it's popular

Sassaak. Sasak.

A man came out of the building and ran away.

To disturb the opponent's movement, he jumped over several fences and quickly jumped into the surrounding artificial pond.

'It's already too late.'

He might have wished that the man following him would pass, but that was just his wish.

The pursuer arrived a little late, but ran into the pond without looking back.



After that, the pond under the moonlight was dyed red with the man's blood.

That was the beginning of this bloody battle.

* * *

"Don't follow me!"

"If you attack, you will die!"


There was a commotion from all sides.

A person who runs through the grass and runs away.

A person who had been crouching while fleeing through an artificial wall.

A person who waits for an opportunity to counterattack with his back to the wall.

However, with that level of wit, he could not get away from the 'beings of the dawn'.


The top of the guy who took cover between the landscapes was split in half.


He ran around the building and tried to get rid of the enemy, but the gimmick was discovered so easily.


The person who was bowing to counterattack could not even counterattack and his neck was blown away.

As well as.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!


Magicians falling through the walls of the building.

The beings of dawn overwhelm almost all the uninhabited as soon as they entered this place.

'Fuck. This is hunting... … .'

This isn't a fight, it's almost a massacre.

The 12 masters who appeared with their backs to the moonlight had a distinct difference in skill that could not be compared with the existing demons.

'How the hell did I survive in my previous life?'

They have formidable skills and are skilled at chasing and chasing opponents.

Hidden in the grass on the outskirts, they found the invisible ones and knocked them down in an instant.

He had been hiding in the past, but luckily he survived.

'Is it because of stealth... … .'

There is a possibility.

It was impossible to escape their eyes and survive with his own skills.

Or, there is another reason.



Kwaja Jijik!

The uninhabited fell through the broken walls again.

As you can see, all the treasures have already been stolen and killed, lying on the ground.

'Come on... … .'

Seolhui crouched down and looked around the green building.

It's not just coming out of the entrance, it's just that you can run to another place, so check it out.

Did some time pass like that?

Sinbirang walking through the entrance was caught in the eye.

Despite the distance, they could be recognized at a glance, unlike others.

Because <goal> was written above my head.

'Let's follow.'

Seolhui moved.

no need to be afraid

somehow only once. You only need to open the gap window once.

* * *

"Gagging. Whoops."

A young man clutching his chest was leaning against the wall and breathing heavily.

He was already so excited that blood soaked the floor.

In addition, the moans gradually diminished as if he had already suffered a fatal wound.

"Why… … Why are you doing this?"

A few steps away from him.

Two men were standing there, and victory was already inclined.

The man who trembles and the one who looks at him so leisurely.

"just. Would you call it a whim?"

Black Gold Captain Sinbirang was looking down at him with his arms crossed.

the opponent he is looking at.

Surprisingly, it was the Black Hwa Captain Cheokho.

'Aren't you out yet?'

Even though it was past midnight, he was still here, apparently because of his greed for treasure.

That's it, and it's hard to understand given the current situation.

They were fighting against people from the same Taehwanggak.

"If the Taehwanggakju knows… … They will certainly be held accountable."

"Do you really think so?"

bum bum.

He slowly walked towards the chimney.

"Unfortunately, negotiations with him have already ended."

"What… … ?"

"He said that you can always get rid of those who only seek treasure."

"profit… … "

Chuck-ho clenched his teeth and squeezed the last breath.


And the counterattack of the last conversion that stretched out.

However, Sinbirang's palms were several times faster.


When he hit his chest with his palm, Cheokho lost consciousness.

He collapsed to the floor helplessly and died instantly.

It was already a huge skill gap that couldn't be helped.

"… … ."

Sinbirang's head turned to the side.

The man, who was leaning against the wall and breathing slowly, did not move as if he had died.

"The leaders of a unit are not good at it."

swoosh swoosh.

Shin Shin-rang began to search for the body of Cheok-ho, who died instantly.

He took 4 pieces of bamboo in his arms and a few miscellaneous treasures.

"Is there nothing but garbage like a black iron sword… … ."

His face was full of anger.

Considering that they have been in since yesterday morning, it seems that the two dead did not get as much as they thought.

"but. It's just such a skill."

He turned around again.

Another droopy Taehwanggak, one of the 7 units of the regiment.

It was to search his body.

[State Summary]

Unholy [Taehwanggak 7th Organization Heukil Leader]

Health 0 (↓1,850)/1,850

Inner hole 0 (↓1,250)/1,250

'Killing people of the same origin.'

Seol-hui's face, which had her body pressed against the door, was filled with tension.

Clearly, it was Chuckho who killed SinBang.

Not only that, but also a man named Mu-hyeon from the same Taehwanggak also died.

Somehow, the Sinbirang, who was moving with the people from Taehwanggak, killed everyone.

'That's not important. Anyway, I have to make a gap... … .'

The status window never pops up.

I've been watching and approaching for quite some time, but it doesn't appear from this distance.

Presumably, he has the ability to detect even the slightest pretense of popularity.

'Oh yeah! Wall Bombs!'

At that moment, there was a method that came to my mind.

It's the wall grenade given as a treasure.

After diverting your gaze with this, you will be able to create a gap.

'Let's do it. After all, now is the best chance.'

Shin Shin-rang was searching for the body of a man who was said to be invincible. A better opportunity may not come if it is not now.

Above all, if you meet the 'beings of the dawn', wouldn't you be in even more trouble?

[Could not open toolbox.]

'What else is this?'

Seol-hui, who was about to open the toolbox and take out a grenade, doubted his eyes.

[Enemies around you are aware of Seolhui's existence. In order to open the toolbox, you need to get out of his influence.]

'My dear Mr.'

When the enemy felt his popularity, he seemed unable to open the toolbox.

Seolhui couldn't help but fell a little bit from the room where Sinbirang was.

As I was moving to the end of the hallway, something unexpected happened.

As Seol-hui's presence disappeared, Sin-Bang came out in front of the door.

And that created an opportunity.

[A great opportunity! You have discovered a gap in the Black Gold Captain Sinbinang. How would you respond?]

'Good luck!'

Seolhui's eyes widened.

He hesitated for a moment as he was about to choose to use martial arts straight away.

'It is far.'

Even if you find a gap, there is no guarantee that you will succeed.

This is because the gap was created from a fairly long distance.

In the end, using martial arts is an effective method when the distance is close.

'I can't.'

▷ Attack.

▷ Use martial arts.

▷ Use the toolbox.

▶ Approach the opponent's distance.

I chose to go straight to the next level of the state.

<You have selected 'Come closer to your opponent'. [East][West][South][North] Which location do you want to go to?>

The opposite side of the gaze that Shinbinang is looking at.

moved south

"… … !"

Shin-Bang turned his head for a moment.

But by then it was already too late.

No, Seol Hwi certainly thought so.


But even at the moment when there was no time to escape, SinBrang defended.

Just by twisting and jumping quickly from his seat, he avoided Seolhui's attack.

But there was income.

He was moving so quickly that his back posture collapsed.

[A great opportunity! You have discovered a gap in the Black Gold Captain Sinbinang. How would you respond?]

Again a blank window popped up.

This time, Seolhui didn't even think about going back.

I chose to use martial arts straight away.

Use martial arts ▶ Super Magical ▶ Explosive Ball (Basic)

He blew a blow with the most powerful attack he could do while holding the sword.

"… … Ouch!"

<Strong strike hit! Inflicted 8210 powerful damage to Sinbirang.>

Sinbirang [Taehwanggak 7th Organization Black Gold Captain]

Health 6,790 (↓ 8,210)/15,000

Internal air 9,595 (↓2,405)/12,000

Seolhui [Extreme Organization Squad Leader]

Health 7,426/7,708

Inner air 2,290 (↓2,200)/7,070

When he was hit by a blast, SinBang staggered and retreated.


Seolhui rushed in like crazy without even checking the status window.

On the right, using the herbivore of Sohee swordsmanship.


This time on the left.


Lastly, he lowered his sword vertically while stepping on the footwork.


Even when his posture collapsed, SinB was able to stop it.

But Seol-hui was expecting that.

The moment the two swords met, they kicked him in the chest.


Rolling backwards, Sinbinang got up quickly.

Sinbirang [Taehwanggak 7th Organization Black Gold Captain]

Health 6,380 (↓410)/15,000


This time, instead of rushing in, he created a wind gust and spit it out with his handcuffs.


As soon as Shinbirang stood up, he moved his body to the side, but he couldn't avoid it.

Sinbirang [Taehwanggak 7th Organization Black Gold Captain]

Health 5,740 (↓640)/15,000

'You can't give me a chance!'

Seolhui clenched his teeth and ran towards him.

You must risk your life for this opportunity.

A counterattack means a variable, and if you don't push the enemy, it will act as a crisis for you as much as the opportunity.

Kang! Kang!

Seol-hui pushes Sin-rang again with the Sohee sword technique.

This time, he put a sword wind on the stab.


Sinbirang backed down again and defended it. Couldn't extinguish the sword wind.

He would have been able to defend himself enough normally, but he was not able to properly respond to the frantic rushing situation.

Sinbirang [Taehwanggak 7th Organization Black Gold Captain]

Health 4,620 (↓1,120)/15,000

And then.

that popped up

[A great opportunity! I found a gap in the secret room. How would you respond?]


Seolhui felt a sense of bliss all over her body.

It was an opportunity to end the enemy's attack without ever allowing it.

But there was a fatal problem.


[warning! Sinbirang discovered a gap in Seolhui. How would you respond?]


Because I also filled up my own gaps.

Episode 23. Accept mission (3)

How is this going?

I couldn't help but raise my doubts.

This situation presents both a golden opportunity and a warning at the same time.

▶ Attack.

▷ Get close to your opponent.

9… … 8… …

▶ Respond directly.

▷ Defend.

▷ Run away.

