
Hawkin's Writing Nook

A collection of random story ideas. Each chapter is a different idea. If you wish to use one and improve upon it, all I ask is that you let me know before hand and give me some credit for it.

Hawkin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Kingdom Hearts x RWBY (possible others) (FanFic)

Title: Hearts Abound the Cosmo <-Subject to change


Light and Darkness. Two concepts. Two ideals. Two factions. You can call them anything and everything. But to a certain few, they are very real forces that fight for supremacy over all that exists.

The Light. The source of all life, hope, and the 'Heart' to all things. The source of creation and its defenders, the Keyblades wielders.

The Darkness. The source of all the dark in all worlds. And it's soldiers, the Heartless, those that fell to the Darkness, and Keyblade wielders that abandoned the Light.

Two Keyblade wars. Countless lives and worlds were lost. All due to the Darkness wanting to consume the Light.

But one day a wielder of one of the strongest of all Keyblades, the [Kingdom Key], came forth and sealed the Darkness away. Yet, even though he did, enough of the Darkness remained as to balance the Light. It was thanks to this man that the war between the two ended once and for all. The name of this man was Sora.

Through his efforts, Sora united all 13 Keyblade wielders to seal the Darkness's center. The Darkest One, the ultimate Darkness, The One that Consumes all. Although it went by many names, it was the culmination of all the deepest and darkest emotions and the leader of the Heartless. The one who wanted for the Darkness to consume the Light and for Darkness to rule all. Of the 13 that fought, only 5 remained and became the first 5 Grandmasters of the Keyblade wielders.

Over time, new Grandmasters appeared, but the number of Grandmasters never went higher than 13 to honor the memory of the original 13 that fought the Darkest One. As time passed, the names of the 13 Grandmasters changed along with their faces and bodies. Numerous masters came along with apprentices carrying new Keyblades, But one name, one man, stood the test of time and that was Sora's.

For two centuries, Sora held the highest position in the Grandmasters. Even on Sora's deathbed, not one person was strong enough to match his might. After his death, Sora's Keyblade was mounted on the highest point in the Hall of Masters, a lifelong project of Sora's for future Keyblade wielders. And his seat was never replaced. Not even his children, Grandchildren, or Great-Grandchildren would dare take it as they too saw themselves unworthy of the position nor the importance it held.

As Sora's tale came to an end, another one begins.


[Hearts Abound the Cosmos}


"Vita," My master, Vagal, spoke my name as I held my head down in a bow to him, "You have passed to Mark of Knighthood second to none in your class. I am proud to say that you are now a Keyblade Kight and are well on your way to becoming a Master. I couldn't be any happier with you."

"Thank you," I spoke, and my words got caught in my throat.


I was happy, how couldn't I be? For the last ten years, I've trained, studied, and worked harder than anyone in my class did. I was beyond ecstatic.


"You may have come here an orphan, but you leave as one of the few Knights of the Keyblade. And as my son, if you would have me." My master, no, my father spoke to me once again.

"Thank you, Dad." I croaked out, tears blinded my eyes. "Thank you for everything."


I stood and rushed up to my father figure and hugged him as tight as I could. I knew that the ceremony was important for a new Keyblade Knight. But I didn't care. It was only thanks to his generosity that I'm here today. It was thanks to him that I found out I had the ability to wield a Keyblade. I owe almost my entire life up to this point to him.


"Vita, I understand how you feel, but you know what happens now that you are a Knight." My father spoke as he patted my back.

"I know, but just a bit longer please," I spoke quietly, not wanting to let go just yet.

"Fine, but so you know, a few of the other masters were against me taking you in," My father told me, even though I already knew. "Just wait till they hear you passed, they'll be outraged!" My father chucked as did I. "Now come, it's time."


With that, I let go. Part of the Mark of Knighthood ceremony was leaving the Hall of Masters to travel. To overcome challenges that we may face and cement our title of Knight before becoming a Master. It was a time of happiness and sadness as we have to leave our home for the last however many years we had stayed, to see the countless number of worlds. It was something I didn't want to do, but I had to.

As I left the hall where the ceremony was, I headed to my dorm room. As I entered, the numerous sleepless nights, the friends I made, the parties I had, and all the pranks I did, the countless memories washed over me. I took a deep breath, inhaling the nostalgic smell of my room before I packed the few things I had into a small backpack.

When I left my dorm the usual hustle and bustle of the halls wasn't there. I wasn't surprised as when the ceremony happens, it is enforced that it was a time of remembrance and no unnecessary noise was allowed until it was complete. I could see why. If it was like how it was normally, anyone would be hesitant to leave. Not wanting to leave their home.

Finally, after a long walk, I stood at the entrance to the Hall of Masters. To the right was my master, my father. And on the left was my mother figure, a woman named Teala. She was the Head of ceremonies here and not one was done without her permission.


