
The Secrets Unveiled

8 pm.

Truman's mansion.

"Hey, why did Mr. Truman call Link?" Casanova stopped talking to the girls and faced Fatty.

"Dunno, maybe because Link angered his son and decided to beat him up." Fatty threw his hands in the air and said in a joking tone.

"What the heck are you saying?!" Casanova then locked Fatty's neck on his arm and nagged his head intensely.

"Ouch! Stop! Stop! Damn you! Cut it out!" Fatty broke free from the lock and decided to do the same to Casanova.

When the girls saw their unusual and immature behavior, they felt disgusted. They thought that this two was extremely rich so they decided to approach them. They then decided to left them without the two notices.

"Hello Everyone! Thank you all for coming to Master Neil's party. All people who are still outside please come in now, so that the celebration can begin now." An actor announced while smiling brightly.

He was an actor of high status back then and was booming with popularity. He had his life good until rumors spread about him doing drugs and alcohol, there was also a rumor that he hired a prostitute which made his career sank rock-bottom. He thought it was the end until the Truman family offered him a job at their company and also a performer to entertain guests.


Faint traces of moonlight crept inside the room making an illuminating scene. The frogs hidden beyond the lake began to croaked while the cold and soothing air passed by. The party already began, but the three of them hasn't still made it yet. Link was looking at Poseidon intensely after seeing the unbelievable scene that happened in front of him. He noticed Pia on the other side smiling at the two of them.

"Why did I got involved in this?" Link asked the two of them.

"You will know the details later. First, let us tell you the history of the Group Chat." Pia said to him.

Link and the other two sat down and poured themselves tea. Poseidon sipped his cup and said.

"Did you know about the Gods that was sent down for punishment because of making a sin?" Poseidon asked him as he was placing the cup down the table.

"Is it just a fantasy? What I know is they come down here to help one person a year, right?"

"Yeah, while being here they help different kinds of people until their wrongdoings get forgiven by the Gods higher than us. Truth is, there are three different realms of the Gods, the Earth Realm, Heaven Realm, and Galaxy Realm. The Gods on the Earth realm are the lowest of Gods, as well as humans some gods commit mistakes and sins that are unforgivable. While the Gods at the Heaven Realm is higher above the Earth realm and later than Galaxy Realm. They punish Gods from the Earth Realm and will also the one to send them back up at the Realm of the Gods. Finally, the Galaxy realm. The Galaxy Realm has only three Gods, they are the one that guards the space and time so that no disturbance will be made. Worst case scenario a planet can be swallowed by a black hole."

"Wait, so you committed sin and was sent down here?" Link asked them. His head was confused about all the words Poseidon said.

"Yeah, we did," Pia said on the side.

"Wait, what?!" Link said confused. "A God that made a mistake will be sent down to Earth by another God?!" he added.

"It's not just Earth Little Tiger, there are different dimensions and parallel universe out there. A God can also be sent to the stars, galaxies, and other planets."

"So you mean aliens are real?" Link asked.

"Haha, it's not necessarily aliens. They are almost human-like except for their appearance and behavior." Poseidon laughed, "There are different kinds of life forms everywhere Link. What you believe is sometimes not true. Don't ever trust anyone so easily, take my advice seriously. If anything happens in the near future don't blame both of us, it was all your decisions from the very beginning."

"Can a God have kids too?

"No, we can't have one," Poseidon replied.

"Is that why you've been sent down here? Because of Neil," Link asked.

"No, he's not my real son. I didn't even have a wife, to begin with. All of this was made up by the government, which a God was placed down there with the highest position."

"So, he was...."

"Yeah, " Poseidon answered.

"So what happened? What sin did you two commit that made you go down here?" Link looked at them and asked.

"Let me tell you what happened two hundred thousand years ago. The Gods that day was also humans. The Gods were called at a place called the Garden of Hesperides where they could gain immortality in there. That garden was filled with green, be it grass, trees, leaves, everything. The ceremony was peaceful, in case you'll ask how they could gain immortality, a fountain was placed in the core of the garden. A God will go there one at a time to bath themselves and cultivate. This was also the time where their ranks could be determined. One at a time, a God will go there and cultivate for days and nights. The event lasted for 38 years. Everyone got their immortal life and their ranks. Everyone was happy to back then, including me. Until one time, the girl I fell in love with, Aqua the Goddess of the sea, had actually planned to get the fountain and become the strongest God." Poseidon sighed.

"News of it everywhere could be heard. The Kingdom was already well prepared for it. They sent me outside to guard the gates because of my power, that is to control water. Then that day began, an all-out attack from Aqua's side could be seen. Giant Tsunami, Fireballs, Dragons, Lightning could be seen. It was horrible, Gods from our side also launched an attack but the other side was stronger. The gates collapsed and we couldn't do anything about it. We also launched an all-out attack and managed to injure some of their men. The war lasted for three days until some of our men couldn't handle the other side's prowess. The castle was beginning to collapse. I remember seeing Aqua going inside with her men. When she got inside, a powerful force suddenly erupted and made us all sent back 3 meters behind."

"When I got up I saw Aqua fighting against a Galaxy Realm God. She was already badly injured with just only one move from that God. Aqua couldn't even stand on her own feet. When I saw that scene my heart ached. I haven't even talked to her for so long. I decided to help her, it does not matter if I get killed. I'll help her! I'll help her!"

"I focused my mind and summoned the ocean from the east and west mixing it together. I created a giant waterball to seal the area. Then I started attacking the Galaxy God while picking up Aqua. After that, I dropped my waterball into the face of that God and ran." Poseidon explained everything he remembered back in that day while looking at the moon. "I was sent down here while Aqua is still hiding in the God realm. That war was called The Majestic War of the Gods which created severe casualties from both sides." Poseidon added.

"How about you Big Sis?" Link looked at her and asked.

"Oh nothing much, this Poseidon right here is my friend for a very long time now so I decided to help him." Pia looked at him and smiled.

"So you're two hundred thousand years old Big Sis?" Link teased her.

Following what he said, a loud and crisp sound could be heard. Link's face immediately swelled. He was holding it and was screaming like an idiot.

"So Mr. Poseidon how did I got involved in all of this?" Link asked.

"We are already tracking you since you were a child. We saw great potential in you, and also a natural feeling. It's like we three here are the same. We have powers." Poseidon answered Link, still staring at the window.

"Me? Where did I get my power from? What's my power like? Link asked them.

"We are also unable to answer your questions for now, and that is because of why we added you."

"So you already know me from the very beginning but still act like idiots when I suddenly got added?"

"Me and Pia here are the only one who knows it. So we have to do that." Poseidon answered.

"Are you two done? If that's the case let's go to the party." Pia on the side yawned while suggesting it to both of them.

"Sounds Good Big Sis! Let's go."

Link and Pia went downstairs where the party was located and leave Poseidon behind. He was looking at the window and staring at the distance, tranquility, and calmness are seeping out of him. After some unknown time, he also went downstairs to make an appearance.

Yeah, I know it's late.

Bl4ckbearcreators' thoughts