9… … 8… …

As two status windows appear, the time is decreasing at the same time.

A situation where you have to make a choice.

Time does not wait for you to stand still.

'Isn't it better to turn back the time by 3 seconds?'

Seolhui hastily began to analyze.

If you choose to attack, you can go back in time even for a short time.

Then you will be able to see the enemy's movements as well.

'The problem is my gaps.'

He found the opponent's gaps, but at the same time allowed his own gaps.

The counterattack of SinB was concerned.

Because I don't know how the counter-reaction, defense, or run-off will proceed.

'okay. Let's do this.'

Seolhui turned to the fingerprint to see if he had made a decision.

<You have selected 'Attack'. Rewind time to 3 seconds ago. Move right away.>

<You have selected 'Respond.' The enemy is right in front of you. Respond quickly.>


The moment he selected two fingerprints, SinBang staggered and retreated.

3 seconds ago, as expected.

Seolhui realized it intuitively when he saw it.

That now is an opportunity and a crisis.


Seolhui jumped in an instant and came close to Shinbirang.

Still, he did not wield the sword.

Rather, he prepared for the opponent's attack by sneaking out his feet.

It was because the slit that had appeared on him caught his heart like a thorn.

And that thought was so accurate.


A faint energy that came out like a wave at some point.

Strangely, his movements were not visible.

The flow of time is unnatural to simply call it fast.

'this… … .'

Seolhui doubted her eyes and put her hand to her face.


There were bloodstains like a knife cut under his temple.

This is sword spirit.

Right now, it's only a slight touch, but it's sure to kill you instantly.

"Chi. damn... … ."

Sinbirang's groaning voice came out.

Sinbirang [Taehwanggak 7th Organization Black Gold Captain]

Internal air 4,365 (↓4,230)/12,000

Due to his attack a while ago, the figures were being changed in front of his eyes.

In particular, Shinbirang's enormous consumption of strength stood out.

If he hadn't prepared for it, he wouldn't have been able to escape his death due to the number of his fatalities.

'If I ran... … .'


Even if it was cut with a sword, the death that was associated with it.

If I was lucky, I might have killed him first, but I wouldn't have been able to escape myself.

Would you have imagined that your opponent would unleash your swordsmanship in the first place?

'It will be difficult to express the sword again.'

Seolhui thought.

SinBang has just consumed a huge amount of strength.

Even if it was possible to generate a sword again, it would not be able to exert the same power as before.

This means that he is clearly superior in physical strength and internal attack.

"You bastard. Who are you?"

Shin Shin-rang then asked about Seol-hui's existence.

"Who is who? The bastard under you."

"You bastard under me? Are you a member of Taehwanggak?"

The eyes mixed with embarrassment, tension, and curiosity came to Seolhui with great pleasure.

"you do not need to know."

Seolhui spit out the words and pushed forward recklessly.

Kang! shut down! shut down! Kakakan!

After several engagements, a standoff was created with minor wounds.

Seolhui [Extreme Organization Squad Leader]

Health 6,226 (↓1,200)/7,708

Inner air 1,672 (↓618)/7,070

Sinbirang [Taehwanggak 7th Organization Black Gold Captain]

Health 3,768 (↓852)/15,000

Internal air 3,485 (↓880)/12,000

'Once you push it.'

Seolhui's eyes looked at the status window and made a decision.

His physical strength is higher than that of Shin Shin-rang, but his strength is relatively low.

It could be dangerous to allow the opponent to strike, but there was no time to think about it.

Seolhui did not look back and pressed him with a small magic ball.

Kang! shut down!

[Defense Failed! Your stamina will drop.]

[Attack Success! You have dealt damage to Sinbirang.]

[Dodge Failed! Your stamina will drop.]

[Strike success! You have dealt damage to Sinbirang.]

[tie! They inflicted damage on each other.]

[Encounter Failed! Your stamina will drop.]

[Encounter Failed! Your stamina will drop.]

[tie! They inflicted damage on each other.]

"ね. ね!"

It was a bloody battle so fierce that it was the first time in my life.

Even after being stabbed in the shoulder, thigh, and left arm, the opponent did not back down.

Rather, it ran more.

He changed direction six times in one breath and pushed Seol Hwi.

'If you go like this... … lose.'

Seolhui [Extreme Organization Squad Leader]

Health 1,354 (↓4,872)/7,708

Inner attack 622 (↓1,050)/7,070

Sinbirang [Taehwanggak 7th Organization Black Gold Captain]

Health 994 (↓2,774)/15,000

Inner air 1,980 (↓1,505)/12,000

The more you fight, the more the gap in stamina is gradually narrowing.

The more you do that, the harder it gets to block the opponent's swordsmanship.


Was it because I thought I was going to sell my eyes for a while?

When Sinbirang's sword pierced Seolhui, he quickly blocked it.

"… … !"

But there was no sound of swords clashing.

After the opponent's gaze was distracted by the edge, he moved again.


Reluctantly, Seolhui's sword pointed towards his chest.

Judging that his posture was broken and giving an excuse to his opponent, he tried to counterattack.


The opponent, however, took a step back.

it was bullshit

As long as the opponent pierces through his intentions.

[warning! Sinbirang discovered a gap in Seolhui. How would you respond?]


Seolhui's hair was shriveled.

If you make a wrong choice this time, you will go to the goal from there.

▷ Responsive.

▶ Defend.

▷ Run away.

The three fingerprints are the enemy's distance. There is a difference in movement.

'Face-to-face' can be a dangerous choice if you don't outperform your opponent because you are close to each other.

'Defend' is a little further away than that.

The distance and movement of the enemy is quite an ideal choice.

If you select 'run away', it is certainly easy to avoid the enemy's attack, but it has the disadvantage of being fatally attacked because it shows its back to the enemy.

<You have selected 'Defend'.>

It goes on.


Seolhui's eyes widened.

I was prepared, but the stab was much faster than expected.

I got stabbed three times in a row.

[Defense Failed! Your stamina will drop.]

Seolhui took a few steps back with a recalled face.

Blood was dripping all over his body because he couldn't stop it twice after three stabs, but still.

still alive

Seolhui [Extreme Organization Squad Leader]

Health 273 (↓1,081)/7,708

Inner attack 542 (↓80)/7,070

Sinbirang [Taehwanggak 7th Organization Black Gold Captain]

Health 994/15,000

Internal air 1,660 (↓320)/12,000

'Damn... … .'

This attack reversed the stamina level.

There was virtually no way to win.

"Do you feel it? The difference between you and me."

Sinbirang's voice, who was exhaling a bit, had changed somehow.

it's confidence

After several engagements, there was a sense of leeway in the way he spoke.

"I don't know if I got a lot of treasure here, but that's all. There is a huge gap between you who was abandoned and me who was chosen."

It wasn't bluff.

SinBang has a great sense of battle and is honed in combat.

It must be so, isn't he the one who carries out the core duties of Taehwanggak and is also the Black Gold Captain with guaranteed promotion among the 6 units?

"Don't be funny. Do you think you were the only one chosen?"

Seolhui smiled faintly.

Status windows floating in gray at the top right of the field of view.

It's not clearly visible during battle, but what is it?

Because shame and goods were indirectly intervening in this fight.

"Don't play puns until here."

The luster gently flows from Shin Shin-rang's sword body reflected in the window.

The famous sword, which is not easily seen in the school, seemed to indicate the dirty class system in the school.

'left? Right side.'

Seolhui's tension reached its peak.

The action of staring at the opponent with his sword raised. Because when he moves, it means a final decision in any way.



The moment he leapt from his seat, Seolhui also turned his body backwards.

Against SinBang, who was rushing from the front, I was thinking of backing away and stabbing the vital part.

"… … !"

However, Sinbirang's movements were strange.

In the blink of an eye, the sword was already coming out of nowhere.

Kak-! Push!

Sinbirang's sword pierced from Seolhui's shoulder.

It didn't stop there, but he swung it sideways and cut it down to his left shoulder.

[A blow of conversion! Sinbirang was mortally wounded by Seolhui.]

Of course, Seol Hwi also counterattacked.

The opponent's damage was very weak compared to his own.

[Attack Success! You have dealt damage to Sinbirang.]

Seolhui [Extreme Organization Squad Leader]

Health 30 (↓243)/7,708

Air 542/7,070

Sinbirang [Taehwanggak 7th Organization Black Gold Captain]

Health 914 (↓80)/15,000

Inner 550 (↓1110)/12,000


Was it because of the large amount of blood?

Seolhui's vision was blurry due to momentary vertigo.

I can only guess that it was only then that I retreated to the wall as I felt something touched my back.

'Come again.'

I couldn't see well.

He simply intuited that something was running towards him from his distorted view.


Seolhui's eyes lit up in an instant.

As soon as he felt that his opponent had come close, he moved reflexively.

It wasn't about running towards the enemy.

the window behind the wall.

he threw himself there.

"Inoo om-!"

SinBang didn't stop either.

In order to end Seol-hui, who threw himself through the window, he also jumped off the third floor.

'If I'm right!'


Seolhui falls off the window sill.

And SinB, who runs at a faster speed.

But in an instant, his vision became clear like a lie.

Just because of this.

[A great opportunity! You have discovered a gap in the Black Gold Captain Sinbinang. How would you respond?]

▶ Attack.

▷ Use martial arts.

▷ Use the toolbox.

▷ Get close to your opponent.


A light flashed in Seolhui's eyes.

gap window.

No matter what situation you are in, it does not act as an important factor in the conditions in which this window appears.

Only if the enemy sees a gap.

'cause it's bound to open.

That was exactly what Seol-hui expected.

However, there were some things that were beyond his expectations.

'Time has stopped!'

Not if you don't understand.

I fell from the 3rd floor with almost no health left, so I'm going to die instantly before I make a choice.

This gap is taken into account even that variable.

