
Chapter 3: Baggage Claim Face Reveal #2

Dream pov:

I woke up to Sapnap shaking my shoulders uncontrollably.

"Dream! Dream! George is almost here! wake up!"

"Ughhh I don't want to get up."

Luckily my I still had my mask on so he couldn't see me blushing. I wish it wasn't a dream. I want to kiss GeorgeNotFound.

Sapnap grabbed my hand and yanked me out of my seat, popping my shoulder slightly.

"C'mon, lets go. I don't think George would want to meet you by coming up to you sleeping. He's probably here anyway."

What if George doesn't like the way I look? What if the fanart gave him expectations that I couldn't meet? Maybe I shouldn't show them my face. No I should. Sapnap seemed to care when I showed up, why wouldn't George?


They waited a while; standing there with the sign, untouched except for the fact that "Dré" Was crossed out in black Sharpie.

I always loved the smell of Sharpie. It smelled like the section of a candle store where all the mess ups were. Too much color, too much scent, too short of a wick. It tickled my brain. Although, I did stop smelling Sharpies when I was around ten because my mother told me I could get high off them. Cool party trick heh.

I stood there, staring at the wall, shooting looks at anyone who came through the door, hoping it was George.

(You know what would be funny? If I just made Gogy die in a plane crash and it just ended. LOL JUST LIKE THE MEME! I'm sorry I'll continue now.)

I was staring at the door like normal, and saw someone come through the door. I quickly glanced then went back to staring at the wall. By the time I realised that George just came through the door, Sapnap was already hugging him.

"Yay, George your here! We've been waiting for you for forever!"

"Sorry, my flight got cancelled for an hour."

"Dream? Is that you?"

"Of course it is Gogy, who else would be standing next to Sapnap wearing a Dream cosplay, idiot."

I could see George blushing, trying to hide it with his sleeves as he laughed. He couldn't do anything to hide it, I could see right through him.

"Why are you just standing there, come give me a hug!" The taller boy exclaimed.

The next thing I knew, George was here, in Texas, in the airport, in the baggage claim, in my arms.

My hands slipped behind his head, my fingers threading through his hair. His grip on my hoodie tightened then softened, letting me go. I didn't want to let go, so I gave him one last squeeze and let him free.

"Why is this a literal rom-com and why am I in the middle of it?" Sapnap asked.

George laughed but I didn't. I wanted to play with him a little bit.

"Its only a rom-com because you're in the middle of it. Otherwise, it would just be a romance."


I burst out laughing, clutching my stomach leaving my little grumpy George crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.

Now's the time. I'm going to show them my face. The plan is, I'm going to turn around quickly and take my mask off, then turn back around and continue on laughing like nothing happened. Then we'll see how long it takes for them to notice.


Surprisingly, it took them ten full minutes to notice. We were walking in the parking lot, when George asked me a question.

"Dream, what do you call it? Soda or Pop?"

"Neither, it's obviously called fizzy drink!"

"What are you, Australian now?! Wait a second. Who the Samsung refrigerator are you and what have you done Dream!?" George screeched, holding a ninja pose.

"Oh me? I'm just Clay, my friends call me Dream, so you may have mistaken me for someone else" I said trying not to laugh.

"OMG DREAM?!?!? THATS YOUR FACE!!!??? I can see why you didn't want to show us, you're ugly." Sapnap said sarcastically, flipping his nonexistent long hair.

"He's beautiful..." George mumbled.

"What was that, George? I couldn't hear you." Dream questioned, even though he heard it perfectly...

Thank you so much for reading this, I really really appreciate it, it makes me really happy that people have actually read this. (Or at least some of it.) Have a great day, and sorry for the short chapters, again, I'm not a great writer. See ya!


Word count: 733

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