"Good luck out there, Vita," Teala spoke somberly. "I'll miss you." She said as she hugged me and I hugged her back.

"I'll miss you too, mom," I said to her and could feel her face heat up. "I would love to mess with you more, but I have to go," I said as I let her go then I looked towards my father. "Goodbye, dad."

"Goodbye, son," He said as we hugged as well. "And remember, even though The Darkest one is sealed away, the Heartless still roam from world to world. It is up to us to keep everything in balance, without it, we may fall back into what Head Grandmaster Sora managed to stop."

"I understand," I said as I let go and walked down the Hall of Masters' steps.


When I walked down the steps to the landing pad for Keyblade Gliders, I summoned my two Keyblades. {Forgotten Light} and {Shadow of Rememberance} both of which looked like someone took two angel wings and fused them with Keys. Except that [Forgotten Light} was black at the grip and faded to grey at the tip while {Shadow of Rememberance} was white at the grip and grey at the tip. As I threw them up, {Forgotten Light} formed into my blue knight-like armor, and {Shadow of Rememberance} formed into my grey motorcycle-like glider for me to ride.

With a final look at the Hall of Masters, I got onto my glider and shot up into the sky. After a second, I opened a pathway into the Lanes Between. Once through, the pathway closed and I was on my way to my destiny.

Or so I thought.

Destiny always works in mysterious ways.

Not even five minutes into my journey, I was hit by something and thrown off of my glider. I quickly recalled my Keyblade as I plummeted down into a world I didn't recognize. As I was falling I noticed a shattered moon that orbited the planet.

When I finally hit the planet, the first thing I noticed was that I was in a lush, green forest. In front of me was a wide clearing, free from any tree or bush, and behind me were some sort of old temple ruins with pedestals standing in a half-circle.

Standing up, I unequip my armor and pat down the clothes that were underneath. My black boots were scuffed but that wasn't new. My bright blue pants that had chains connecting the pockets were fine as well. As for my white, v-neck shirt and dark blue jacket with black accents, that was fine too. I sighed happily that nothing I had on me was damaged. As for my backpack, that had seen better days. The extra clothes I had inside were dirty and the few bits and bobs were not in the greatest shape either. But I was in one piece and that's all that matters. Though I will admit I was annoyed.

As soon as I was finished checking over my things, I heard screaming not that far away from me. From the sounds, I could tell there was a group of people fighting. Without missing a beat, I ran as fast as I could towards the battle with my Keyblades drawn.

Arriving at the fight, I spotted nine very colorful and armed teens surrounded by Heartless. Several Phantoms were floating behind a large group of Shadows. The Shadows were small, human-like creatures with two antennas and three fingers on their hands. The Phantoms were floating cloak-like entities that had a graduate going down into an aqua color and claws on their hands. But the oddest thing about them was they had bone-like masks on with red glowing eyes.

Regardless of what was wrong with the Heartless, I rushed in as fast as I could. As I reached behind the Phantoms, I chanted [Thunder] twice in rapid succession to deal with the Phantoms as four balls of lightning shot out of my Keyblades' tips. Then I jumped above the Shadows and began to spam cast [Blizzered Shot] down at them. As soon as I landed in front of the teens, I cast [Curaga] which encompassed all the teens easily. Without looking, I block a swipe from a Shadow that managed to survive with one of my Keyblades and struck back at with the other one as I turned to face the remaining Shadows.


"Stay in the circle! It will heal you if you stay inside!" I shouted as I ran at another Shadow and struck it down quickly. "I'll deal with these!"


As soon as I said that, I charged right into the remaining Heartless. With every swing of my Keyblade, the Heartless fell like dominos. When I defeated the last Shadow, the ground rumbled and shook before parting. What came out of the ground was a massive black scorpion with bone-like armor plates and glowing red eyes.

I glanced back at the teens and noticed that they were still unable to run or fight back. So without hesitation, I ran and jumped onto the back of the scorpion and unleashed a [Thundaga Barrage] onto its back. As I did, the scorpion used its stinger to strike at me but I used it to jump back towards the teens and then placed myself in front of them. As I did, dark storm clouds began to gather above the scorpion which didn't notice. I then cast my strongest shield spell as 17 massive lightning bolts rain down onto the scorpion at a single point. The result was a massive thunderbolt that exploded.

The ground was scarred and charred black when the storm clouds vanished, parts were even still glowing red from the heat of the lightning. I stopped casting the shield spell when I saw the clouds vanish and dropped to the ground as my mana was heavily depleted. My Keyblades disappeared as I hit the ground.


"You guys okay?" I asked as I huffed and puffed. I didn't want to take the chance with that scorpion thing if it was a new type of Heartless, so I used one of my strongest spells to keep the teens safe.