'If you attack in this situation, you will die anyway. I don't even have the strength to lift a sword.'

Seolhui's gaze moved for the third time.

It was the toolbox.

<You have selected 'Use Toolbox'. Take a look below and choose.>

▶ Recovery

▷ Equipment

Looking at the fingerprints arranged in an easy-to-understand list, Seolhui chose to recover.


▶ Yeonyanggaeng (eat one bite)

▷ Geumchang Yak 2

'for a moment. Equipment is once... … .'

Seolhui first canceled to check other things.

▷ recovery

▶ Equipment

Equipment is selected.


▶ Short sword [weapon]

▷ Wolhyangbi [Weapon]

▷ Cloth silver armor [Armor]

▷ Wall Bomb [Secondary Weapon]

'This is it!'

As soon as Seolhui looked at the list window, a curious thing occurred to him.

I opened the equipment toolbox, and a sub-weapon called 'Breaking Bomb' was created.

I thought of giving it a try, but now I have decided to choose something else.

Because somehow, in the battle with SinB, the priority was to live and win.

In the end, I chose the second option of [Recovery].

<Are you using the golden potion?>

As soon as I agreed, my body that had stopped changing rapidly began to move.

<Recovers health.>

<Hemostasis effect is applied.>

Seolhui [Extreme Organization Squad Leader]

Health 1,055 (↑1,025)/7,708

Air 542/7,070



Two stabs of Shin Shin-rang from the air.

When Seolhui's stamina rose, he blocked all of his opponent's attacks with agile movements, and after that, the two landed on the ground almost at the same time.

"how… … ."

Seeing Seol-hui standing in a good posture, Sin-Bang was speechless.

Apparently, he had suffered fatal injuries a while ago to the point of dying even if he left it alone.

However, he had enough strength to block his own attack and even counterattack.

What surprised Shin Shin-rang even more was the scars on Seol-hui's shoulder.

It is said that the part that had been punctured was markedly haemostasis.

"Didn't you tell me?"

"… … ?"

"I am also the chosen one."

Seolhui raised the corners of his mouth and raised his sword.

Unlike before, he thought he could really win this time.

The opponent will not know.

[A great opportunity! You have discovered a gap in the Black Gold Captain Sinbinang. How would you respond?]

Is it because your partner is upset?

Another chance came to Seolhui.

<You have selected 'Use Toolbox'. Take a look below and choose.>

Seolhui didn't attack.

No, I knew I didn't have to.

<Are you using the golden potion?>

The fact that he carries extra stamina.


<Recovers health.>

<Hemostasis effect is applied.>

Seolhui [Extreme Organization Squad Leader]

Health 2,080 (↑1,025)/7,708

Air 542/7,070

It is a special elixir that is applied immediately after use.

Episode 24. Chillyong Captain Gowol (1)

Sinbirang was definitely strong.

It was only after Seolhui's stamina ran out that I was able to kill him.

"What a dog!"

In particular, the resistance just before killing was really dangerous.

Because I almost lost my life.

[Strike hit! You inflicted fatal wounds on Sinbirang.]

Sinbirang [Taehwanggak 7th Organization Black Gold Captain]

Health 0 (↓320)/15,000

"Sigh. Hahaha."

Is it cognitive dissonance?

Seolhui's face was smiling, but her hands and feet were shaking.

SinBrang's anomalous swordsmanship of blocking, stabbing, and counterattacking was objectively superior to his own.

All I can say is that this fight was very lucky.

[Mission accomplished! As a reward, one Celestial Dragon is given to Seolhui.]

Seolhui's eyes lit up.


A window notifying the long-awaited reward appeared.

Seolhui quickly checked the toolbox.



Yeonyanggaeng 1 (take one bite), iron blood poison detoxifying wine 1


Celestial Dragon 1


[Army] Wolhyangbi 1

[Armor] Cloth silver armor 1

[Secondary weapon] 1 wall grenade

<Absolute cost>

Four Great Pole Magic Wind (Wind)

<Miscellaneous goods>

Gwando Island Treasure Map (7/7)

'It's really the Cheonryongdan!'

It wasn't a dream.

Each of the stamina and strength increased by 10,000 or more.

Even military officers obtained an elixir superior to treasure.

Seolhui immediately looked up to check his status window.

Seolhui [Extreme Organization Squad Leader]

Inner air 242/7,070

The stamina and strength that fell to the floor.

Now, it's a shame that I'd fall down even if I met people who weren't that big of a deal.


Now in this life there is no free time. He got the Celestial Dragon Dan.

Seolhui wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked around.

It's still dangerous inside.

Replaying the fight with SinB and analyzing the gaps are all later.

Now, it was urgent to check what he had and get out of here quickly.

[You have obtained 5 Golden Spear Potions.]

[You have obtained 1 Recipe for the Test of Independent Gods.]

[I have obtained one test sequence table of irrelevance.]

[You have obtained 1 Enchanted Spirit Goddess (還速英身丹).]

[You have obtained 7 Bamboo Sculpture Gods.]

"What is this?"

Before Seol Hwi could even pick up the items, all the items except the bamboo pieces went into the toolbox.

Among them, I was curious about the exam outline and the exam sequence table.

And it was a healing medicine called the Hwankyung Youngshindan.

○ Map of Gwando Island

Description: Unintentional god (身). Summary of treasures.

The locations of the hidden treasures in the seven buildings are drawn in detail.

○ Non-documentation test sequence table

Description: The sequence of tests for unrelated degrees is recorded.

See also: frozen - standing - plate - god

'This is it!'

When Seol-hui looked at the schematic sequence table, it was only then that I understood.

sequence of tests. Proof of God's final test.

Isn't that what it means to be the ones who were chosen to be independent?

"What is this?"

Seolhui opened another one.

○ Hwansok Young Shindan (還速英身丹)

Description: An elixir made with stone obtained from the deepest valley in Xinjiang.

Effect: Has the ability to recover more than a certain amount of stamina and strength.

"This is another test reward!"

Only then did the doubts get resolved by looking at the seolhui items.

This is probably the reward you get for passing three tests out of frozen, standing, and board.

So, the names and uses of the treasures here. And is it not possible to know the location in detail?

"Huh? Did you kill Sinbirang?"


Were you so relieved?

Seolhui reflexively raised his sword to the back of his back.

And there was a woman smiling when she turned around.

"I don't think he was killed by surprise… … ."


Seol-hui, who had been preparing for the enemy's surprise, hardened in an instant.

As soon as the woman saw her figure, she was speechless.

It was a single picture.

It had a fatal beauty color that made you forget everything just by looking at it.

"Incredible. I never thought there would be such a talented person."

The woman praised and talked to her, but Seol-hui did not open her mouth.

It just felt like everything was mysterious, and even though she was wearing clothes that didn't reveal her body, it was like seeing her dressed in fine clothes.

Her pale white skin, her eyebrows, and curled up hair under her ears.

Among them, the large eyes made people stare at each other endlessly.

"there… … ."

The woman tilted her head as Seolhui still did not speak.

Then he smirked as he realized something.

"Operator Taehwanggak. You can't survive on the island without anything like this."

"… … ."

"I would love to see you again. Go Soo-ni who killed Sin-Bang. I'm busy... … ."

So the strange woman walked down the hallway.

Seolhui still stared blankly at her.

Some people would call me stupid like this, but in reality there was nothing I could do about it.

[State, state]

Major [From Hongmawon]

body normal

[Value, Numerical]

Health 28,000/28,000

Air 24,000/24,000

9 million combat power

Because I didn't dare to pursue him because of the shame that exceeded SinBang.

* * *

Seolhui was hiding in the sugar cane.

Stealth means to hide.

So there is a saying that the basics of hiding are to build a hiding place.

'It was around here.'

Seol-hui came here because of the memories of her previous life.

I was able to pass the test by crouching in the sugarcane here.

'Which method is the best?'

As he thought about the future, Seolhui had many thoughts.

He currently has two lives.

This is the present life and the life after death.

With two lives, I had to decide which path to focus on.

Seolhui [Extreme Organization Squad Leader]

Stamina 243/7,708

Inner air 242/7,070

After checking his abilities, Seolhui opened the toolbox.

And he paid attention to two elixirs.

'Are you using all your powers? Or do you promise for the future?'

The Hwansuk Spirits and the Celestial Dragons.

The Hwansuk Young Shindan restores the strength and strength that has been rapidly lost.

If you eat the Cheonryongdan, your stamina and inner strength will jump.

This means that you will have an ability level that surpasses SinBang.

However, what if there is a variable such as a great master appears or being attacked, and you cannot pass the test?

That life would be the worst.

It will become an ability that not even a military officer can pass, and even Shin-Bang cannot capture.

'At the end of the day, I have to promise.'

What catches Seol-hui more than anything else is the existence of dawn.

In order to pass through Muindo Island, you must fight against them.

I would never let myself sit still, who was expected to have acquired the treasure.

'By the way, how did you really pass that time?'

At that time, after spending a day here, I walked to the entrance of Gwando Island.

There were no sanctions at that time.

'First of all, let's think about putting on a horseshoe armor.'

It's the best weapon I've ever obtained from the military island.

It is a must-have because it can create a wind blow just by wearing it.

Although it is not suitable for him who mainly uses swordsmanship, he has greatly contributed to overcoming several crises.

The Eighthwang full body armor worn on the body was in tattered condition, so there was no need to put it in the toolbox.

I thought a little about whether to put a short sword, but I stopped.

After all, this sword doesn't have any special abilities.

'Huh? Why doesn't the toolbox open?'

I touched the [Toolbox] floating on the top, but there was no response.

Then Seolhui felt something and turned her head back.

not different

Hani was looking down at a man who was waving bloody wind.

"Is there anyone hiding here?"

A man with long eyebrows fluttering with his arms crossed in a black robe.

