
Having a God System with my Little Brother

Dracula_Light2000 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

System of Gods

[ Initializing system command='001001'] [Initializing system percentage=12%]

[Initializing system percentage=30%][Initializing system percentage=50%]

[Initializing system percentage=75%]

[Initializing system percentage=90%]

[Initializing system percentage=100%]{Welcome Host to the Godly system}(#%Er0rr**#)

[System Finds Two Eligible hosts]

[Re-initializing=10%...25%.....60%...92%....99%..D0NE** SYSTEM UPDATED**]



This shook the brothers little at first the system was starting as any other system in a novels,mangas/manhwas/comics or Anime

But suddenly the error message showed up then the Name of System changed(Heck!! it's way of representing Itself also changed)

then they their status .

[Name-Kai Von Griffith]


[Nature-Slightly Cautious]


[Class-None(AT Level 20)]









[ Luck-20]

[Stat points-0]



{Devilish Looks:-Host has Looks to die for.}{Cold blooded- Host has a Cautious Nature

and priortized Only his loved ones}

{Twin Bond-Host has a special bond with his Twin}



[Description:-Other than Charm and stupidly hig amounts of with slightly above average Int Host is extremely weak.#Pampered child ]

[Name-Arthur Von Griffith]




[Class-None(AT Level 20)]











[Stat points-0]



{Prince Charming:-Host has Looks to die for.}{Warm Hearted- Host has a Kind Nature

and has Big heart}

{Twin Bond-Host has a special bond with his Twin}



[Description:-Other than Charm and High Luck with Good Int.Host is extremely weak.#Innocent Child ]

Kai eye twiched a little"Hey system, I know we both have differences but Why is Art's Description is better than mine!! You straight up humiliated me ."

[...( ̄. ̄)→_→...]

"Hey stop with wierd emo's of yours I need answers"Kai grunted."Cool down big bro Cool down"Art tried holding Kai.

[Host is advised to not question systems actions]

"Fuck you and your advise!!!"Kai said in an annoyed tone."Yeah that was mean"Art tried to support his brother.

[New Quest has been Formed]

".....๏_๏.Don't Change the the topic you shitty system!!!"

Art'╯﹏╰ This is going to take long'