
Hazbin Hotel:Hell's Wondrous Casino

A guy died and ended up in hell and is trying to make a very successful business there.

Onemax9272 · Others
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14 Chs

You died(3/3)

What Eden saw infront of him was gruesome and would have given any child or person who see it trauma, but not Eden as he has an unbreakable will.

What he saw infront of his were his parents' corpses, well not their corpse to be exact but their lifeless skin. Eden's parents were killed, but the killer didn't just leave after killing them. The murderer skinned them, the murderer had expert fully peeled the skin off of them using a knife.

Their skeletons were shattered, their organs were taken out of their body and were hanged in the house like a decoration. Their flesh and tissue were all over the place, the murderer had skinned them and then took out everything from the inside of their body, the murderer had taken the skin of his parents and had made their two lifeless skeletons who were sitting in the dinner table were those very skin.

Tears dropped from Eden's eyes, even though he has an iron will, he is still just a nine year old after all. Half of his consciousness or brain was grieving while the other half of his consciousness or brain was studying and checking the house to see if the murderer was still present.

After making sure the psychopath who had done this had already left, he could not hold onto his pistol and glass vial anymore, as his hands loosed their strength he finally dropped them. *thud* *thud*

One would expect the glass vial to be shattered when they were dropped from Eden's hands, but even though Eden was grieving he knew what were in his hands and knew that just carelessly dropping the glass vial to spill out the hydrochloric acid inside it and hence, would harm his legs.

So, Eden dropped the glass vial in such a way that it would not shatter on impact with the ground. After the gun and the glass vial hit the ground, Eden could not hold it anymore as the tears he was holding back finally started pouring out as he rushed towards the lifeless corpses of his dead and deceased parents.

While Eden was crying, a voice sounded out in his head, the mysterious voice asked him.

???:Your parent were so kind and caring, why did theys have to die?

Eden knew this voice was only inside of his head and hence, did not put his guard up at all and still continued to cry. But, what the mysterious voice has said was true, why did they had to die? The mysterious voice then spoke again.

???:The reason is simple, why should a snake who is the reason for humanity's first sin have a happy family. You are the reincarnated soul of the Snake of The Garden. The same snake who suggested to Eve to eat the fruit from The Tree of Knowledge. The first creature of God's creation to go against God's will, you are the cause of humanity's past sins, present sins and the sins they will commit in the future. But, you are also the reason for Jesus Christ being born in this world, because of you people had done wrong things, but you are also the reason for all the good things they had done and will do.

I was shell shocked beyond belief after hearing these words, going by the mysterious voice's reasoning that means my parents died because of me. That also means that the being who killed my were not humans or demons, but the real culprits are the angels from Heaven itself.

Something inside of Eden awakened, he felt something that he never expected to ever feel in his whole life, he felt hate, hate towards himself for causing the deaths of his loving and caring parents, hate towards the angels that killed his beloved parents, hate towards God. But he did not feel hate towards Lucifer Morningstar, no, he instead felt grateful towards Lucifer for fooling him while he was in The Garden of Eden, he was thankful to him for breaking him out of God's control of always needing to praise God like how other animals did as his mother had told him about it.

[2 years ago]

It was morning and the birds were chirping loudly while flying in the air. The sounds of the birds chirping actually woke Eden from his sleep which caused him to get up from bed. Still feeling a bit tired, he took off his pajama and wore other clothes and headed downstairs.

As he reached downstairs, he saw his mother sitting outside of the house, Eden went over to her mom and wished her good morning.

Eden Naga:Good morning mom.

Sweet Eve: Good morning son.

Mother replied back to me with a smile on her face, I then asked her a question.

Eden Naga:Mom, why are the birds always chirping loudly every morning.

My mom hearing my question looked at and replied to me with a smile.

Sweet Eve:Son, they aren't just chirping. They are singing, the songs they're singing is a song praising God for how wonderful he is.

I, for one never knew this and said.

Eden Naga:Oh, cool.