A bag worn on the back.

The ankle-length gaiters and red gloves attracted attention.

His light work skills floating on the leaves of sugar cane made Seolhui's eyes suspicious.


Seolhui seemed to understand why the toolbox didn't open.

situation in which one's own life is threatened.

Besides, as long as the opponent shows hostility, this fight is unavoidable.

[State, state]

Gowol [Captain of the Seven Dragons of Hongmawon]

Health 25,000/25,000

Air 22,000/22,000

63,000 combat power

A figure similar to the mystery.

However, unlike before, it was a very big difference from Seolhui's physical condition now.

"Why do you roll your eyes to live so far away?"


Gowol kicked the sugarcane leaf that rose to a height of one (3m) and stepped on the ground.


And the drawn Daedo (大刀).

Despite his ignorant size, he was so comfortable holding the bag.

'okay. Even if you die when you die, you have to blow the first attack.'

Seolhui immediately put his strength inside the short sword.

Sohee Magic.

As the mastery level of this martial arts went up to the basics, Seolhui's body reaction increased dramatically in all aspects.

It was the power of Sohee-Magong that was able to follow the movement of SinBirang.

"Ha ha ha!"

Seolhui leaped from his seat before he could even finish speaking.

and rattle. got caught in something

[warning! Gowoli discovered a gap in Seolhui. How would you respond?]

▶ Respond directly.

▷ Defend.

▷ Run away.

Is it because the current skill gap is so great?

He tried to attack first, but before he could even swing his sword, a status window against him appeared.

<You have selected 'Defend'.>

It goes on.

'… … !'

Seol-hui, who was running, had no choice but to hesitate at Ko-wol's actions.

Unusual movement of lifting one foot.

And when I stepped on the floor again, a deformed new method was in front of me.

It was the first martial art that Seol-hui experienced, called Cheonyeong Eight Hwanggak (千影八荒脚).


Go-wol's feet, which were limping like snakes, hit Seol-hui's chest.

At once, his body bent vertically and fell to the floor.


As soon as Gowol stepped on the ground, he kicked Seolhui's head.

It didn't end there.


And once again, he slapped Seolhui in the back with his heel.

<Strike hit! Gowol inflicted 235 damage to Seolhui.>

Seolhui [Extreme Organization Squad Leader]

Health 8 (↓235)/7,708

Inner air 242/7,070

Seolhui's lips were full of saliva.

It was a terrible pain indeed.

Pain to the extent that the thought of defeating the enemy disappeared and passed through his body.

"What are you going to do?"

Go-wol looked at Seol-hui, who was moaning in a sitting position.

Even though he was half unconscious, he could see him holding his sword.


A tearing scream escaped Seolhui's mouth.

Go Wol stepped on Seol Hwi's hand and crushed it.

"100 million!"

Go-wol grabbed Seol-hui's hair and lifted it up.

"A guy like you just needs to be my faithful manure."

And he said waving to and fro.

"When you step on it, it gets stepped on. Hit it right If you kill me, you die."

"… … ."

Seolhui was helpless and just listened.

strength to resist. He had no strength to resist.

Just one thing floating around in my mind.

'okay. Now I think I know.'

Even when several lives are repeated.

even in the midst of dying. And even at the moment of his death, he thought.

Why do you have to be strong?

What is the reason you have to step on and stand up even in the dirty filth?

If you don't stop, you die.

They have to live in a dirty world by becoming their manure.

[A great opportunity! You have discovered a gap in the moon. How would you respond?]

▶ Attack.

▷ Use martial arts.

▷ Use the toolbox.

▷ Get close to your opponent.

'… … .'

Seolhui stared blankly at the gap for a moment.

Because I suspected that it might have popped up wrong.

A situation in which stamina and inner strength were almost exposed.

His right hand is crushed and he can't grasp anything, so instead of killing him, it's hard to touch even one of his fingertips.

<You have selected 'Attack'.>

Reverts to 3 seconds ago.

It's not always a purposeful choice.

Knowing the end, I chose the beginning without much meaning.

"A guy like you just needs to be my faithful manure."

I felt like I had to do something about the other person's humiliating remarks.

I saw a sword and held it,

I did it because all I could do was wield it.

"When you step on it, it gets stepped on. Hit it right porridge!"

But, to my surprise, this popped up.

[I use the jackpot sword.]

'… … !'

An intense martial art that blows away anger, frustration, and pain at once.

I tried to find a way, but I couldn't find it, I thought about it, but I couldn't solve it.

Meanwhile, it reappeared.

Jiying! Pushy! - Shhhhh

The particles produced like fireflies flocked to the tip of the sword, and they gradually took on spirituality and moved the spirit.

Seolhui unfolded a technique that only those who realized the true meaning of ignorance could do it.

<Conversion Strike Hit! You have inflicted more than 20,000 wounds on Gowol.>


Go-wol, who allowed a blow while defenseless, vomited blood from his mouth and stepped back.


He sat down with a look of disbelief.

and his stomach.

Damage numbers beyond common sense were recorded in the status window.

[State, state]

Gowol [Captain of the Seven Dragons of Hongmawon]

Health 3,170 (↓21,830)/25,000


The jackpot sword is not just the opponent's physical strength.

[State, state]

Gowol [Captain of the Seven Dragons of Hongmawon]

Health 3,170 (↓21,830)/25,000

Internal air 9,445 (↓12,555)/22,000

It even stole the enemy's internal air.

Episode 25. Chillyong Captain Gowol (2)

Seolhui [Extreme Organization Squad Leader]

Health 4(↓1)(↓1)(↓1)(↓1)/7,708

Seolhui was feeling the joy.

Even though the pain was severe and death was imminent, only the spirit became clearer.

'finally… … … Found it!'

How to use the jackpot sword.

It was a head movement.

It was unfolded while Gowol grabbed his hair and shook it.

"What… … ."

A long way away, Gowol was grabbing her stomach.

It's a poopy expression on her face, but she's actually lucky to be alive.

I couldn't wield all of my sword because I was moving the sword with my stamina exhausted.

Come to think of it, I was avoiding the red moon's poop falling from the side... … .

"Kukk… … Ha ha ha ha ha! gagging... … Whoops. haha."

Seolhui couldn't stop laughing even in the pain of being torn apart.

How much I struggled to figure out how to use this power.

I finally grabbed the sand that was slipping through my fists.

"So… … You should have been a little stingy."

Seolhui wiped the blood from his lips and scoffed.

"How dare this guy… … ."

"You won't be able to get out of here. There's no way other people can leave a body that's injured like that. Qukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk."

"This bastard!"

Go-Wol quickly fixes the great sword.

Seolhui's vision was getting blurry.


He lost strength in his hand and even lost the sword he was holding.

'Now really... … '

Is there another number?

no. Now, let alone fight it, I don't even have the strength to pick it up again.

But why?

Will this pop up in front of you?

[A great opportunity! You have discovered a gap in the moon. How would you respond?]

▶ Attack.

▷ Use martial arts.

▷ Use the toolbox.

▷ Get close to your opponent.

'her. Oh yeah.'

death was already predestined.

You don't even have a weapon, so why is it appearing in front of you?

'I don't have any weapons... … wait!'

In an instant, a single assumption flashed through Seolhui's head.

He hastily selected the third option, 'Use the toolbox'.

[What would you like to use?]

▷ recovery

▶ Equipment

Seolhui chose the equipment, and the secondary weapon, the blast bomb.

'Let's do it!'

His eyes gleamed even though he couldn't live with too much blood.

I never thought that the grenade was a waste.

It's just a pity that I can't see the face of that guy who goes to the underworld.

In fact, later. When you get something similar to this.

I wanted to experience firsthand what would happen if I used something like this.

[Do you use grenade? Accept/Reject]

Seol-hui was determined to choose the blast bomb.

P profit-

And in a very brief moment, regardless of his will, he threw a grenade at him.

I crouched next to the protruding rock.


Rubbing his blurred vision, he witnessed a ring of fire spreading out in all directions.

- Whoa, whoa! Kuwait!

What will happen if I unleash the magic of extreme flames?

The ring of fire spreading like a bizarre pattern literally colored the surrounding area with fire hell.

Above all else, a huge shock wave that makes you deaf.

The power of the binge was so great that it shook the axis.


Inside, a man crying in pain was overcome by the wind pressure and soared into the air.

And puck! And a new one from a distance.

Seolhui looked at him with a blank expression.

[Conversion Strike Hit! Inflicts 3170 fatal damage to Gowol.]

Health 0 (↓3,170)/25,000

Gowol is dead.

The power of the blast bomb was so strong that the enemy's body was torn to shreds.

Gowol's body was significantly damaged to such an extent that the torso and limbs were separated.

"I lived… … ."

Seolhui looked at him and his own stamina figures in disbelief.

If the force of the blast bomb had been this much, he should have died, who was within walking distance.

But there was no pain.

The blast bomb in the toolbox destroyed everything around him while protecting himself.

Health 2(↓1)(↓1)/7,708

"Ah, we have to retrieve it!"

Seolhui's eyes twinkled.

Either way, he'll die soon. But he still had work to do.

That's also very important.

"Come on anything. please… … ."

She had already fallen to the floor because she did not have the strength to sit down, but Seolhui desperately crawled forward in a crawling position.

It was to find the Gowol that was in front of them.

'Oh, no… … .'

Health 1(↓1)/7,708

Ah, in a state where his stamina had fallen to the last, there was only one sheet left with him.

If you die like this... … .

The wall grenade was too bad.

Then something flashed through my head.

'that's right! Yeonyanggaenggi!'

I only took one bite and left it.

Isn't it in the toolbox?

[Do you want to open the toolbox?]

'Quickly… … .'

[Do you want to use soft yokan?]

I didn't have the strength to take it out, so I used it right away.

[Health has been restored.]

