
Hazbin Boss

Charlie and the gang including the Helluva Boss world go through making the world more redeemed until a unexpected Fallen Angel steps into the picture.

Dark_Derrek · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

~Chapter 5 A Bonding Moment~

Charlie finally made it to Lucifers Mansion and knocks on door.

"Hm?" Lucifer goes to answer the door after fixing his outfit.

Hey Charlie!" He flop hugs her as he opens and sees her.

"Oof!" She hugs him back. "Hey Dad."

"Come on in." The house looked spic and span from his panic cleaning.

Charlie walks in the Mansion. "I Love how clean the place looks. Hey dad? I need to tell you something. You might want to sit down for this."

"Oh, um. Alright Charlie." Lucifer takes a seat with his apple cane in his hand as well.

"Dad Vaggie and I made out at the movies and it lead to more." He made a face of confusion by this.

"Sooooo? Is that the thing we're talking about?"

"Please don't make me tell you" Charlie groans embarrassed.

"Charlie, lots of sinners do that stuff down here and your about to be married sooooo just think of it as an early consummation." Lucifer says trying to get pass this AWKWARD conversation about sex with his daughter.

"So it doesn't bother you or gross you out that Vaggie and I did that?"

"Ha ha, of course not. Besides me and your mom did it before marriage too. A matter of fact it was me who asked her! Charlie, anyone who is good for you, is good for me. Except Alastor. He mumbles under his breath.

"What dad?" She looked at him confused by what he even said.

"Oh uh nothing! Just uh, talking to myself."

"Really? You and mom did it before getting married? Vaggie makes me happy so thank you for accepting me getting married to her."

"Charlie, anyone who is good for you, is good for me." Lucifer smiles softly as he spoke to her.

"I'm so nervous about tomorrow dad. What if I say the wrong thing when I say my vows to Vaggie or I faint?"

"Well Charlie, to be honest. It wasn't an easy thing to do. I mean I haven't had to have you already in my life alot and i-I didn't know if I was ready to or not, my God Charlie! I don't really know if I am now?!" He said a little panicked in his voice.

"I can't breathe. Dad I'm really nervous. I can't go through with the wedding."

"You'll be fine Charlie."

"Take a breath and know 🎶you can do this🎶

🎶Hell I know it!🎶

🎶This is a brand new start.🎶 🎶Just listen and go through it🎶

🎶 with a happy ending to starrrtttt.🎶 Sings Lucifer to Charlie.

Charlie takes a deep breath to calm down. 🎶what if I mess everything up. I don't want people to see me scared and afraid 🎶

🎶Just take one step at a time 🎶 Sings Charlie.

🎶Take a breath, you can do it!🎶Just take my hand and I'll lead the way🎶 Charlie, if anyone can do it. It's you. I've seen the hotel and I know we can do it, I believe in you Charlie.

Charlie takes her dads hand. 🎶I can do this with you by my side, so thank you for being here when I need you the most 🎶 You really think I can do this?"

"I know it." 🎶You changed there minds, you changed there hearts and by God Charlie! Don't you deserve a fresh start?🎶

She starts crying and hugs him. "Thank you dad."

Lucifer holds her too in his arms as well.

"Dad, were you nervous marrying mom?"

"No, noooooo." Lucifer Looks back at her from confident to saddened. "Okay.....maybe a...little..."

"Well I'm nervous. I haven't picked out a dress yet or wrote my vows. There's so much to do and I can't do everything....I bet mom looked beautiful... Charlie looked down thinking of her and how she remembers her.

"Sure she an all powerful angel with 🎶Pure ANGELIC POWERRR!!!🎶 But also she was a demon who could sing to the souls and make them do her bidding. Though not often, she had to do things she didn't want too. I mean, I don't even know where she got her powers. Well at least the good parts. The hope and your song to inspire others." Says Lucifer.

"So I have a little bit of both of you in me huh?"

"I mean, we don't even know if she is going to come but Yeah definitely the good parts he chuckles. "Dad I'm really nervous about tomorrow." She says a little nervous.

"It will be alright. Now I have some work to do. Get some rest." He opened the door to her old room for her. "I kept it how you liked it." He smiles softly.

"Don't work to hard dad." Charlie goes to her old room. " love it dad. Good night." She goes into her room.

He smiles at her before turning at his desk. "Good night Charlie." Charlie falls asleep with a smile on her face.

Lucifer ends up falling asleep at his desk and later Charlie gets up and puts a blanket around him and falls back to sleep.