
Hazbin Hotel: Cain and Adam

Two Brothers Die and are placed in the bodies of the Biblical Adam, the First Man and Cain the First Murderer, one brother in heaven, one in hell, both some of the strongest of their kinds, angels/demons, Now they got to figure out to how Live as new people with the merging of their personalities with the originals bodies along with who they now are and all the memories they bring, question is that will they ever find each other once more?

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83 Chs

House of Asmodeus (2)

After the rest of the day enjoying eachothers bodies, me and Verosika along with her groupies, Penny, Mindy, Zoey, Bae & Cass, we were all in a luxurious Limousine that I had gotten for us to take the drive to Ozzie's.


To say I had Verosika throughly wrapped around my fingers would be an understatement with how lovey dovey/lusty she was acting around me as she clinged to me affectionately while she bragged to her groupie friends how good I am in bed.

And seeing Verosika the well known slut acting like this they believed her words, but they were tempted themselves to try, but I just chuckled when I heard that.

"After the show I'll give you girls the times of your lives, but don't get mad at me if anything else just pales in comparison afterwards." I said to calm down all these horny sluts just as the limo arrived before the front of Ozzie's VIP entrance where paparazzi and reporters were already there as both me and Verosika let out a message over the HellNet that me and her will be visiting Ozzie's together tonight.

Me, Verosika and the rest all got our sunglasses on to prevent being blinded by the constant camera flashes as we stepped on out of the Limo with Verosika hugging my arm while we waved to the crowd with smug smiles on our faces while we ignored whatever the reporters tried to ask us before we headed on in and the guards blocked the way after we got inside while the main entrance was crowed but only a certain amount of people can enter Ozzie's a night and if you didn't make a reservation a month or two or maybe even three in advance then you weren't getting in.

But down in Envy the Queen of Envy Leviathan or better known to others as Lia, was furious as she crushed her phone after finally seeing that break up text from me before looking out to sea surrounding her own personal palace like island that stood center in her ring.


"Break up with me huh?! The fuck you will bastard! I'll make sure you come crawling back to me soon enough…. And it's definitely not because the sex was good, or those sweet things you would whisper to me makes me want you back or anything…." She said to herself almost trying to convince herself that she didn't see the relationship more than how Cain only saw it as which was sex friends.

But that's just cause she can't be true to herself due to her Sin of Envy having such a major influence on her thoughts and emotions, but that's a story for later on.

Back in Lust, everyone had taken their spots while me and the girls had taken the largest back central area of the club that was designated as the VIP area for the seven of us as the succubi and imp girls brought us our drinks as the first part of the show began with a cloud of smoke as Fizzaroli appeared as everyone clapped at his appearance.

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen! Tonight besides having me entertain you folks along with our girls putting on a good show to get you fucks all hot and bothered! We also got ourselves our very own set of superstars here tonight with one of Hells Top Dog Cain! And along with him the Hottie Melottie that is Verosika MayDay! Now give them a round of applause folks!" He said which got everyone to cheer while we just gave some slight smiles and waved.

"Now besides just having those two superstars here to see our usual stuff we got going on, they also agreed to be apart of tonight's final act of the night!" He said which got shocks of surprise as all they knew was that they were going to show up to Ozzie's but not that they were going to put on a show.

"What kind of act?!" Some random guy called out.

"I'm glad you asked! Tonight will be the night that Superstars Cain & Verosika will be releasing a brand new song that Cain himself came up with on his extended Vacay since the last time he released his song, and from the little I heard it will fit this place's atmosphere perfectly!" Fizz said hyping up the crowd which got them all excited.

"Now before you guys go posting about what's going down to all your friends on your socials and all that I think it's best that you guys just record it when the show starts nice and proper, the doors are already being pounded on by the guys just wanting to get autographs from those two, you guys hype it before this starts up then this place will go from club to concert real fast, then you won't have that exclusivity to seeing this show now will you?" Fizz warned which seemed to be effective as everyone decided to put away their phones, cause who doesn't prefer to have their own exclusive first viewing of a superstars song?

"Now let's get on with the show!! And since I'm here already I'll be tonight's header, now you know me best so what you guys want to hear from me tonight? Wanna see some tricks? Hear some jokes?" He asked the crowd of on lookers.

"Give us some Dark humor fizz!" I shout out from way in the back.

"Dark Humor! Well if the big boss asks then who am I to not entertain? Hmmm, ooh I got one!" He says with a snap of his fingers.

"So this one guy was digging at his houses garden, a nice deep hole until he hit something! Turns out it was a buried chest full of treasure! He was so excited as he pulled out he was going to tell his wife but then he stopped…. And remembered why he was digging that hole in the first place!" He said which got people laughing real quick.

"Oh here's another one, one guy went and asked his phone, 'Why am I still single?' And you know what the phone did? It turned on its camera and pointed towards him so he'd see his ugly face on his screen!" He said which just got people laughing along with him.

Some were good, some weren't that great, but he was the clown all of hell seemed to love so keeping the people happy and entertained was something he was especially good at, not surprised that Mammon sees him as one of the best cash cows he's had in years.

After that it was the dancer girls turn to be the mid point for tonight's show which wasn't that long as me and Verosika headed on in back to get ready for the show.

"You really don't need me to sing?" She asked me while I was getting a massage from some imp girls on my shoulders as we were in the back room area.

"Nope, the song is just male volcals, all you need to do is put in your dance moves and shake those hips to the song, but don't worry I'll write you up a new song for when you go do your tours around the rings." I say before I sit up and the Imp attendants leave the room to just the two of us.

"Cain…. About-" but I stop her by placing a finger on her lips and calm her down.

"Don't worry about it, what you have in you now won't effect your life at all, you want to go out and party, be a pop star or just have an extended vacation at my Villa in Envy while you wait out the pregnancy is your choice as that child of mine is your good luck charm and keeps you protected even if I'm not around." I say with a smile as my other hand gently rubbed her stomach.

"Just think about it later, c'mon, our time to shine is here." I grin before I pull her along out towards the stage as we begin tonight's final act.


Good job guys! We hit the 100ps mark, next chapter will be up when we hit 150ps and I have it done.

Next chapter is a song chapter and the first one in the fic, excluding Vox/Alastors one from earlier as this one's got the lyrics.

No it's not an original song but I also don't think you guys have heard this one either as it only came out recently from an artist that I listen to while I work on stories or just relaxing and the song fits so well with the setting that is Ozzie's after all.

And yes I do know that lyrics in stories don't really hit the same as they would if you listen to it but I felt like since this is a Hazbin/Helluva Fic there needs to be singing in it somewhere just obviously not as much as it is in the actual shows of course so stuff like this will happen here and there from time to time at least.