[9 year Eden Naga POV]

My mind went blank as I just cried until the Sun rose up. I finally gathered myself and decided to dig a grave for my parents. I got up from the ground and started to collect the organs and fleshes of my parents, tears were still flowing from my eyes as I kept collecting the remains of my parents.

After gathering all of their remains, I put them all together at the dining table. Looking at them for one last time, I took them inside a casket that I had specially made for them. The reason I made these were because of this gut feeling that I would need them one day. And it turns out, I was unfortunately right.

After putting them in the casket, I took my father's and started to dig two holes to put the casket inside of. I finally finished digging the holes and slowly but surely, dragged the two caskets towards the hole and finally, as gently as I possibly can dropped them inside of the hole and then filled the hole with dirt again.

If God is gonna take away what I love, then I will take away what he loves the most, humans.


Inside a wooden house, an old man with sharp and a beautiful and handsome feature was currently sitting in a chair. The old man was currently holding a cup of tea as how a distinguished gentleman man would hold one.

The old man had a bite beard, on the top of his head was a pure white Top hat, he also wore a white shirt with a white tie around his neck, while also wearing a white jacket and a white glove. The old man also wore a pure and clean white pants and a white gentleman shoe.

The old man took a sip out his of cup of tea and set his cup down.

???: It's about time I end this little tussle with the soldiers.

As the old man said that he looked at a button which was on the table, the button was not so surprisingly not white but red. A person with basic common sense would be able to know that a button of great importance should always be red and not any other color as it may cause great confusion for the masses.

The huge red button had a skull ☠️ on it, the old man extended his hand forward and pressed the huge red button. *Silence*

Seeing that nothing happened, the old man pressed the button again but nothing happened again. The old man then repeatedly pressed the button over and over again until finally.


[Major Sergeant POV]

Division Alpha had reported to me that the target had entered a two stroy wooden and had not came out yet, which is very alarming if you think about it.

One would not be able to tell what the target was doing, cause every passing moment a soldier would always die. But then suddenly, out camp was destroyed by a sudden and unexpected explosion. All the soldiers beside had died due to the explosion.

I walked out of the rubble and what I saw infront of me was shocking, the target which we had been pursuing for was currently standing above me looking down on me.

The target known as 'The White Devil', was just as the rumor says, he was wearing all white.

I tried to quickly get up from my position, after finally standing straight I pulled out a knife from my pocket and hold it for protection.

[Narrator POV]

Eden, or otherwise known as 'The White Devil' was a well known murderer, he got this name because every person who saw him always said that he wore a full white clothing. Then Eden spoke up.

Eden Naga:Wanna know why you survived and the others didn't?

Major Sergeant:.....


Eden Naga:Well the answer is simple, because the author of this novel needed you to survive so he could make this chapter longer.


Eden Naga:Well you see, it was not because of luck, no. It was because of the simple reason that I wanted to kill you myself. For you see, everything that happened here were all planned out by me before you even arrived here. Like one of the Sergeants choking on a piece of bread and dying because of it, I was behind it all. Did you think you were chosen for this mission because of your merits? No, there are other soldiers far more capable than you, you were chosen to lead this mission because of me. Everything you and the soldiers under your command did was all because of me, you had no free will at the start. Every move you made, every step you took, what you ate, what you drank, what you wore. I was behind it all, the soldiers drafted here were all hand picked by me. Wife refusing to have sex with you before you felt for this mission? Me, everything you did was under my control the whole time. Pretty genius of me don't you think so Apls.

The Major Sergeant known as Alps could not believe what he was hearing. So him accidentally cutting his thump was because of him, Alps remembered one time when he was peeing in near a tree, a bee suddenly came and stung him on his dick which had made him grunt in pain and caused him to walk away from the tree, another soldier went towards the same tree to pee at but then suddenly a spiked stone fell from the tree and killed the soldier, one may suspect this to be a coincidence but things like that had happened too many times already.

Right as Alps was questioning his life, he felt a sharp cut run through his neck, just as he was about to die he heard.

Eden Naga:You died.


That is all for this chapter, thank you for reading and I hope you like it. Have a good day or night and good luck to you all. Don't worry, he will die in the very beginning of the next chapter.