Health 3(↑2)/7,708

"little bit more… … ."

It was a subtle force that was hard to say, but it was a great help to Seolhui, who was crawling with his teeth clenched.

Health 1(↓1)(↓1)/7,708

When the health drops to '1'.

[You have obtained 5 Golden Spear Potions.]

[You have obtained 1 Muryeongdo.]

[You have obtained 1 Thousand Year Einbaeksil (千年陰百實).]

[You have obtained 1 Blood Ice Stone.]

[You have obtained 1 Advanced Armor.]

[You have obtained 1 Recipe for the Test of Independent Gods.]

[I have obtained one test sequence table of irrelevance.]

'Fortunately… … ugh... … .'

As soon as I searched through his arms, the texts that appeared in front of my eyes.

Seolhui quickly put it in the toolbox without looking back.

And when I just put it all in.

'Ah! Short sword.'

Belatedly, he realized that he had a sword in his hand and tried to put it in his toolbox, but it was already too late.

[This is the last life.]

A familiar sentence covered my eyes.

with a beep.

▶ Start from the beginning.

▷ Continue.

▷ Recall the saved point.

The expected fingerprint appeared.

[Where do you want to go back in time?]


▶ The 95th year of the celestial calendar, Chapter 2. The three lives that Gonma suggests]

[empty storage space]

[empty storage space]

no more life

It was the beginning of the last remaining life.

* * *

The surroundings brightened with Gonma's voice.

[Choose one of three options.]

I'm used to it now.

His face, his expression, and the fingerprints he presented.

▶ Become Gonma's core warrior

▷ Become Gonma's bodyguard

▷ Become Gonma's secret warrior

[You have selected 'Become Konma's core warrior']

"That's good too."

Gonma nodded.

After that, he said, pointing to the bookshelf.

"However, there are still six days left until the military officers are allowed to enter the country. I'll talk to the clerk on my first floor, so I'll wait in the basement of Cheonilgwan. You can bring anything useful there."

The gestures and tones he had before were the same as he had heard.

Also referring to the book of the Three Suwon Gyoseo.

"one thing. I have something to tell you."

When Gonma turned around, Seolhui called for him.

Gonma looks down at himself.

When I looked at it up close, it felt as if a glare was emanating from my eyes.

"There is one more piece of information that I came across by accident. However, it is difficult to mention... … ."

"You are already on a boat. Don't worry about it and just say it."


Seolhui took a deep breath.

It was an adventure, but I needed to do it right here.

"If so. What should I do when I find a spy who is being tempted by another disciple to monitor Konma-sama?

"You're a spy… … ."

Even when he was called a spy, Gonma's reaction was more blunt than he expected.

Rather, Seolhui was surprised.

Gonma, even though you mentioned a spy who was a threat to yourself, you were so blunt.

"Well, of course. The moment when everyone becomes a disciple of Heaven. I get caught up in an incident I didn't want to happen. I have been like that since the year I became a disciple."

"Ah… … ."

The fourth disciple, Gonma.

A man who is ranked in the top 100 of the official rankings within the magic school, but has not shown any influence or prominence.

But as we talked, I found out.

It is said that he is overcoming a battle that he cannot dare to guess just by holding on until now.

"Did you say seolhui?"

"Yep. Fourth disciple."

"If you come across a clue about the spy on the way to Munundo, come to me right away. By then I will be at Yuwon Palace. sure."

"… … ."

"It would be better if you could catch it."

Amusement Palace is the only resting place for the disciples of Cheonma.

It is known that uninhabited students on campus are usually not allowed to approach, and if they approach without reason, they will be killed instantly.

"All right."

Seolhui bowed her head.

It's better if you catch it... … .

* * *

What Seolhui did as soon as she entered the Cheonilgwan underground warehouse was to analyze the toolbox.

This is to check the items obtained from Go-Wol after using the grenade.


Description: Gowol's monolithic weapon. The length of the sword alone is three cubits and seven villages.

[Advanced Armor]

Description: A cherished item of Soreuk (蘇勒) in Taehyeon-gak. He saved his life several times.

Effect: Blocks some attacks without taking damage.

[Blood ice stone condition]

Description: Moss that grows on blood ice that is more than a thousand years old.

Effect: Increases stamina and strength appropriately.

[The Millennium Yinbaeksil (千年陰百實)

Description: The fruit of a native plant that has survived in the shade underground for over a thousand years. Various energy is mixed.

Effect: Increases stamina and attack by 3,000 or more.

'One, you got it right.'

Seolhui admired the Millennium Eumbaeksil.

If it had this kind of effect, I think it would have been one of the most treasured treasures in Gwando Island.

Seolhui looked at his abilities.

Seolhui [Extreme Organization Squad Leader]

Health 118/120

inner air 250/250

All abilities have been restored to the time they were saved.

albeit in a small amount.

There will be a sudden change soon.

"I need to catch the spy."

Before breaking up with Gonma, Seolhui mentioned the spy in order not to go to the island.

Now is the time to think about a detour.

There may still be some attractive treasures left, but the road was too dangerous, as long as you knew the powers of the beings of dawn.

[Do you want to use Blood Ice Stone?]

[Are you sure you want to use the Millennium Yinbaek Room?]

Unfortunately, the elixir I ate in my previous life died and became useless.

First of all, he ate all the elixir he had obtained from Gowol and stored just before he died.

Stamina 938 (↑820)/940

Inner attack 790 (↑540)/790

Stamina 4,023 (↑ 3085)/4,025

Internal air 3,889 (↑ 3099)/3,889

After that, I turned my attention to other elixirs.

The best reward after completing a mission.

[Do you want to use the Celestial Dragon?]

As soon as I agreed, the figures changed.

<Health and strength are greatly increased.>

Seolhui [Extreme Organization Squad Leader]

Stamina 20,558 (↑16,535)/20,560

Inner air 21,680 (↑ 17,791)/21,680

"Wow, great… … ."

Seol-hui felt like she was breaking out of her physical limits when she saw the shame she had never seen before.

Dozens of veins in the body were voluntarily tampered with.

The aggression generated by that surged tremendously along the bottom of the battlefield.

"I can hear it being popular."

Tata that.

above the ceiling

sound of people walking. sound of lifting things.

It was even possible to hear someone coughing.

A special ability that follows at the same time.

<The proficiency of mind reading increases.>

[Passive Skill] Mind Reading

Imitation ▶ Basic Steps

"okay. It was there too."

The ability to understand the condition of others.

It was Giyeon, which was a big help in surviving.

"Now the martial arts."

Let's go back a few times and remember the martial arts we learned.

<You have mastered Sohee Magic.>

<You have mastered the (Enemy Magician) Red Field.>

<You have mastered the (Super Magical) Explosion Ball.>

Immediately the text appeared.

"Finally… … ."

Seolhui held the sword in her left hand.

In my previous life, I finally found a way to use it.

I was thinking of using my best abilities.

"I moved my head down and back… … ."

After moving his head according to the direction, he moved his sword straight away.

[Exercising a jackpot sword.]

"100 million!"

Cuckoo Kook.

The energy of the particles that spread like fireflies gathered at the tip of the sword, and the condensed energy stretched out and caused an intense explosion.

And that energy pierced the wall endlessly.

The power itself emitted by Qigong was completely different from other martial arts.

"I'm not sure. This life... … ."

Seolhui's eyes lit up with a glimmer.

It was a change that naturally appeared when all abilities exceeded the first sudden change.

"It will be completely different."

Episode 26. New Combat Types (1)

For half a day after coming to the underground warehouse, Seolhui has been doing research on the jackpot sword.

For him, Dang-Geum's homework is how quickly and efficiently he deploys this technique.

"I'm sorry."

After figuring out how to use the jackpot sword, the emotions that had been brimming with joy slowly cooled over time.

Because, compared to the advantage of being able to exert tremendous power, the jackpot sword also had a fatal weakness.

It's the activation time and the use of the left hand.

When Seolhui, who uses his right hand, activated this, there was a restriction that he had to hold the sword with his left hand.

In a desperate moment, moving the sword with the left hand was a burdensome task.

"The start-up process is more of a problem… … ."

Changing the position of the sword. No matter what you do, it's a way to shoot the sword in the end.

The process was problematic.

Big Sword (大舶劍) : ↓↘ → ←, B

One head bow motion as indicated above.

One movement of the lower right.

One more time, leaning forward.

After that, you have to quickly move backwards and swing your sword.

Come to think of it, the time interval was too long.

There's no way the enemy can wait patiently while you're doing this.

"I think it has to be somehow linked with Sohee-Magong's herbivore… … ."

When I remembered the motion of moving my head, a herbivore came to my mind.

Six herbivores (六招式) small changes in the stomach (素狀奇變).

Sosang means the form of ice, and Gibyeon means transformation.

The most aggressive herbivore of the Sohee Magician who rushes forward.

It seems to be attacking from the bottom and using this to run forward, after changing the position of the sword with his left hand.

The direction of the last '←' shape.

If you step back and swing it like this, wouldn't the jackpot sword come out?

"Let's practice some more… … ."

cut profit.

In an instant, Seolhui's movements stopped due to the sound of the door opening.

Soon after, an old man with a familiar face walked down the stairs.

"Why are you so noisy?"

Cheon Il-gwan's secretary. it was red

That's weird.

The fact that he, who had not appeared in several lifetimes, came here directly.

'Is it because of this?'

Only then did Seolhui come into view.

Shattered walls and ceilings.

Scattered books, pitted floors and ceilings.

He studied the jackpot sword, and these are the things he did.

It was then that I remembered Seolhui's mention of not only organizing the books, but also restoring the damaged ones.


Duhong, with a head crumpled like a pumpkin, was scanning the surroundings with small, age-stained eyes.

Half an apple in one hand.

Seeing that he appeared with a sweet potato in his other hand, it looked like he was eating fruit.

