
Irreplaceable Queen

Long time, my mother was known of her unresisting beauty and heart. The kingdom love her and adore her. She was also known as brave woman who always stand for those who are been abused or biased. People called her angel sent by God. Until one day, my mother bore me and that started she has been enduring illness. The Queen reminded the King, no matter what will happen she will always choose the Child. And after that dramatic laboring, my mother regain her health. And the king started to love me. But it didn't last long too, the Queen and King was planned to attend a Ball but they was ambushed and only the king was survive and me. My mother, covered her self to protect me. My father looked at me like, I was the one who killed my mother. My father hated me. My father never had any celebration with me since my mother died. The king repeatedly said, how I wish you never came into our life. How I wish, the Queen was here and you are the one who was gone. When you started to came into our life, you only brought unexpected things. You kill the queen. You kill your mother. Just leave me alone and forget me forever. How I will run this kingdom, if the queen who brought light into my life was gone because of you.

I clearly remember those words and moments. I kneel down to the king and said, father please forgive me. I will promise to be a perfect daughter you ever wanted. I promise I will serve my people like my mother do. Father please don't push me away. I am your daughter, I need you too. I need my father too. Father please just give chance to proved my worth.

My father pushed me away and asked the butler Joseph to locked me on my room. And my father added, Estrella form now on, you are the princess and the princess are not allowed to show weaknesses, tears and sadness to her people. And now, never ever act on me like your my daughter, since the queen died because of you. I will never let you act like your mother,because you'll never be like her. You are just my unlucky daughter.

While Butler Joseph send me to my room, he said, princess please never let your angry dictate you. I know your in pain too. How I wish you'll be able to understand what I want to say but for now your too young to understand your father (king). One day, if you grow up enough who understand things, I will tell you detailed the whole lovestory of your parents. And maybe that day, you already know the feeling of inlove. My Princess remember, I am on your side no matter what. You are beautiful like your mother.

Honestly, I don't hate the king, but I hate my mother and my life, because I never been good enough to my father and the people. They always compare me to the Queen. I accidentally heard some of my people and they said, what will happen now to us? The Princess are too young to lead with us. How I wish, the Queen are still here with us. If the queen was here, maybe the kingdom are full of joy and smiles. But now, the palace atmosphere is like a cave with Noone wants to enter.

The Queen who they only wants. I am just a shadow of a queen who acted like a queen. I am Princess without honor. A Princess who been neglected by her people and her father.