
Having Orgasms For Money In Another World

Aarya, a university student engrossed in gaming, encounters a mysterious website, freerpgonline.com. Despite skepticism, he explores it, winning skill points and purchasing intriguing in-game skills, including 'Internet' and 'Orgasm for Money.' As he clicks to play, his vision blurs, and he wakes up in an unfamiliar room, realizing he has transmigrated into a younger body. The story unfolds with Aarya grappling with his new reality and the unexpected challenges it brings. [Search Store ] Aarya simply thought about using the search option, and it opened up. "Hm, that's convenient," he thought, realising that he could utilise the interface without the need for physical touch or speech. "400471," he mentally commanded.

J_a_zzy · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Lubrication (R-18)

Putting on an innocent expression, Aarya said, "mother, now that we know the blessing works, can we…. Can we do it again?"

Hearing Aarya, Inse was taken aback and she asked, "you want to do it again?"

Aarya nodded vigorously in response. 'Well, he is young,' Inse thought. She sighed and with a red face, she said, "Sure, we can do it once more."

Hearing Inse agree, Aarya was overjoyed, but he tried to contain his happiness. He asked hesitantly, "Can we try a different position this time?" Inse looked at Aarya's expectant expression of resistance in her eyes. However, she yielded to her friend's innocent expression and asked, "What position do you want to try?"

On Aarya's bed, Inse was sitting with her back against the pillows. This time, Aarya was lying on the bed with his head resting in his mother's lap. Aarya's penis was erect, standing up prominently. Aarya could smell the perfuming scent of his mother. 'She smells so good, like flowers and summer,' Aarya thought to himself and said, "Mother, you can start now."

Inse heard this and nodded with her eyes closed, her cheeks still blushing. She moved her hands and took hold of Aarya's penis.

"Ahh…" Aarya let out a pleasure-filled breath as his mother's soft hand grasped his penis. Inse didn't look at his face or his penis as she began moving her hand.

'This is too embarrassing. My son is looking at my face as I give him pleasure. This is embarrassing,' Inse complained in her mind.

As Aarya had already ejaculated once, he wasn't as aroused as before, and now, thinking more clearly, he wanted to explore more sexual things. 'Kissing her earlier might have been a mistake. If she had gotten angry at that, everything might have gotten messed up. But seeing as she's still stroking my dick, if I ask for something minor, she might agree. Yes, let's tread this slowly and steadily.' A plan was forming in Aarya's mind, and he decided to gradually seduce Inse into doing more perverted things with him.

'His penis is still very lively. It's good to be young,' Inse thought, feeling her son's penis throbbing as she continued moving her hand. She opened her eyes and looked at it. 'It's big. His future spouse is sure to be lucky. I wonder how it would feel... No, Inse, you can't wonder about that.' Inse reprimanded herself in her mind.

'I should finish this quickly,' Inse thought, increasing her speed. Just as she moved her hand faster, Aarya jolted and said, faking pain, "AAa mother, it hurts."

'He was fine for the first time. Why is he in pain now?' She was confused, but stopped when she saw her son in pain.

"What happened, Aarya? Where does it hurt?" Inse asked, a little concerned.

"Mother, it hurts when you move your hand," Aarya said, still faking pain.

'Probably due to friction,' Inse thought and said, "I'm sorry, Aarya. It must hurt because there isn't any lubrication." 

Aarya's plan was successful, and with a discomforted expression, he said, "Lubrication..." thinking for a moment, he continued, "mother, can you... Can you use your saliva for lubrication?"

Inse, upon hearing her son's words, was taken aback and looked at him. 'My saliva... no, that's too perverse. No, I won't...' She was going to refuse, but when she saw Aarya's pained expression, she simply nodded and withdrew her hand toward her mouth, spitting some saliva into her hand. 'Haa, how shameful. My son is looking at me doing something embarrassing. And why is this making me... Excited?' Inse thought, embarrassed and aroused, feeling her friend's gaze on her.

'She looks so perverted. Ah, my dick is throbbing looking at her.' Aarya saw his mother spitting in her hand, finding it very arousing.

Inse moved her hand, containing saliva, toward Aarya's penis and slathered her saliva on it. She moved her hand and coated his penis with her saliva.

Aarya's penis felt cold from her saliva, and he moaned in pleasure, saying, "Ahh, mother, it feels good." Hearing her son's pleasure-filled voice made her face turn red.

Inse, after coating Aarya's penis with her saliva, started stroking his penis again. Aarya felt a different kind of pleasure this time. He could feel his mother's soft and wet hand stroking his penis, giving him pleasure. Her hands moved faster, not causing any discomfort to Aarya.

Aarya moaned again and said, "mother, ahh, I think it needs more lubrication."

'More lubrication.' Inse thought reluctantly, but still obliged. She withdrew her hand again, spitting some saliva into it. All the while, Aarya ingrained this act into his mind.

'She looks so hot,' Aarya thought.

'What is my son getting me to do,' Inse thought, embarrassed, while coating Aarya's penis with her saliva, providing him with cold and wet pleasure. After coating, she started moving her hand again, making Aarya's penis even wetter. "Ahh, this feels good, mother," Aarya said in pleasure, further embarrassing Inse and intensifying her excitement.

She looked at her son's penis, her saliva glistening on it, and as she moved her hand, a slick sound caused by the saliva could be heard. 'This feels so lewd,' Inse thought, feeling excitement building up. Then she looked at her son's face, drenched in pleasure and looking equally lewd, which added to her own arousal.

She increased her hand's speed, earning more moans from her Aarya. "Aah, ahah, mother, I feel good."

As her arousal continued to build, everything lewd excited her even more, intensifying her arousal. She increased her hand's speed even more, the excitement evident on her face as she watched her son lost in pleasure.

Aarya was in ecstasy, his hips moving and lifting in the air as Inse's hand worked its magic. He could feel her wet grip on his penis, and moans escaped his mouth. His eyes and expression became uncontrollable, consumed by the pleasure.

'He looks so…,' Inse thought, seeing her son's expression. She felt the throbbing in his penis increase and sped up her movements even more. Aarya's eyes rolled back in pleasure. "Ohh, MOTHER," he moaned, his hips thrusting up and down.