
Haven Of Peace System

(A boys love story) Cadel was a ruthless assassin. A human weapon, One of the many others who was forced to kill by the Soul parasite which threatened his world. One should not be fool by his frightfully beauteous and fragile appearance. Condemned by many, cursed by many, and in the end killed by many. He didn’t resist. Allowing his worthless enemies to cut him down into bloody pieces. He only said one sentence before taking one last breath. “Thank you for freeing me...” The world was a cruel place. Sigh, he only wanted some peace and escape this wretched bloody world. What he didn’t expect was to find himself tied to a system and to forcefully go on missions in various worlds. Ding! Ding! Ding! Kerpuffle: Fear not! You will achieve a glorious life of peace! Cadel: *Sighs in relief* Kerpuffle: Er... after you finish this task. Oh! I forgot about this one! Oh, and this one! Wait, wait there’s a couple more... uhh, let me list them down. Give me a minute! Cadel: *Groans* Can I just go back to being dead now? A particular nameless person: Be good. Come into my arms, little kitten. ....................................................... “This fierce untouched beauty can only be cherished.” “My love, it has been centuries. I missed you...” “Let’s run away to a place where no one will find us.” “If you cannot leave here for eternity then... I will stay with you.” “With a bleeding body, I groveled before your grave... please take me with you.” How outrageous is this love. But if I have to suffer a million years for a single touch of your skin, for a single glance at your face, for hearing a single word from your mouth, then let suffering come to me. There is a price for peace. Hello, your Author here! Hehe~ I was inspired so I wrote this novel. The cover is personally drawn by me~ Hehe, want a commission? || NOTICE || This is a BL (Boys love) Story. Please be mindful~ Updates will be Sporadic

Heather_ANARE · LGBT+
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20 Chs

|| Chapter 1.9 || Marked The Day of Reunion

In a room shrouded in darkness, heavy footsteps sounded. The floorboards creaked as a figure walked towards the desk. His hands caressed the table's surface briefly before he seated himself on the chair. The seat moaned as it carried his weight. Unhurriedly, his fingers reached for the hidden button underneath the table. Without another thought, he pressed it.


A glowing translucent screen materialized in the air before him. It was the only light source within the room. Glitching for a few moments, the screen finally steadied and revealed a woman's familiar face, serious with her dark hair tied up in a clean bun.

"Mary..." The old man leaned back, resting his arms on the cushioned armrest. His expression was calm. However, there was a hint of concern within his eyes. "How is he?"

Mary, the android caretaker, replied. "There are no complications, master. He is eating well and is very intelligent. Very smart and punctual. He finishes all his work very quickly."

"I see." Grandfather Vermillion nodded, rubbing his chin. His eyes softened when he thought of his precious grandchild. However, his heart ached that he couldn't see him in the flesh. But it was necessary to lessen his interactions with the child. As a patriarch of the Vermilion clan, many eyes trailed his every move, and countless people would try everything to dig up his secrets. It was already a bit dangerous to be communicating with Mary once a month.

Especially at these times...

Grandfather Vermillion narrowed his eyes. It was all over the news, the gradual increase of murders and disappearances of pure-blooded vampires. Some of the victims weren't even genuinely pure ones. As long as they possessed the blood of pure vampires, they would be hunted. As of now, both hunter and vampire clans were meticulously discussing these dreadful matters, prioritizing them.

The Vermillion patriarch rubbed one of his temples when he remembered the stressful meetings he needed to attend and was even more concerned about his previous grandson all the more.

"Mary, I'm sure you've heard about the reports and occurrences during the last few months." He said.

Mary nodded, "Every single one of them, Master."

"Good. I'll be sending some supplies at the end of the month. Tighten the manor's security; not even an animal should enter the manor's boundaries. If you see anyone suspicious..." His eyes narrowed. "You know what to do..."

"As you wish, Master." Mary bowed.

The patriarch sighed, shoulders relaxing, finally feeling a bit of relief. He began, "So, what is our little prince doing in the manor these days?"

This was the grandfather's most favorite part in the virtual conversations he'd have with Mary.

Mary smiled faintly, "The young master has been spending a lot of time gardening as well as reading. He's been requesting new books lately, as well as... dandelion seeds." She chuckled as she finished her words.