"We're okay." A red-headed girl called out but she, along with the rest, was still worse for wear even with the healing magic.

"Is this everyone?" I asked as I got my breathing under control, but their solemn looks told me it all. "How many?" I asked as I stood up.

"Three..." A boy with black hair and a magenta streak spoke up.

"I'm sorry for your loss, but we have to move," I said as I went around making sure they could walk. "We can't stay here in case more come. Is there any town around here?"

"That won't be a problem. When you used that glowing circle, I called in for help and transport for everyone." A different redhead said as she helped up a blond boy. "They should be here in a minute or two."

"Then we're in luck," I said as I started to hear a low, mechanical rumbling. "I'm pretty sure I can hear them coming in now," I spoke as I pointed in a direction where I heard the noise.


Their heads turned in the direction I pointed and less than a minute later four flying ships appeared above the trees. With a little bit of the mana I had left, I summoned one of my Keyblades and shot a simple fire spell up into the air. Even though the spell was super simple and easy to cast, I nearly passed out from the spell. I felt like I was a fresh student once again.

When the ships landed, what I could tell were medical teams rushed out and started to treat the wounded the best they could that my [Curaga] did heal and then they started to load them up in the ships. Besides the medical teams, three teams of four, armed to the teeth hopped out of the ships and scanned the tree line. The oldest and oddest of the group was a man with white hair with specks of grey in it wearing a green suit and holding a cane in his hand.

His eyes locked onto me as the teens were loaded onto the ships. I could tell this guy was a mage from the mana flowing inside of him, yet it seemed he was far older than he appeared. Maybe by centuries even. When the last of the teens and armed group were loaded in, he nodded his head towards me and the two of us boarded the same ship by ourselves.

The ship's doors closed behind me as I entered. The two of us sat down as the ship took off. The mage closed his eyes as we took off. I could tell he was organizing his thoughts before he would talk so I looked out the ship's window. However, my reflection stared back at me. My white hair was eye-catching as always and my reflection's purple eyes stared right back into mine. I had a pale, but not sickly complexion too.


"What are you?" The man asked, rousing me from my thoughts. "You have magic, something that hasn't been used for centuries here. And I can tell you're not from Remnant either. You also combated Grimm never before seen with ease as well as used a unique weapon. One that can be stored away within a separate space I might add."

"You were watching," I stated. "What took you so long to get there?" I asked as I dodge his question. 'Something tells me I can't trust him just yet.' I thought.

"Yes, we were." The man answered. "It was our policy to not interfere with the student's initiation unless necessary. When those new Grimm appeared, we waited to see if it was necessary to interfere. As soon as the three students lost their lives, we scrambled to gather the necessary forces to combat them. It was our own folly that they lost their lives, but rest assured, their families will be compensated for their loss. We will also make sure their loss won't be in vain either." The man explained to me. "But you still haven't answered my question young man."

"What I am is a Keyblade wielder," I said after thinking for a few moments. "A defender against the Darkness."

"And what exactly is this 'Darkness' you speak of?" The man asked.

"Hate, greed, rage, pain. Darkness is the force parallel to the Light." I spoke. "Darkness is what consumes a person's heart as they fall into it. But without it, any form of balance is lost. As for Light, it's life, love, hope, and happiness. It's what makes everything bright." I spoke truthfully.

"To us, they are the Two Gods that wield Light and Darkness." The man told me. "And thanks to them, I have been at war for centuries." The man sighed. "One that has cost me more than any man, woman, or child. I'll be honest here, with you here, this war can finally end."

"What makes you think I'll help you with this war?" I asked, slightly on guard with how open he was.

"I saw you throw yourself in front of the students." The man pointed out. "And how you fought to protect them regardless of what was happening when those Unidentified Grimm attacked them. That alone tells me that you care about life and will do the right thing regardless of what's right or wrong."


I hated to admit it, he's got me there. I always stood up for those weaker than myself and helped them raise above. Call it a superhero syndrome or whatever, but it's what I do.


I sighed, "How about we start with names first?" I asked the man sitting in front of me.

"Ah, where are my manners." The man in front of me realized his mistake. "I'm Professor Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy. A combat school that teaches its students how to fight Grimm, the Darkness of this world."

"I'm Vita," I spoke up. "I'm a newly appointed Keyblade Kight. Currently traveling to numerous worlds to grow before taking my Mastery exam."


After our introductions, we talked about what Keyblades were and the history of this world called Remnant. I learned what this world was like before Ozpin's lover, Salem, lost him and tried to trick the Brother Gods to bring him back. The war she raged against them. Then how she was forced to live and die with this world. About how he was brought back to bring peace to Remnant and Salem. Then he followed it up with a brief history of modern times and technological advances to bring me up to speed about Remnant.

