
Hazbin Hotel: Cain and Adam

Two Brothers Die and are placed in the bodies of the Biblical Adam, the First Man and Cain the First Murderer, one brother in heaven, one in hell, both some of the strongest of their kinds, angels/demons, Now they got to figure out to how Live as new people with the merging of their personalities with the originals bodies along with who they now are and all the memories they bring, question is that will they ever find each other once more?

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Friends No More

"The fuc- Wait! Why do you have my Daughters phone asshole?!" Lucifer says on the other hand while I just stare at my nails.

"Oh you know, Charlie was having a bit of a panic attack thinking her daddy dearest wouldn't want to come and see her hotel." I say as I walk on over to the couch and lean back as I cross my legs.

"Why the hell would she have a panic attack when it comes to talking to her own father?!" Luci said sounding pissed to which I smirked.

"'Ohh how can I ask my father to come to my hotel? I mean what if he doesn't have any faith in me and my plans to save sinners?' Is what she said Per Batum, and maybe she's right, after all you have no faith that anyone here in hell could possibly become a good person after all." I said rubbing it in as I could hear him grinding his teeth from here.

"That's not true! I mean if I never had faith in her then why do you think I gave her the hotel, and let her keep Kiki as well huh?!?" He said back in rebuttals to which I scoffed.

"Alright fine, prove me wrong then and come to your daughters hotel to see all the good she has done, unless your of course busy with, what is it again? Oh right, your stupid fucking obsession with rubber ducks that seem to be the only thing you can cope with after what happened with you know whooooo." I said cheekily in falsetto towards the end which pissed him off even more.

"Fuck you Cain! I will go to my daughters hotel and I'm going to love everything about it asshole!" He shouted back at me to which I grinned.

"Well Fuck you Too Luci, I'll see you when you get here Kay? Buh-bye now." I said before cutting the call and standing up with a grin on my face.

"Well cmon people! It's time we got this place ready to have a special guest!" I said with a grin as I tossed the phone over to Vaggie who caught it before handing over to Charlie.

"Uncle Cain…. Did you really need to talk to dad like that?" Charlie asked but I just smiled and patted her shoulder.

"Don't you worry about it my little star, it's just how we always talk to each other, besides I promise not to get into a physical fight with him at all while he is here, but that's a different story if he attacks me first, because I'm not going to take that laying down." I said with a closed eyed smile as I left her be before going to get the party started.

"…. I still don't understand why Uncle Cain and Dad can never get along…. Mom knew why but never talked about it, saying only they have the right to tell you when the time comes…." Charlie said sadly as she always hated to see the two people in her life that she saw both as father figures always at each others throats whenever they were in the same place as each other.

"Well not my place to say but I have a little bit of a hint, you know cause me and your uncle are getting it on and all that." Angel says as he leans back on the couch to look at Charlie before turning around and grinning.

"Ugh…. Why'd you have to remind me…." She said grabbing her head wanting to wipe that image from her mind of her Uncle and Angel sleeping with each other.

"Well I got curious after having a nice intense session with that bad boy, so out of curiosity I asked him why he's got such a hate boner for Lucifer in the first place." Angel said as he remembered that night.

*Flashback to After they boned in the Bathroom*

"You want to know why me and Luci don't get along?" Cain said as he leaned back in the huge bath with Verosika on his left and Angel on his right.

"Now that he mentions it I'd kinda want to hear about it too." Veroskia said as she ran her finger over Caine chest.

"Hmmm…. I'll tell you a bit of the details but really only one thing needs to be said." Cain said as he looked up to the ceiling lights of the bathroom and sighed.

"I said before that me and Luci never got along, but that's not the truth, Once upon a time Me and him were friends…. Until he did the unspeakable to me and betrayed my trust I had in him and now no matter where we see each other we will always be at each others throats."

*Flashback End*

"And that's all he said about it, so from what I could see your dad did Cain Dirty, like real dirty, because he looked genuinely depressed after thinking about whatever the fuck your dad did to him along with a heavy helping of fiery anger in his eyes, whatever your dad did must be absolutely unforgivable in his eyes and I don't think he can ever forgive him for it." Angel said with a shrug after saying what he knew to Charlie and Vaggie.

"Did the unspeakable and betrayed Cain? What the hell could your dad have done to make Cain and him hate each others guts so much if they were friends now turned to something like bitter rivals and maybe even enemies." Vaggie said her thoughts out loud as she rubbed her chin.

"I don't know…. But hearing about this now I have a new goal for tonight!" Charlie said with a sparkly look in her eyes.

"Oh no…. Charlie…." Vaggie said grabbing at her face as she can already tell what she was planning.

"Not only am I going to show my dad how great this plan is! I'm also going to help fix the relationship between Dad and Uncle Cain!" She said all cheery like before going off to start preparing for her dad's welcoming party.

"…. Their gonna fight aren't they?" Mayberry said as she finished her cigarette after hearing everything from the bar.

"Oh yeah, no question, their going to fight." Angel said as he went over to the bar and smirked.

"Say, who wants to bet on who throws the first punch? I say 500$ that Lucifer throws the first punch." Angel said pulling out a wad of cash and placing it on the bar.

"Your on, I say Cain throws the first punch." Husk says with a grin since he loves a good gamble and matches Angels bet.

"I only got 100$ but my bet is on Lucifer throwing the first punch." Mayberry said as she bet what cash she had on hand as most of it was in her Mammon Bank Account after getting her teacher job down in the Wrath Ring thanks to Cain's help.

"Are you guys seriously betting on this?" Vaggie said rubbing her head while the shadows reformed behind her as Alastor appeared.

"What's this now? We betting on something here?" Alastor asks as he just returned from the Greed Ring after taking care of 'business' with the local population down there.

"Charlie's Dad is coming on over and him and Cain hate each others guts, so we're betting on who is going to start the fight first by throwing the first punch." Angel says to which Alastor smirks compared to his usual smile as he rubs his chin.

"How interesting, I will also bet on this how about a grand on Lucifer throwing the first punch." He grinned before Angel got a good idea.

"How about I get a few more friends on this bet? Cause I can just fight won't be a small thing." Angel said before he began to make some calls to several people that he and Cain both knew.

"…. Haaa I hope it doesn't ends up being a massive brawl….." Vaggie said before helping to prepare for the party.

*Roughly Two Hours Later*

"…. Me and my big mouth…."