The grandfather laughed, "Good! Good! I'll remember to send some if that is what he likes."

"I would like to inform you about something else as well, Master," Mary added.

"Yes, what is it?"

Mary smiled faintly, "He's already nineteen years old, Master. He would prefer you call him a man during your next call together."

Blinking, Grandfather Vermillion nodded slowly. Ah, nineteen years old... How fast time was. The patriarch was worried he wouldn't be able to truly witness Luke grow up before he would die. He sighed pitifully.

The mass murders were accumulating. However, he was slightly at ease. He and his fellow patriarchs, both human and hunter, were growing older. Fortunately, the little ones were there to take their place and perhaps create a more harmonious alliance between humans and vampires.

When the grandfather ended the call, his thoughts drifted to the particular group of young men and women that had established quite a standing before the elders and patriarchs—especially that child of the Grey Clan.


"System, turn it on." Cadel dropped on the bed. His body bounced slightly while he cradled the popcorn within his arms. He'd grown taller, plump on cheeks and other parts of his body that he didn't need to mention. His hair had grown longer. Bits of curls teased his lashes, and he grudgingly pushed his bangs away as the system's screen materialized before his face.

He was sitting in his attic on a cloudy day. Socks on his feet, a loose shirt, and snacks he made himself at his side. He didn't want to miss any of Cedric's amazing feats. The little ice king seemed to have become quite a famous figure in his clan, as well as all the clans. He's even made a secret group of his trusted individuals who were eager to track down the followers of the pure-blood killer.

He wondered when they would be able to meet again. Cedric was clearly busy, but Cadel... was as bored as hell. However, he didn't mind the solitude. Kerpuffle could only do his best to entertain his host as much as he could.

Valerian was already making his move; it was time for Cedric and the rest to hasten their game.


Agonizing screams filled the abandoned warehouse. The single light source within swayed as the man tied to the chair, bloodied and disfigured, had his fingers cut off one by one. Blood spurted, dripping on the ground. The man screamed but was silenced by the cloth that suddenly wrapped around his head, gagging him.

The man continued to struggle when the bloodied knife glinted before his eyes.

"There isn't he quiet now?" The man behind the captive said as he tightened the knot. He sighed in relief. The boss would be pissed if he were distracted during his reading.

The girl cocked an eyebrow, tossing the knife on the floor, and waved the severed pinky before her like a soggy French fry. "Mark, go report to the young master. And the others..." She eyed the serious-looking people around her. "Clean up the mess."

She finished before she washed her hands on the bucket of water beside her.

The people were quick to follow orders. Only Mark was hesitant. You want me to interrupt that man in the middle of his reading?! The boss's reading is the most critical time. No one should disturb him. Mark hasn't even decided where to bury his body yet if the boss gets rid of him. He wanted to crawl into a hole.

"Damn, Jessica. Always giving me the worst jobs." He grumbled before heading towards the stairs.

His hands shook in hesitation when he opened the door to the roof deck. The door opened with a creak, and almost instantly, he was greeted with the cold nightly wind. He slapped himself from cowardice and began to walk.

There he saw the boss himself, sitting on the steel railing, certainly unafraid of death. His golden eyes, sharp as a blade, intently concentrated on the book in his hand. The wind brushed his raven hair leaving him that hard, handsome look that ignored the world's attention. There was a faint bloodstain on the collar of his white shirt. His leather jacket covered his broad shoulders loosely. Mark was proud of his boss's undeniable good looks, making the girls come swooning and running towards them. Unfortunately, it doesn't go the same with Mark. The single dog cried in silence.

"B-Boss..." Mark stammered, feeling sweat drip down his back. It was so cold outside, yet why the hell was, be sweating so much?


The book within the young man's hand closed loudly. A deathly gaze shifted towards Mark, who was inwardly praying.

"What did I tell you about disturbing me?" Cedric said with a threatening voice. He looked as if he could Mark to shreds.

Indeed, the book was his bottom line, Mark thought, shivering a little. He had even set up an alarm on his watch to remind him to read. He's been reading the same thing for over two years. What was so great about that book? Despite Mark's fear and curiosity, he spoke. "Jessica said the interrogation is finished. We have acquired the information we needed."

