
Having Transmigrated And Became A Baby, I Became The Group Pet Of Succubi

Li Wei woke up and discovered that he had transmigrated to a fantasy world. He was born into a succubus brood. All around him were little succubi who coveted after his body! Fortunately, he was bound to a system. As long as he interacted with the succubi, he could constantly increase his abilities. For walking with succubi, he was rewarded with the Wings of Death. For bathing with succubi, he was rewarded with the Eyes of the Demon God. For sharing a bed with succubi, he was rewarded with the Scepter of the Abyss. From then on, Li Wei was raised by the succubi and grew up to be a man. He made the succubi clan bigger and stronger, leading them out of the abyss.

succubus r18 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Competition For Love

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ellie slowly lowered her head in embarrassment at Li Wei's behavior. Then, she began to chat.

"Little Master, why did your body change so quickly?"

However, Li Wei felt that it was just developing normally. He held her waist tightly with one hand.

"Anyway, it's already changed. Don't think about the reason. Think about whether the food will be delicious later."

As soon as he sat down at the snake girl's place, he realized she had put some thought into this matter.

Every dish on the table was bright and beautiful, and the plating and utensils had a deeper meaning.

She was hinting that Li Wei should take the time to entertain her.

Ellie quickly saw through these tricks, clenching her fists and trying to use her power to change things.

Therefore, when she ate, she fiddled with her alluring figure and began to pick up food in various ways.

What was worse was that they fed Li Wei directly with their mouths. The two almost used the same method, which caused sparks to fly again.

The snake girl couldn't help but mock, "Ellie, don't you want to try something new? Are you imitating me? Don't your succubi have their own abilities?"

Hearing this, Ellie couldn't sit still anymore. She stood up and said, "You're the one with the dirty thoughts!"

Seeing that the two women had unknowingly started arguing, Li Wei felt a splitting headache and shook his head slightly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, stop arguing!"

They immediately became as obedient as cats and lowered their bodies, not daring to say a word.

Seeing they had settled down, Li Wei grabbed their necks, one in each hand.

Then, he planted an affectionate kiss on their faces. This quickly changed the magic power in their bodies, and they immediately went limp.

This action stopped the two of them from fighting. They were doing their things now, and neither wanted to disturb the other.

After drinking and eating, Li Wei seemed a little bored. At this moment, the snake girl suddenly slipped out.

"Little Master, why don't I dance for you? This is something that only our snake clan can do!"

Their waists were slender and the most suitable for dancing.

Li Wei put down the chopsticks in his hand, and his interest was piqued.

"Why don't you dance for me?"

As he spoke, he placed a hand on Ellie's boobs and gently rubbed them. This time, the feeling was clearly different from usual.

Because his palm became larger, it could cover more places.

Coupled with the moment the Amethyst mark came into contact with it, the friction began, and Ellie felt more pleasure.

Therefore, Ellie couldn't help but feel this way. She wanted to put the snake girl in her place, so she started to moan loudly.

However, the snake girl was not to be outdone. After hearing Ellie's moans, she waved her body even more vigorously.

It had to be said that her dance was perfect. It left a lingering aftertaste.

The two races gave Li Wei a different feeling. There was no way he could choose between the two of them.

However, Ellie felt inferior for a moment because she did not have any so-called talent to show off.

"Little Master, do you think I'm incompetent? I'm really ashamed of my inferiority to the snake girl's dance now."

However, Li Wei did not care about this at all. Instead, he pulled the two of them into his arms.

"The two of you are always fighting and arguing, but I think both of you have your own uniqueness and are very beautiful!"

Then, he stood up and stretched his body, letting out a long breath.

Immediately after, one could see that the Demon God's Spear had been erected.

Therefore, he had no choice. Without thinking, Li Wei brought the two of them in.

The snake girl seemed impatient, so she asked before Li Wei could lie down, "Little Master, from now on, allow me to serve you."

She immediately placed the Demon God's Spear in her mouth, but when she touched it, her body no longer trembled.

Li Wei could also see other changes. He did not expect to activate the snake girl's talent accidentally.

[Demon God Power—Strangle Talent activated!]

When the snake girl heard this, she was over the rainbow. She hugged Li Wei tightly in her arms and kept kissing him on the face.

"Little Master, thank you so much. I didn't expect to have such talent!"

Although Ellie was a little envious, she didn't dare to say anything. She lay there like a sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

Li Wei stroked Ellie with his hand. The magic power in her body was increasing bit by bit.

The three quietly listened to the various sounds outside before slowly shooting over.

The next day, the first thing the snake girl did was quickly find someone to test her strangulation talent.

As expected, she used all her strength and almost strangled the man to death.

Another snake clan member, Xiang Tian, came over to greet her. "Why are you here? It seems like you're in a good mood today. Is there anything you want to share?"

He wanted to get some information about Li Wei.

The snake girl tensed. How could she spill the beans at this time? "I have nothing to share. Is it wrong to be in a good mood?"

Xiang Tian suffered a setback, but he didn't feel awkward. "Isn't Li Wei very powerful? Is he still here?"

However, when the snake girl heard this, she could not help but roll her eyes at him. "Where is Little Master? There's no need to report to you all the time!"

Hearing her attitude, Xiang Tian roughly guessed the reason. He had seen everything just now.

Then, he hurriedly got someone to inform his youngest daughter, Xiang Rou, to come over as soon as possible. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If he missed it, he did not know how long he would have to wait.

At this moment, Xiang Tian's wife, Zhou Qingzhu, came over. She felt that this matter might not be simple. "Should we reconsider? Isn't sending our youngest daughter over like a sheep entering the tiger's den?"

However, Xiang Tian did not think so. He had his own plans. "Li Wei's power can be said to be endless. If we can use Xiang Rou to seduce him, we can obtain many benefits."

On the other side, Hei Yue had already prepared everything. To boost everyone's confidence, Li Wei would personally lead the men to carry out this operation.

This action conquered the other races. Hei Yue was happy from the bottom of her heart.