
Hazbin Hotel:Hell's Wondrous Casino

A guy died and ended up in hell and is trying to make a very successful business there.

Onemax9272 · Others
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14 Chs

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An unknown number of years ago, even before the Earth existed, there was nothing, nothing but a dark and endless void.

But then a the sound of a mysterious voice travelled through the infinite void, the exact location of where the voice came from was unclear as it sounded as if it came from every direction. The mysterious voice had a godly, holy, divine and an angelic ring to it as the voice had said.

???: Let there be light.

And there was light.

The next day, the mysterious voice created the sky by simply speaking of it's creation.

Then the next, the voice then created the dry lands, sea, plants and trees were created.

Then the fourth day, the voice sounded out and willed the existence of the moon and other celestial bodies.

As the dark and infinite void heard the words from this mysterious and unknown entity, small dots of light started to appear everywhere in this endless void. The number of these dots if light kept increasing, at first there were only a few hundreds of these light dots, but now there were thousands of them, then millions, then billions and finally it reached the trillions or maybe even more, but who knows.

The dots if light that appeared are called stars, these stars had varying sizes. The bigger the star was, the hotter and brighter it will burn, but because of their massive sizes these stars will burn for a shorter amount of times compared to the smaller stars.

Then these stars started to cluster together as they began to form what the people from the future would name these cluster of stars or celestial bodies galaxies. These galaxies ar huge and each one of these galaxies contains billions of stars in them.

These said galaxies are held together by a force called gravity, and each of these galaxies comes in different shapes and sizes. Or in a much much simpler way, a galaxy is a system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, dark matter, bound together by gravity.

And the galaxies which resemble a circular shape usually contain a Supermassive black hole in the middle of it.

The fifth day, creatures that live in the sea and creatures that fly were created.

And at the sixth day, animals that live on the land and finally humans, made in the image of God were created

As it turns out, this mysterious and unknown voice is none other than the voice of the Allmighty and All-powerful God.

God most lived creation were the humans, as God made the first human Adam on his image, he used the soil to create Adam's body and breathed the breath of life through the nose of Adam giving him life.


Then God, seeing Adam lonely created a female to be his partner, he followed the same process he did while creating Adam.

Then he created Lilith... Then he created Lilith. Then he created Lilith. Then he created Lilith. Then he created Lilith. Then he created Lilith. Then he created Lilith. Then he created Lili-

God: No.


Then God seeing Adam lonely, he decided to create a partner for Adam. While Adam was sleeping God took out one of Adam's bone from his ribcage, and then he used it create Adam a partner and named her Eve.

He took both Adam and Eve and placed them inside the Garden of Eden to look after his other creations.

God and Adam would talk to each other alot and they were great friends, well that was until the Incident.

[??? POV]

???: So humans are God's little favourite creations? I am going to prove him that his so favourite creations are not perfect, yes, I am going to ruin this bond they have.

The voice was filled with malice and hatred for God's favourite creation, the humans. He was filled with anger and was currently creating a plan so that he could ruin the friendship God and his so loved humans had.

???: But if I do it myself God may kill me.... But who said I have to be the one to do it, I could just tricks one of his little creatures and make them do my deed for me. Yes, that sounds like a perfect plan.

The unknown voice let out a sinister laugh as he had just found a way to go on with his plan.

The owner of the mysterious voice entered the Garden of Eden while God was not paying attention, as he was looking around for the perfect animal, his eyes fell on the figure of a snake.

The serpent was just minding his business walking around the Garden.

The voice changed his appearance and made himself look like a holy angel of God. The unknown being was covered in light. And one could see a face in those yellow light, it was none other than Lucifer Morningstar himself.

Lucifer approaches the snake. The snake finally noticed Lucifer's presence and looked at him wearily before saying to Lucifer.

???: Hello stranger who are you? Are you an angel perhaps?

Lucifer looked at the snake and smiled, before saying to the snake.