I could tell that he had left out a few things here and there about Remnant's history. But I wasn't worried. I withheld information about the Keyblades, the wars, and how to tell if one could wield a Keyblade.

After a while of going back and forth with questions and answers, we arrived at a sprawling castle-like structure with a massive clock tower.


"Follow me, please," Ozpin asked me as he walked towards the clock tower. "My office is this way."


I sighed and followed, not having anything better to do at the moment and since it would be faster to help this world fight the Darkness better. Upon following Ozpin, he lead me to an elevator that soon ascended where we soon found ourselves in a clockwork-themed office.


"Welcome to my office, tea?" Ozpin asked as we walked in.



"Now, what fuels you to continue?" The God of Darkness, the younger brother called Nix, asked.

"What hope do you have to continue this fruitless struggle?" The God of Light, the older brother called Lux, asked.


I struggle to stand and breathe as I kneeled before the two Gods. I looked around me, looking at all the people of Remnant that joined together. All to stop the Gods from playing with their lives like children play with their toys.


"You can't stop us." The Dark God spoke.

"It is futile to even try." The Light God said.

"Watch me," I said as I smiled.


I stood on shaky feet as I summoned two different Keyblades. A secret I had kept far too long. [Forgotten Melody] and [Lone Conductor]. A Keyblade shaped like a violin and one shaped like a violin's bow. I could feel Ruby's shock and amazement, along with everyone that was behind me.

I took a deep breath and played. Soon, a soft and quiet melody began to spread out through the air, no, throughout Remnant. To every single person alive and all Grimm; oddly, both the people and Grimm stopped at the sound. A feeling of sadness that knew no bounds swelled in everyone. Like the song, my playing slowed down to a close and every person felt like this was the end of everything. But as soon as I played that last note, I transitioned into another. It was another slow and sad song, then another and another.


"All I needed was a moment," I spoke as I continued to play, my voice resounding throughout Remnant. "That was all I ever needed."


As the song I played came to a close, a different one started. This one, caring and upbeat. I played faster and fast than I ever could. The music rushed with my beating heart as I began to move, no, skate around the two Gods as if on ice.


"This is what I call, 'The truth of the Heart'!" I shouted as I played, my voice reaching every corner of Remnant.


The music and I seemed to race each other as I suddenly split into two. When I did, the copy I left behind was black and white. It started to play a different song. Then two became four, four became eight, and eight became sixteen. It stopped at 64 different copies with all of them playing different songs. Yet, not a single one of the songs clashed, it was as if they were harmonizing with one another.

I stopped skating and stood in front of the Gods again as the copies stilled played and skated to their song. The number of copies, songs that they played, and the use of the two Keyblades were draining my mana faster than I ever would have thought of, but I wasn't worried. As when I was about to run dry, I felt two hands on my shoulders. The mana I had so little left, was surging from then out.


"Thank you. Ozma. Salem." I spoke as I stared intently at the Gods.

"Fool, do you think some mere mortal contraption and music could ever bring us down?" The God of Darkness mocked. "We are Gods! We cannot be beaten!" The Dark God shouted.

"Impossible..." The Light God muttered, but it went unheard by the Dark God.


I just smirked and continued to play. Suddenly, the 64 became 128, and the 128 became 256. The number of clones I made kept on increasing to around a thousand. And as the music rose and grew, it cut off. As if it was only a dream. Then the thousand of me began to play all at once, at the same time. Each and every one of them played the same song with me as the leader of them all.

The God of Darkness looked around in disbelief as all the clones stopped and stood around the two in a perfect circle. Each path a clone took began to glow with bright yellow light. Underneath the Gods, inside the glowing white circle was a massive artistic heart with a keyhole in the middle of it with what appeared to be a stained glass window below the heart.

The God of Darkness tried to destroy anything and everything he could to get out, yet the God of Light didn't move an inch. The Dark God tried everything he could think of and yet nothing worked. When the Dark God looked towards his brother, he found him staring at me, unmoving.


"What did you do?!" The Dark God spat at me.

"Nothing," I replied, "All I did was play."


Before The Dark God could reply, I activated the spell I had been forming for the last hour. [Transcendence], a sealing spell that required me to unite the entire world I was on to seal away anything inside its barrier. The spell had massive mana requirements, but with Ozma and Salem helping me, I had more than enough.

I breathed a sigh of relief as the spell took effect and sealed away the Brother Gods inside Remnant for the rest of eternity and destroying the Grimm as well. As I turned around, I witnessed both Ozma and Salem crumbling to dust in front of everyone present. They both just smiled at me as they crumbled, holding each other's hands as they did. No words needed to be passed around as everyone understood. As they vanished, the sun began to rise in the distance.