"It's so… … ."

His face trembled slightly as he looked around the broken surroundings.

But for Seolhui, those things were good.

above his face. Because my eyes went to the words <Life + 1>.

[State, state]

Du Hong (頭紅) [Officer in charge of Cheon Il-gwan]

body normal

1 Coin

Become a Dog of Duhong (0/8)(New, New)

→ Upgrade Battle Type

[Value, Numerical]

Health 3,500/3,500

Internal air 3,200/3,200

10,000 combat power

'One life. I almost missed this. But order? what is this... … .'

poop poop.

Seolhui's head, which was standing there, was bent reflexively.

Duhong spit out the food he had been chewing on.

"This guy. I have no concept... … ."

A high-pitched, cracking voice like a woman scratches the nerves even more.

poop poop.

When Duhong spit out food again, Seolhui felt a force in his fist.

'no. You can't kill me now... … .'

But holding on to the string of reason, I thought again.

I don't know if it was in the past, but it's very easy to break the hair of this guy now.

But you have to think well.

What Happens After You Kill Interest.

There should not be any variables that change the schedule.

Isn't the primary goal of this life to kill Geoun?

"Sorry, I'm sorry. I'll put it back the way it was... … Ugh."

Seolhui's head snapped upwards.

This time, Duhong spit something out.

But not food, but sticky saliva and yellow sputum.

"You did well."

"… … ."

"I was bored because I was so free these days. People who come and go keep touching my temper."

He came one step closer.

And he said it to Seolhui's ear, which was dripping with saliva.

"Shall we get a little closer? hee hee hee."

'Ah. Shall I just kill you?'

In an instant, Seolhui's eyes filled with life.

But the phrase that makes him persevere.

request. Become a dou-hong dog (0/8)

→ Upgrade Battle Type

I was so curious about this that I had no choice but to bow my head.

* * *

strong zone.

It is a deep-rooted discipline within the magic religion, and it is stated that everyone must follow it.

But this law also has a system.

Unlike the upper division, in the case of the lower division, it is common that only the superior has the right to escape the life or death of his subordinates.

However, there are organizations that do not fall into that category.

Those who are classified as a common miscellaneous organization without a unit to which they belong.

The organization of seolwi.

This is where the non-gaming group is.

Although it is said that he receives orders from each state he belongs to, in reality, any commander of a unit within a lower branch has the authority to supervise him.

So, even if Duhong is tormenting him, there is no reason or justification to stop him.

"This bastard must be killed as cruelly as possible, so that anyone can say that it is terrible."

Seolhui has been cleaning the back room since morning.

Du Hong.

this bastard is crazy

I called him last night and made him clean the back liver until dawn, and this morning he asks me to empty the shit out of the back liver.

"under. No matter how many times you go back, you can't escape the shit life... … ."

Seol-hui was wearing a cloth all over her body and scooping up poop from under the back liver.

The distance between the footrest and the poop was so deep that the floor was barely visible after about a dozen scoops.

Become a dou-hong dog (1/8)

Fortunately, I completed one request while cleaning the back room yesterday.

And if you just scoop out this shit, the cleaning is complete.

After I finish this one, I only have to do the next six, but it was easy to say and it was hard work.

"What type of battle is it? It's sure to give you something huge, right?"

No matter how hard it was, my eyes kept falling on the rewards given.

Up to now, the windows in front of him have given him a lot of energy in any form.

If so, this time it will grant you something special.

"… … … Did you eat too much this morning?"

cut profit.

Seolhui's eyes widened at the sound of the plank door shaking.

While scooping in the poop, he saw someone coming in through the open door.

[State, state]

Byeok Lee [Manager in charge of Cheonilgwan 3rd floor]

body normal

[Value, Numerical]

Health 2,400/2,400

Air 2,890/2,890

8,000 combat power

face was not visible.

I'm just showing my abilities.

"Sa, there are people!"

Seolhui hurriedly shouted.

There is only one dunggan in this place, as it is only used by people in charge of Cheon Il Kwan.

There is no place to escape, no place to escape.

"… … Five. You are the one Duhong said, this time to Cheon Il-gwan."

An old man's face was visible from the ceiling.

A twisted, eight-shaped mustache stood out.

"haha. That's right. I am on a mission."

"It suffers. okay. work hard I'm in a hurry... … "


He gestured and brought his hand to his waist.

'Hey fuck you.'

Curse came out of nowhere.

The damn manager ripped his pants off and put them back on, and then a terrible lower body appeared.


This guy was crazy too.

As soon as two half moons appeared through the hole above the head, similar to the mouth, something jumped out like a waterfall.

It's sizzling!

'Chiba- diarrhea aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa diarrhea!'

It was a water stream.

Diarrhea with stickiness and water, not dripping feces.

And a piece of stuff that came out stuck to Seolhui's lips.

'kill! must be killed! You must kill me!'

Seolhui's eyes began to explode like crazy.

But a back-and-forth thing that should be considered first blocked his actions.

The death of Cheon Il-gwan officials.

Of course, there will be an investigation from Taehwanggak, and it will soon be revealed that it is you.

Even if I don't know later, not right now.

After defeating Geoun and capturing him. Shouldn't I have won Gonma's trust?


a stream of water fell

It was the finish.

After Lee Byeok broke out of diarrhea, he finished the last three months with urine.

"Ah. Cool."


He rubbed the inside of his buttocks roughly and stood up from his seat.

Just then, a crumpled piece of yellow paper fell over Seol-hui's head, covered in dung all over his body.


Lee Byeok closed the door and went outside.

"I am a fan to death."

shit that fell to the floor.

sticky liquid.

And a stalk of undigested bok choy was wrapped around Seolhui's neck.

"And put your head in the dung water and step on it. until the death. okay. That would be nice."

A scene of terrifyingly killing two people was drawn in his mind.

But that wasn't enough.

Because the stinky smell was showing the reality of Seolhui's current situation in a very naked way.


His anger that soared to the top of his head resounded louder in the empty poop.

* * *

Seolhui went to the lake and washed like crazy.

I washed it enough to tear my skin, wondering if it was okay to wash it like this.

"Five. Are you all set up?"

Upon entering Cheonilgwan, Duhong welcomed him.

But he didn't look at him.

Because of the dog-like guy next to me.

"It would have been neat. Heh heh heh."

it was a wall

He was sitting next to Du Hong.

In order to inflict shame on him, the two of them worked together to do this.

Just like the Great Pagoda Mantis and the Five Heavenly Pillars Arabs.

"It has been cleared up."

The urge to slap my face straight up surged like crazy, but I had to put up with it.

Just because of this.

Become a dou-hong dog (2/8)

Numbers that go up with the answer.

2 out of 8 were completed.

"You did well. Then get some water. Take a bath. The person next to you."

"of course. Then I will take it right away."

Seolhui quickly bowed her head.

And as he was about to turn around, the mustache old man, Lee Byeok, added a word.

"Did you wash your hands thoroughly? I can't smell it."

"… … ."

Seolhui didn't answer.

It was because the sleeping inner Gong was running like crazy.

I couldn't suppress it anymore.

I thought it would be better to kill these two and go back to the past.

Even if you are not prepared for the future.

So I want to turn around

"Are you here!"

Two old men, who had been laid back like crocodiles, were suddenly walking from their seats towards the entrance.

Seolhui's eyes naturally focused on it.

It soon became a color.

'How could that woman get here... … .'

[State, state]

Major [From Hongmawon]

body normal

The woman I saw during the military service exam.

A major with great beauty visited Cheonilgwan.

Episode 27. New Combat Types (2)

[Value, Numerical]

Health 22,999/22,999

Air 21,000/21,000

80,000 combat power

It's a lower ability level than when we met in our previous life.

If you think about it, it's not something you can't understand.

At that time, she would have met her in Shin (身) after taking the three tests of the frozen, written, and printed versions, so it was more persuasive to show a difference from the figures at that time.

"Are you inside?"

"You went to the amusement park."

At Duhong's words, the major nodded.

Then he turned his gaze to look at Seol-hui for a moment and asked again.

"It looks like someone I haven't seen… … ."

"I came from the end of Taehwanggak, and now I am in charge of managing the underground warehouse."

"Oh yeah?"

Seolhui stood blankly.

So it was then.

Just looking at it like this makes my heart stop.

"You don't have to worry about it, he's not a big deal."

"That's right. He's a guy who doesn't even care for a single word."

At Duhong's words, Lee Byeok helped.

It's probably not just their mood that the two old men feel outright ridicule.

"Ah. okay?"

The major nodded his head as if he knew a bit.

Then he turned his gaze and sent a subtle gaze to Seolhui.


A major who suddenly smiled brightly.

Between those smiles, you can see white, neat teeth.

'… … Ah!'

Seeing that, Seolhui let out a moan without knowing it.

What has happened is that just looking at it gives you a ecstatic pleasure.

"It's fun."

Seolhui regained consciousness at her next words.

At some point, Duhong and Lee Byeok were staring at them.

"What is your name?"

The major, who was about to turn around, asked a question to himself.

"It's Seolhui."

"Seolhui. That's a good name. I don't know how I ended up staying in the basement... … greatness."

During the conversation, the major covered his nose for a moment.

You must have smelled it.

No matter how many times I wash it, it seems that this awful smell of poop doesn't go away easily.

'Because of those two dogs.'

It was a moment that added one more reason to kill Duhong and Lee Byeok, who were next to them.

"There must be a reason. It will."

The meaning is somewhat ambiguous, but Duhong and Libaek's eyes turned to the major at the words.

But she didn't answer any further.

And that too was the same as Seolhui.

'This woman. She figured out my abilities.'

Seolhui was feeling it intuitively.

This woman named Major.

Your eyes and gaze are piercing through something.

"See you again."

As the major gestured, Seolhui raised his hand involuntarily.