Lucifer Morningstar: Where are my manners? My name is Lucifer Morningstar, I am an archangel serving right under God, I am the son of God and only second to him. I am his most trusted archangel.

The snake with wide and starry eyes looked at the archangel that claimed to be the son of God, the snake bowed it's head as it said to Lucifer with a admiring and respecting tone.

???: What do I own your grace for you to come visit me yourself? If you have anything I need to do I will do it without hesitation.

Lucifer, hearing the words of the snake now knew that he had successfully fooled this snake, so he said to the snake.

Lucifer Morningstar: I want you to try and tempt the creatures God created which he so loving called humans. I want you to tempt them into eating the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden. The Tree of Knowledge.

The snake's eyes widened as it looked at Lucifer in pure shock, the snake said to Lucifer.

???: I can't do that. The Lord would be mad at me for doing such a thing. I simply can't do something like that. And the Lord said to the humans that of they were to eat the fruit they would die.

Lucifer looked at the snake while narrowing his eyes and said to the snake.

Lucifer Morningstar: No no no, don't take this in the wrong way dear snake, I am making you do this as a way to test the humans loyalty to God. I wanna see if they are truly made in his image. Even if they were to actually eat the fruit, I would ask the Lord to forgive you and take all the blame myself. And don't worry, the fruit will not kill her but infact open her eyes and make her closer and more like God himself.

The snake was hesitant and was unsure about the task that was given to him. The snake looked at the archangel and said to him.

???: Do you promise?

The snake than extended one of it's limbs towards Lucifer as he asked the question. Lucifer looked at the snake's arm, withhis hand glowing red he took the snake's hand and shook it while saying.

Lucifer Morningstar: I seal this with a deal and if what I said to you is a lie, I will treat you like a family and protect you. The deal cannot be broken if both of the beings that made the deal with their own consent, and only the likes of God could break this deal.

The snake's worries were all cleared by the archangel's words as his heart was eased from the pressure. The snake took back his hand and started to make his ways towards the place where he had last seen Eve.

After walking for a few hours, the snake saw Eve standing near an apple tree. The snake made its way towards Eve and after reaching her side he climbed the tree she was next to as he said to her.

???: Did God really say, `You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?

Eve was surprised by the sudden appearance of the snake but quickly calmed herself down and replied to the snake.

Eve: We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, `You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.'

After hearing these words the serpent recalled the things that the son of God had said to him and than the snake replied to Eve.

???: You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.

Eve was shocked by the snake's words. When she looked and saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she decided took some and ate it. But after taking a bite out of it, she felt nothing change and just guessed that both the snake and God lied to her.

The snake seeing that she ate the fruit hid in one of the bushes near the tree. After a while Adam came to Eve and saw that she was eating the Forbidden Fruit. Adam warned her that God told them to not eat this fruit.

But Eve somehow convinced Adam into taking a bite out of the fruit himself.

Then suddenly, the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden.

But the LORD God not finding Adam called out to him. Adam hearing that God was calling for him replied.

Adam: I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.

God hearing Adam's words was shocked and confused as he said to him.

God: Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?

Adam with a nervous look and tone replied to God saying.

Adam: The woman you put here with me--she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.

Then the God clearly enraged towards Eve snarled at her and said.

God: What is this you have done?

Eve, hearing the enraged tone of God quickly replied to him saying

Eve: The serpent deceived me, and I ate.

The snake hearing Eve's words was nervous and anxious. He quickly got out from his hiding spot as he tried to explain the situation, but before he could say anything God said to the snake.

God: Because you have done this, "Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.

The snake was scared after hearing God's words and tried to say something to clear him name, but then suddenly a lightning strike come out of God's and struck the serpent. The snake was dazed as he felt his legs disappearing, it was scared for it's and slithered away as fast as it could.














That is all for this chapter, thank you for reading and I hope you like it. Have a good day or night and good luck to you all.
