


"Alphas, get ready we're gonna have a mission and it requires everyone's participation." Lei announced.

Ruining our perfect calm and peaceful breakfast.

"A mission that requires all of us?" Josh.

"I'm getting nervous the last time we went on a mission that needed all of us , we fought with a dark salamander. What now?" Deya nervously asked.

"A cryptodome appeared in the South Region, and countless of monsters poured out of it. The east dukedome is doing there best to protect there region and stop the monsters on spreading. But it's getting hard for them that's why we have to step up now." Lei explained.

"Woah! That's too much to take in." Lana.

"When did this happen and why did they just informed the academy now?" Alon.

"It's been a week and it seems that their pride can't handle getting an early help from us that's they tried holding it in." Lei boredly replied.

"Tsk! They put aside their region's safety for their pride what kind of rulers is that?!" Magna exclaimed .

"Well let's save our rage when we met them for now we have to get ready for the mission. We have to hurry." Dianne.

"Dianne's right, get ready and in ten minutes everyone should be in the garden. Go!" Lei dismissed us.


After ten minutes of getting ready we're now here in the garden of our headquarters. Headmistress Lavian is also here.

"Alphas I entrusted you with this mission because I know you can finish this. But beware not only of the monster's but also the southern blessed. Their the most aloof and secretive region, we don't know much about them so be careful." HM Lavian reminded.

Hmm the south region. I don't know but just by the mere mention of it, I can feel a connection.

"We will Headmistress. " Lei replied .

Magna summoned the portaland all of us nod as a goodbye to Headmistress as we entered the portal.

After feeling dizzy again. I guess I'll never get use to the feeling. My eyes was greeted with the pure green scenery.

You can clearly see the difference between the south and the other regions, first the weather here is so damn...hot!

"What's wrong with this region's weather?!" Dianne .

"Tsk maybe this place is punished or something." Zhen.

"Quit your complaining and let's start moving." Magna commented.

"Well , we're not like you whose already use being surrounded by fire and sunlight tsk!" Deya whined.

"Lamigna come." Lei chanted.

We all turned to him when the hotness dissapeared and it was replaced with a chill atmosphere as Lei was now surrounded by snow.

"Omo! We almost forgot that Lei has that blessing!" Stella exclaimed.

Well you didn't almost forgot because you really did.

We all become wary when we felt someone's presence getting near us.

And we almost release different attacks when someone suddenly jump out of the trees.

All of us summons different weapons and point it to the hooded person who was now approaching us. People here like wearing hoods huh.

"Should I kill him for you?" Stella innocently asked so I held her hand tight and she just giggles.

"Woah easy , didn't know people out of our region is this aggressive." This person utter as he slowly removed his hood revealing his face.

When he did that we all get shocked .This guy has blonde long hair and yellow eyes. His so pale that you can compare it to corpse . But the shocking part is not his face but the black tattoo like that's in his left cheek down to his neck,down to his upper chest . Its like sucking something from him.

And there I knew this guy...was cursed by someone powerful but not powerful enough that it can't be removed, that's what I felt.

"Who are you?! And why are you here?!" Zhen asked.

This guy laughed but then seriously looked at us.

"I should be the one asking you that. Who are you and what are you doing here?" He asked.

"You see we don't have time for this so if you're not gonna let us through then we have no choice but to force you out of our way." Alon.

"Try me." The guy taunted.

"Calm down guys! We're sorry for the rude behavior but we're just matching your attitude. We are from the Unirite Academy and we're here to help you from the monsters pouring out of the cryptdome." Josh interfered.

The guy scoffed then looked down, his hands clenching as well as his jaw.

"So my parents finally decided to lower their pride huh." He said shocking us ...again.

"Your parents? But the one's who called us here are the dukedome and they said they don't have an offspring, right?" Deya asked confused.

"Huh no offspring?! More like they didn't want anyone to know that they had one. Though he's cursed because of the so called mighty Duke and duchess." The guy revealed emotionless making our mouth agapes, I mean their mouth.

"What?! You're lying aren't you?!" Lana shouted.

"Wish I was lying too you know but I'm not." The guy.

We all turned to Josh when he took out something from his infinite bag.

Wait...is that a lie detector?

"This is a new thing that I invented. A lie detector, if you're really telling the truth would you mind putting your hands in here?" Josh asked , the guy just shrugged and put his hand in the lie detector.

Josh put a little amount of his mana in the machine and it suddenly light up and it blink.

After a few seconds the whole machine turned white.

"He's telling the truth." Josh said.

"See? by the way my name is Adoni, Adoni Shamsiel Carnie the hidden son of the Duke and duchess of the southern region. An Apollo's blessed." He introduced.

"Well then nice meeting you, sorry for the rude behavior earlier. We're the alphas and we have the mission to help your region from the monsters." Lana.

Each of us take our turn introducing ourselves to him.

"Let me be the one too guide you where the cryptodome is." Adoni suggested.

"Okay, brief us on how and when did it happen and what's the current situation on it." Lei commanded making Adoni scoffed.

"You must be the leader, okay. I'll tell you on the way but before that let me just." Adoni utter as he whistle.

And a few seconds after a Pegasus appear with a golden chariot at it's back.

"Is he your familiar?" Magna asked.

"What a beautiful horsie!" Stella said excitement evident in her voice.

"No he's not, he's my spirit guardian. Yeah weird a Pegasus for a spirit guardian." Adoni admitted.

"It's not weird though he's beautiful." Zhen.

Since the chariot is big we all just fit in.

Once we're settled, the chariot started flying taking us where the cryptodome is located.

"So why did your parents didn't ask for help immediately?" Dianne started asking.

"Well...my parents are too prideful , people they think that the southern region can stand on it's own without the help of the other regions." Adoni answered.

"Why does no one from the outside know about you?" Zhen.

Adoni stared at her first before answering.

"It's not just outside even the southern people don't know about me, well they know but they all thought I'm dead."

"If even the people here don't know then why did you told us about it?" Magna.

"I also actually didn't want to tell you but my familiar insist that I should." Adoni replied again.

"Your familiar? I mean it doesn't matter, why would your parents do it?" Lana.

"As I told you earlier....I'm cursed. This thing in my face is the proof of that. I was cursed by an Hera's blessed who resent my parents...because they killed her daughter ." Adoni toned become sad as he said that.

All of us grew silent because of that.

"If it's okay with you why did they...kill the child?" Zhen's voice soften as she asked that.

Adoni tooked a deep breath.

"Well the child was half blessed half...monster. The hera's blessed who cursed me, fall in love with a cyclops and their love grow until the blessed get pregnant with the cyclops. And for my parents its a grave sin and the child may become a threat to us in the future that's why...they ordered it to be killed without informing the people in our region. " Adoni.

"And thats why the mother and the lover of the cyclops killed herself but before she did, she cursed me. To have a black mark in my body that..."

"Would slowly sucked your lifeline, am I right?" I continued what he's going to say.

From the moment I saw him I knew he was cursed. And I knew what type is that. The black mark is sucking his lifeline that's why he's so pale and if it weren't for his mana he could have died a long time ago.

"Then help us finish this mission and once were done we'll repay you by taking you to someone who could remove that curse." Lei.

"Don't worry because I'll definitely help you but I don't think you can help me. I tried finding an Hera's blessed who could remove it but failed." Adoni sighed and smile but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Oh you're wrong because we know just the person. She's the most powerful among all Hera's blessed and I'm betting my life that she can remove that cursed." Magna.

"Well let's talk about that later after we finish defeating all the monsters because we just arrived at the cryptodome." Adoni.