Then I was startled.

It wasn't just because Duhong and Libaek were glaring at them.

<Please select by looking at the fingerprints below.>

time stops

Because this came out.

▶ Would you like to meet me once?

It was the first fingerprint that came out of nowhere.

▶ Will you spend a hot night with me?

There was also an additional absurd fingerprint.

▶ My abs. Would you like to touch it?

At the end, the fingerprints that made me angry were floating.

'Why are your fingerprints like this!'

Seolhui protested inwardly, but there was no one to answer.

Just the unchanging truth.

▶ Would you like to meet me once?

▷ Can you spend a hot night with me?

▷ My abs. Would you like to touch it?

8… … 7… … .

and the passing of time.

It is imperative that you choose one.

There is only that.

'It will not be a simple phenomenon.'

It's always been like that.

Although random fingerprints, most of the optional fingerprints used to influence events in the not-too-distant future.

In a way that puts yourself in danger and gives you a decent reward.

Sometimes it was concerned not only with the present life, but also with the choices of the next life.

4… … 3… …

'I don't know.'

<You selected 'Would you like to meet me?'>

As soon as it was said that it was going to go ahead, Seolhui watched with breath taking to see what kind of reaction it would be.

The two old men's expressions of absurdity were ignored in the first place.

"… … Whoops."

'I laughed again.'

The major was smiling softly.

Hearing rude comments doesn't make me feel very hostile.

until now.

▶ Will you spend a hot night with me?

▷ My abs. Would you like to touch it?

'Wow… … I'll take care of it.'

It was a choice of fingerprints that unfortunately disappeared.

An unavoidable option that requires accepting the consequences of your choices.

'Wait, maybe not?'

Seolhui had a question.

He has always made the choice to choose the lesser evil rather than the worst.

But the lesser evil turns into the worst, and the worst choice becomes the best choice.

What if, this time, you choose a choice that is considered the worst even to pretend?

Then maybe something will change for the better.

Assuming that you have to select all fingerprints anyway.

<You selected 'Would you like to spend a hot night with me?'>

Scared of making a choice, the major's face hardened in an instant.

Seriously, anyone would look at me like a crazy person.

Even in such an embarrassing moment, why do I want the faces of the two old men to be cleaned up a little bit as red as blush?

"I know. It's not normal to talk like this."

I don't know what excuses I've ever said to her.

Still, I had the courage to say something.

Actually, although the expression was absurd, it wasn't a lie at all.

"I struggle to get better every day, but as you can see, this is what it looks like. You just covered yourself with poop, but you couldn't say a word in return."

Seol-hui spoke her heart to quell her anger, but he didn't know that he would be able to confide in everything like this.

Maybe it's because I don't know, but it's sad.

In a life that repeats death and death over and over again, I didn't know that it was because the only goal that Gonma liked was to do it.

"… … So, you say it outright even though you know it won't be possible. I want to create a reason to live. It may be a great insult to you, but I consider myself very fortunate to have met you."

Seolhui didn't even know what he was talking about.

it's just a joke

He was talking about the inner feelings he had kept alone.

But did it work for her?

"It wasn't unpleasant."

"… … Yes?"

Seolhui doubted his ears at the unexpected answer.

Wasn't that kind of offensive?

Are you really serious?

Her voice was heard again in Seolhui's bewildered ears.

"I just thought it was overly honest."

"… … !"

It is a sight to be seen with the naked eye.

How can this beautiful woman be able to say such a rude thing to her with such humility.

Standing halfway across the entrance, she moved slowly.

thump thump.

It felt like my heart was going to explode.

Because suddenly a major was approaching.

Thump thump thump.

Footsteps heard at a rate similar to the heartbeat.

As she was walking, she came close enough to touch Seolhui's face.

'Uh, when?'

Seolhui's gaze turned to the woman's side.

When did you get your hands on it? Duhong and Lee Byeok were lying on the floor.

"Be as strong as you want to be. therefore… … ."

She slowly brings her face to Seolhui's ear.

And whispered in a small voice that only Seol-hui could hear.

"Escape from this hell together."

"… … !"

Seolhui's eyes widened.


How is it that the people at our school express themselves that way?

But those words came as another shock to Seol-hui.

It's like I've found a reason to be strong again.

"See you again when you have a chance."

After saying those words, the major turned around.

"… … ."

Life is the sum of countless choices.

And when you collect the results of that agreement, it becomes your destiny.

It is often said that fate does not change, but Seolhui felt that this choice changed the future of her past and present lives.

In the past, no, it wasn't even a while ago.

that never showed up.

<Love + 3>

It was because they were spinning over the head of the major who had just turned around.

* * *

"Wow. It was tiring."

Seol-hui came out of the back door of Cheon-il-gwan, clutching her swollen face and doing laundry.

not different

After Major Sozer disappeared, he had to be baptized with the fists of two old men.

He had hit it so hard with his fists and feet that his chin was still tingling.

Pak! Pak!

Seol-hui, who had washed all of his clothes, hung them one by one on the clothesline in front of them.

As soon as everything was done, Seolhui opened the toolbox.

And he grinned with satisfaction.

"You damn old man. Were you the only one eating something so good?"

○ Myeongwangjeonpo

Description: Protective equipment classified as advanced. It is a combat uniform made by a royal military uniform tailor named Hoguk (浩國).

Effect: Increases defense considerably.

Clothes stolen while taking bath water in Lee Byeok's bed.

It was a battle uniform stolen from a storage closet on the edge.

○ White Horn Bullet

Description: A bomb mixed with dye added to the blast bomb that comes down dictated by Whangasea.

Effect: Use this to temporarily confuse enemies within 3 cards in front of you.

It was under the bed.

I didn't steal it when I knew it was there, but after groping a few times, I got into the toolbox.

○ Understanding of swordsmanship

Description: A book written 250 years ago by Elder Dokyeom while studying martial arts in Jungwon.

Effect: Your understanding of swordsmanship increases.

It was in Duhong's office desk drawer.

He found it after he disappeared for a while.

"In just a few days, all the quests will be finished. It doesn't matter if you find out then."

Seolhui looked up and checked the number of missions completed.

Become a dou-hong dog (4/8)

Even when I received bath water, and even though I did not report that it was exhausted, the number was up.

It is a moment when I think that it is because it is an easy task.

"by the way… … ."

Seolhui raised his head and looked up at the sky.

Because it was drinking, the day was setting and it was dark around.

Even though it was always a lonely night, I felt strangely good today.

"I'm sure there are people who think the same as me… … ."

Magong (魔功).

It is a martial art that paralyzes human reason and emits only greed for power.

The people of our school accept this power as it is, perhaps because of their desire to be strong.

Then he becomes addicted to that power, and is brainwashed, longing for a stronger magic attack.

But there are others who are not like you.

Refusing to be brainwashed. A mutant who doubts everything and tries to find something better.

Of course, there were often such people in our school.

However, I never imagined that she would be one of those mutants.

"Can we meet again?"

Seolhui's heart was pounding.

The reason why I set the goal of just wanting to be strong.

He didn't want to see dirty, filthy things.

But now there is a clearer reason.

To gain strength and get out of this place with her.

"When you get stronger, you will definitely see it."

Seolhui made a promise to the sky.

Although it's still a shabby power, someday.

One day, no one will be able to ignore it, and he will grow up and break free from magic.

And then, if there is a chance, I will go with a woman named Major.

I hope that seolhui day will come soon.

I longed for it with my heart.

Episode 28. New combat types (3)

"I made my fists like this here."

"No. Here, after bowing your head, Because I was told that I had to pay for it."

A heated discussion between the two elders was in full swing since morning.

Early in the morning, an intelligence agent who was spying on Jungwon stopped by Cheonilgwan and taught him how to do it, but they were arguing that their actions were right.

"Awesome. 'Cause I'm right Isn't it so lame when the name is the military service of the Ami faction representing Jungwon? Take a good look at me."

While Lee Byeok watched, Du Hong walked forward.

He quickly clasped his fists at his waist and took a pose while clearing his breath.

Immediately, he raised his fists with a loud chirping sound.

"Ugh! 100 million! Oops!"

"hot. hot. Ha ha ha!"

On the other side, a moan burst out at the same time as Du Hong's cheering sound.

This is because Seolhui, who was tied to a ten-figure tree with arms outstretched, became a human old tree and was able to receive his attacks well.


After Du Hong stabbed the regime several times, he recovered his outstretched fist and caught his breath.

Of course, it looked like a finishing move for anyone to see.

By the way.

"ruler. Shall we start now?"

"… … !"

Duhong, whose eyes were twinkling like snakes, suddenly opened his palms and made a sound according to the movement.

"Toe to and tok!"

"Kukki Kuk Kuk Kuk Kuk!"

His powerful shouts went ahead, and Seolhui's screams quickly followed.

It was called Kwonbeop, but he did not stop there.

Poke with your fingers.

Measuring the blood level using hand gestures.

Strike with the palm of your hand.

Even the insane technique of hitting, hitting, pinching, and hitting repeatedly.



After finishing the slap on the cheek, which was not even taught by the intelligence agent, Duhong looked at Lee Byeok.

"Whoa. How was it?"

Contrary to his proud face, Lee Byeok showed cynicism.

"That's not it. The three-second ceremony, which was originally made with the movements of animals, is finished by hitting the stomach and then hitting the bottom."

"is it? I'll show you from the first second."

"I was waiting."

As Duhong returned to his seat, this time Lee Byeok stepped forward.

And I ran into Seolhui, who shook his head. Lee Byeok lightly ignored the appearance.


Lee Byeok waving his fists like a five or six-year-old with a childish tone to spit.



Tremendous speed and power hit the abdomen.

His voice grew more and more hoarse.

"Do do do do do do do do do do do do!"

"Cococococok. Whoops!"

Seolhui's scream also changed to resemble his cheap voice.

