
Having Fun In The Anime World

Amatu- Novic- Beginner writer here! (A/N: I made this just to put my ideas in a story. Plus this my first time writing a fan-fic story. I'm just writing for leisure.) Disclaimer: The other character in the story is not mine. It's from there rightful owner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mark save two kids before he die and meet the only god he believed and ever believed in. God given him the chance for a second life. At first reluctant but in the end he got his second chance in the world of anime!

ArcTachibana · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


The day passed with Rinku doing nothing at all, just watching anime all day... I guess he really did something.

Another day starts and Rinku was preparing to go out to look for a part-time job.

Wearing something decent, he made himself look prim and proper. Looking one last time at the mirror, before going outside. Locking the door, Rinku then starts his job hunt.


O city was really a huge city, though there are other much more huge city in Japan, O city is still a huge city. Looking around the city for the first time, Rinku saw many different kinds of school here. There's the Totsuki where Soma is going, the Higashi Shinmei High School, My Hero Academia, Shuchiin Academy and other big schools.

For small schools, they band together to form there own place since almost the big academy and schools are taking all the students. That's where Rinku was going for high school.

He didn't really want to go to a prestigious schools, he pick it there to see if he can see all those anime characters he knows and love.


Why was Rinku doing in different schools, of course to look for a part-time job. As many knows, Schools have many students, many in fact that you could have your own store near the school to generate easy money, like a bakery or coffee shop, or bubble tea.

Well of course all food related are far away from Totsuki Academy, you're a fool if you want your food near the school of the highest level for chefs.

There are several stores looking for people looking for jobs and part-time jobs in the city. Since the city also have many stores, of course there requirements are people who are ready to fight. More like body guards for there store.

Since many dangerous things happening to all of the cities thief, monsters, villains and other reasons.

"Not really keen on being a security guard, sounds boring..." Rinku said to himself. Remembering the stores that was hiring so he could choose later, he is not that pressured for finding a part-time job since he was given 3 weeks, worst thing that can happen was he couldn't finish the mission.

So far Rinku have this options, employee for a new chain of MgRonald's, a butler for a maid café which the manager was very eager for him to be a butler. Honestly his looks was suit to be a butler.

The third one was the security guard position of mall, they didn't discriminate even you're younger because many people have kinds of power nowadays, you might not know if you hit a jackpot if you hired an incredible person.

The fourth one was a instructor in a nearby dojo, he beaten all the people there with his martial arts, though Rinku admit that the six master of the dojo was strong. There called master for a reason. He was leaning to take this part-time job really.

When he arrived, he wanted to asked if they need a instructor and they answered no, which made Rinku not really care at first but the old man with a big height, and a white beard stopped him and challenge him, so that's how it started. Now defeating all the master of the dojo, they invited him to be one of them.

"What was that dojo called again... Ryōza... something? I already forgot... It's ok I know the way there. If I want to take the job I'll just go there."

The last job he find was waiter in a restaurant. "I don't really know why they like me to do it- Is it because I look good serving or something? I admit that I look great in a butler suite or a waiter suite but I didn't know that it was that great. Or maybe I smile a lot, is that really the reason? Ah forget it." Rinku thought about the reasons.


It's already afternoon and Rinku was getting hungry, after looking for a place to eat he sees a place called Wagnaria.

"Seems to be a family restaurant."

The door automatically opens for him, Rinku was looking the inside of the restaurant.

Seeing that the place have many people eating, "Seems nice." Rinku commented.

Noticing someone coming towards him, Rinku looked at cute little lady who was going to serve him. He knows that this girl here was not a child. The reason? For starters she has quite a big boobs for small child to have.

The little lady smiles cutely and welcomed him; "Welcome! Table for one? Would you like the smoking or non-smoking section?"

"Non-smoking please." Rinku smiles and looked at this adorable creature.

Rinku was feeling soothed by her cute smile and couldn't help but to smile. Leading him to a table, the little lady gives him a menu. Scanning the menu, Rinku felt that someone was watching him intently. He looked at the little lady that for some reason giving him the same eyes as the manager of the café and the restaurant owner was giving him earlier.

When he saw the stars in her eyes, his mouth twitch. He couldn't help but cough to wake her up from being rude.

Waking up from her thoughts, the lady then looked at Rinku with excitement and said.

"Are you looking for a job or a part-time job?" the lady asked.

"Ahh... yes I'm indeed looking for a part-time job...Why do you ask?" Rinku's lips are twitching more. Rinku said the truth but he also knows that he will be asked again to become a waiter or something.

Getting his answer the lady run towards the inside of the restaurant, leaving Rinku dumbfounded. "My order..."


Inside a office in the restaurant, the little lady was talking to a lady who was eating a parfait.

"Manager-san you said that we need new workers, right?" the little lady asked.

"Yeah, why?" the lady manager asked.

"Looked over there, the one Yachiyo-san taking his order. He is looking for a part-time job. I think he is a nice fit for being a waiter. What do you think?" the little lady asked.

Fun fact: I was watching the anime in facebook, at first I was hella confuse when I was watching the ep 4 of it I realized that I been watching it with jumbled up seasons and episodes. In the end I rewatched it.

Tell me if there's something wrong.

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