Cedric raised his head. The black night behind him looked eerie. "What did he say?"

"A name, Valerian."

Cedric narrowed his eyes. He tucked the book in his jacket as he removed himself from the railing. His suspicions were answered. This name had been popping out from the documents and the information from the moles he'd placed in the clans. A half-blood vampire was the cause of all these murders. He wasn't even half hunter. His victims were all pure-blood vampires or vampires possessing even a drop of the pureblood lineage. Hidden clans were massacred, and now he was targeting the renowned ones. A couple of clans and have reached out to Cedric. However, he couldn't help them all at once.

Suspiciously, things have gone a bit quiet nowadays. Perhaps that psychotic murderer was planning something big.

Cedric walked past Mark. He needed a word with his grandfather. "Gather our people and clean up the warehouse. Lay low for a few days until I come back."

'What?' Mark hurried after him with a confused expression. "But Boss, Are you going somewhere?"

Cedric paused his steps. "Yes, if something comes up, then tell me."

The door closed behind Cedric, leaving Mark together with the freezing wind. He rubbed his chin. Although he was spared from torture, he could not help but be curious. Somehow, the boss has been acting stranger and stranger these days. Last month, Mark caught him buying a calendar and researching some things about gardening. He was also spending too much time on his book than usual.

Come to think of it... did he buy the book himself, or did someone buy it for him? It was no ordinary book for the boss. That was for sure. It held a significant value to the young master. There were so many books like it, yet he was so attached to it as if he owed the thing a life debt. Perhaps, someone did gift it to him.

The following day, Cedric landed at X country's airport. The men he'd assigned in this country immediately greeted him upon his arrival. They took his luggage, burying their curiosity in their minds. The young master suddenly called them this morning and added that he was on his way. Why so suddenly?! Did he come to inspect? Or did one of them make a mistake? They couldn't help but think of all the dreadful possibilities. Just Why???

To their surprise, Cedric didn't say a word even when they started driving him to the villa. Their faces were filled with question marks.

Cedric reached the house and was welcomed by the caretaker. His bags were collected, and he was shown to his room.

"David, send me a copy of the city's maps." Said Cedric before he entered his room. The caretaker nodded and bowed.

When he was finally alone, he exhaled and pulled open his suitcases. His hands first took out Cadel's book and gently placed it on the bed. Afterwards, he unpacked the rest of his things. Three days. He'll only be around for three days, and then he'll leave. The young man's golden eyes slightly narrowed.

Does he... even remember me? or the promise I made to him?

His actions gradually slowed then a chuckle escaped his mouth. He shook his head. It's been two years. Maybe he did. There was heaviness in Cedric's chest, but he ignored it. It doesn't matter. He was just going to stop by a bit and then leave. However, he wished, even for one second, that he could catch a glimpse of his figure.

How was he?

What was he doing after all these years?

Does he miss...

Cedric sat on his bed and sighed. The patriarch of the Vermillion clan really did his all to conceal his grandson's existence. It felt as if the boy who had saved him in the forest didn't exist at all. However, Cedric imprinted that calm and bright countenance in his heart. He wanted to mark the boy's existence everywhere so he would be reminded. However, he also feared exposing him to the world.

The young hunter rose from the bed and grabbed the knapsack. The bag fell with a loud thud, and Cedric sat at the desk, fishing a couple of things from the pack. There were thick volumes of gardening books and a few tools, snow globes, sweets, a few bags of flower seeds, and more. The young man looked foolish as he started at the clutter of objects with a severe face.

It didn't look enough. He should've brought more stuff...

Meanwhile, within the estate's garden, Cadel was staring at the system's invisible screen wide-eyed. His mouth parted, and a half-eaten strawberry fell out from his lips.

Mary furrowed his brows. She quickly hurried to the table. "Y-Young master? Are you alright?"

Cadel snapped out of his trance and nodded his head with slightly dazed eyes. "Y-Yes..."

Kerpuffle: (cough) What is this foreboding feeling?


I'm back! XD

I hope you enjoy reading!

Heather_ANAREcreators' thoughts