Meanwhile, it came out.

3 second finish.



The moment Lee Byeok's fist smashed the human old tree's heart, Seolhui experienced a clap with the grim reaper.

"Shut up!"

Peripheral pain, different in nature from the feeling of just being in pain.

'Sesame… What's broken... … Isn't it?'

His head was completely black and stopped, enough to cover his lower back.

"How was it?"

When Lee Byeok asked, Du Hong raised his thumb.

They looked at each other and soon turned into satisfied faces.

'Let's end it here.'

Seol-hui only thought of that in the midst of the reason people came and went.

Now, the combat type is pretty good.

He was a fighting type, and it seemed that he would not be able to live up to his name if he didn't cut them right away.

Become a dou-hong dog (7/8)

Even in the midst of the collapse of values, the text at the top of Seolhui did not change.

Until yesterday, they were treated less than humans, and they barely filled the seven.

last one.

If you become a human old tree and take their fists, 8 pieces are completed.

I should... …

"Because that's what they do there."

"No. did you just see Because I have to hit him here."

'okay. Let's kill them all.'

Seol-hui heard what they said and half of her reason went out.

This was the limit.

"Because it's not there. You have to show it to me."

"I'll show you a demonstration."

It was about time the two old men were fighting.


Seolhui's eyes, which had been raising the air, changed to big.

The rest of the long-awaited numbers were filled.

[You have completed the quest.]

Become a dou-hong dog (8/8)

'Ah… … !'

Seolhui let out a moan without realizing it.

6 days of life was like hell.

It was the moment when the reward for the expected battle type unfolded before my eyes.

<From now on, Seolhui will be able to choose the 'combat method'.>

okay. what is that

What is the reward for making us wait for aeons of time?

<The battle mode can be changed at any time. Please select the top.>

Something started floating at the top with the phrase.

[Combat Method]

press it

▶ Turn-based fight (Please click to view details.)

▷ AI Fight (Please click to view details.)

something like this popped up

But what does this mean now?

Those who have made an irreversible mistake are right in front of you.

"This time, I'll start with me."

Lee Byeok wiggled his neck left and right and walked out.

Seeing him swinging his fists while walking, Seolhui started to laugh like a madman.

"Kukkuk. 450 ear wraps... … ."

"… … ?"

"28 slaps for no reason, 5 playfully broken nose bones, 10 punches on the snout, 80 emotional waist kicks, 76 hip kicks practice. About 90 times with the lower body and upper body lukewarm."

"… … What is this guy talking about?"

Lee Byeok's eyes sharpened at Seolhui's monologue with his arms tied.

Nevertheless, Seol-hui continued to speak.

"30 pinches, 60 slaps on the face. Abdominal kicks 40 times... … ."

"This child?"

Lee Byeok instinctively clenched his fists at Seolhui's creaking sound and stretched straight to Seolhui's face.

"100 million!"


But it got stuck while moving.

Seol-hui, who had cut the cord in an instant, grabbed his hand.

"These are the things you guys did to me for six days. After counting every single drop, I plan to give it back to you."

"Huh. uh, uh... … ."

This wall that hardens in no time.

At that moment, Seolhui's feet moved downwards and dug into his heart.



Seolhui was sure.

It feels like two full pieces of tofu being crushed.

there is nothing to see

it's broken


The sincerity of Lee Byeok's scream was proof of that.

"This kid… … !"

For a moment, Du Hong was rushing towards him from behind.

Seolhui was soft.

It wasn't fast, and the movement of raising his fist seemed too simple.

So they responded in the same way.


"Heh heh heh---Heh!"


There was a feeling.

However, it wasn't full like this wall, it just felt a little empty.

Seolhui got on his screaming body and stepped on Duhong's heart once again.


"This is it. This is it."

The feeling of being shattered.

This is the touch of the toe that is hard to understand without breaking it.


While the back door of Cheonilgwan was visible, two people who had been lying on the floor started yelling at whales.

But their screams, which seemed to last forever, did not last long.

It was because Seolhui was holding the two of them by their heads tightly in order to move from place to place.

"Guys. Now let's go to the dung bin."

Adding a word that contains an eruption of passion.

* * *

If asked about the most horrific incident he has ever been through, Seol-hui could answer without question.

"When you sneak into a poop for assassination."

A terrible stench that I can't even breathe. Soggy and cold filth.

When I was deeply immersed in it, I felt like I was losing something precious.

For example, human dignity.

"Now you will know. How do you feel?"

Seolhui wanted to teach these two things.

worst disgrace in life. what a nightmare is.

While carrying out the quest Duhong's Dog Dog, I was able to endure just thinking about it.

And finally… That day has come.

There was a bit of a fuss when we got to the poop.

Du-hong, who was being dragged by Seol-hui's hair, suddenly attacked in front of the back room.

I don't know, but the disgusting smell burning up from deep inside the poop must have stimulated his reason.

Baba Baba Bak!

So I kicked it a few times... …

The incident happened.


Somewhere in the wrong place, as soon as he fell, he bubbled and died.

"I can't even do anything right… … ."

Seolhui was disappointed.

I didn't mean to kill him, but it was vain to die like this.

Then something flashed in my head.

"Oh yeah. There was one more!"

I found the target again.

"Sir, save me."

Lee Byeok, standing next to Duhong, under the dungeon, was praying in fear.

"Sure. You will be treated special."


Seolhui grabbed him by the neck and immediately threw him into the poop.

Pugh. Get food!

"Ouch! Oops! Aww!"

Stuck among the muddy stools, Lee Byeok let out a terrible scream.

As Seolhui intended, it seemed that he was going through the worst nightmare of his life.

"Heh heh. Is it hard to breathe? Even if you rest, do you not know that you are resting? I know, I know. I know how it feels."

At Seolhwi's kind sympathy, Lee Byeok was moved. Something got in my mouth. He could not even open his eyes because he was afraid of being contaminated.

"Aww! You bastard!"

"Five. like that? Are you still out of your mind? there... … Will it be a little cold? Would you mind pouring me some warm lumps?"


Lee Byeok's body stiffened.

I'm still immersed in a lump of awful stench.

It was not difficult to guess what the warm lump that Seolhui was talking about here.

flutter flutter. puff puff.

"big. Great deal! no! I must have gone crazy for a while!"

When he heard the sound of unraveling his clothes, Lee Byeok quickly changed his tone. Sticky poop caught my eye and I desperately closed it tightly.

"Should I push this way? Should I push that way?"

"Oh, please. Have mercy... … ."

Lee Byeok, who was scratching the wall of shit, cried out loudly. But the opponent seemed to be thinking about doing it. His appeal was completely ignored.


food gain. Puffy!

Fart or what. There was a faint sound, and a thunderous sound struck under the poop.

- Splashy.


Lee Byeok screamed and quickly twisted his body. But the sticky lumps didn't let him go.

iron puck. iron puck. Tuuk. tuk.

"Ahh! Aww-!"

He screamed at the smell of something hot, rotten, and for a long time. He spit out curses spurred on by evil.

"How cheap are you? This piglet! Why is it not over!"

'You seem to be really cheap.'

iron puck. iron puck.

Seolhui, who was pouring rotten food leftovers, grinned.

As he listened to Lee Byeok's scream as a song, he began to examine the type of battle in front of him.

[Combat Method (2)]

Seolhui saw the mark created above the top.

If you slide it to the right and select it, you can see the words "Turn-Based" and the unknown character "AI" as before.

Seolhui chose 'View Details' next to the text.


◇ A battle method of exchanging gaps with each other.

When the 'user (Seolhui)' shows a gap or feels a crisis, the system window is activated. Time stops, and you can choose depending on the attack type.


When the opportunity comes, you don't miss it and you can make the most effective attack.

Toolbox can be used during battle.


When you expose a gap to the enemy, you can do more damage than normal.

Decreased concentration in battle.

When the number of enemies is large, there are times when it does not activate or the time does not stop.

"This is what I've been fighting for."

The explanation made sense when I heard the explanation.

The gap that appeared in the meantime.

He is a grateful guy for letting me know when there is danger or opportunity.

What was a little surprising, however, was that, when there was a gap, it was possible to inflict more damage.

Besides, the concentration on fighting is low?

"Stop cheap-! Stop the cheap---!"

iron buck. iron buck.

Lee Byeok's voice was heard from below, but Seolhui lightly ignored it.

After emptying out all the rotten and sticky food waste, he moved his gaze to another place.

< AI >

◇ A battle method in which AI intervenes and fights.

A method in which the 'user (Seolhui)' delegates everything to the system and observes it.


By analyzing everything available, such as the user's (Seolhui)'s physical condition and weapons, as well as the opponent's weaknesses, he can demonstrate his best abilities.

It can bring out the potential of the 'user (Seolhui)'.

As you gain combat experience, your combat abilities will be further improved.


You cannot intervene along the way until the results are available.

Judgment can be slow when dealing with multiple enemies.

Toolbox is not available.

"Do you think something great is happening?"

Seolhui's face brightened, understanding roughly what he meant.

Of course, I do not know the terms artificial intelligence or system, but in context, I could understand that someone was helping.

"Are you human? Why are you paying so much--!"

Seolhui closed her ears to the sound of whales from below and looked up at the floating window.

"Can I choose this one?"

Combat Method <Turn-Based>

I choose the above one more time.

fighting style

You could keep changing the way you wanted.

"Then how do you fight… … ."

"Hey you bastard---!"

Papa Pat.

Did anger and insults give me superhuman strength? Lee Byeok is climbing up the wall towards Seolhui.

Even though he broke his foot just in case, he climbed up by pushing the wall.

And then.

Seolhui can confirm the curiosity

there was.

<The AI ​​intervenes and the battle begins.>

This is because the AI ​​was activated as soon as it felt a crisis.

Episode 29. First Strike (1)