
Have No Shame [GL]

An Amazon Princess gives herself to the female commander of an invading dark-elf army in order for her people to be spared. --------- ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This story leans in heavily on sexual abuse on the first chapter but it will gradually lessen and evolve into romance. I like to describe this story as a Romance/Erotica/DnD loosely inspired Adventure hybrid. There will be action and there will be copius amounts of sex. There is hand holding. It involves lesbians and Futa(Female with male genitals). Discord is here : https://discord.gg/53q5F9kC If you liked my work the please consider buying me a coffee at : https://ko-fi.com/bamboo_gossip Cover is not mine. Got it from : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3o98WA

Bamboo_Gossip7 · Fantasy
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186 Chs

The Grand Academy of Aeselis

The radiant sun up high shone its resplendent rays as Antani and Shatter Sound began their adventure.

Riding along Elaria's highway, Antani's stagecoach passed through a plethora of colorful buildings. Taking in the view along with the refreshing windy breeze, she could now see why Yulia always wanted to be their driver that much.

Suddenly, Antani's ring grew bright, and from it, her lover's voice rang clear.

"Antani, where are you right now?"

Momentarily holding the reins with one hand as she gestured the ring close to her mouth, Antani answered, "Still on the high-way. Can we talk later? I'm trying to focus on the road."

"All right. Update me once you've made a stop." Not wanting to cause any accident, Ellamir relented even though she still wanted to talk some more.

It was only 5 minutes and Ellamir couldn't resist. Antani's ring glowed once more, which prompted her to quickly shut down her lover.

As the ring's glow faded, Antani grinned. What a clingy lover Ellamir is.


About 15 minutes later, they are now at the city gate.

Two city guards wearing full plate armor stopped them. A routine inspection to any stagecoach or carriage going in and out of the city, but by showing them her Platinum necklace coupled with an amicable smile, the city guards just waved them to go on right ahead. Ah, the perks of being an adventurer.

Passing by the gargantuan entrance gate, verdant trees now filled the view.

Antani's ring started to glow AGAIN.

"Antani, why haven't you updated me yet!?" Ellamir's timbre raised, a combination of both anxiety for her lover's safety and restlessness.

Antani had to admit, it was adorable the first time but now, Antani was finding it a tad bit annoying. Did Ellamir wanted for her to broadcast her EVERY move?

"Because we still haven't made a stop!" In annoyance, Antani's tone mirrored her lover's. Which she immediately regretted afterwards, raising one's voice in an argument is a surefire way to extend one. Especially against someone as prideful as Ellamir.

Having composed herself, Antani asked, "Can you please relax, Ellamir? Brew some tea and read one of your books. Or better yet, join Stefano and Gloria next door."

On the other end, Ellamir sighed, even she knew she was being over the top. But she just couldn't help it.

"I-I'm sorry. It hasn't been a full day yet but I already miss you. I will talk to you later."

The morose Ellamir cut off the mana from her ring before Antani could even respond. Antani wanted to check up on her lover, but that would defeat the whe purpose of her spiel.

Antani sighed. What a troublesome lover Ellamir is.


Come noon, their exit from the forest was greeted by a rich plateau. The road that they traversed is now paved.

The duo was finally closing in on the town of Vanluc. A neutral town tied to no cities. Usually heralded as an academy town, in its center is the Aeselis Academy.

It's an academy where those that can afford it would send their sons and daughters to study the trade of their choosing.

All of them aspire to be…

Stalwart Knights with chivalry in their hearts. Magicians who want to unlock the secrets of the arcane. Blacksmiths dreaming to one day forge legendary armors. And many more.

The Academy of Aeselis is also known for its "Royal Branch". A branch where individuals who would may or may not take power one day would gather. Dukes. Marquees. Prince and Princesses. Just as the name implies, 'Royalty'.

If a Duke's son or daughter was causing some trouble, Aeselis' Royal Branch was the perfect place to maroon them away for the span of three years under the guise of 'socializing'. Or in Antani's case, a hoyden princess who's a bit of a sword fanatic.

It was a time in Antani's life when her mother had judged her obsession with the sword to be overzealous. In truth, she only intensified her daily training because she wanted to never fall behind against her sister who had already attended the academy.

Her stay with the academy had been fun, if there was only one thing she hated about, it was the uniform.


Entering the town, Shatter Sound immediately noticed how busy everyone was with carriages all around and the majority of the youth that was wearing a resplendent dress or vests with the same shade of dark blue. Antani explained to her that it was their academy uniform.

It was no Elaria, but Vanluc still tried to integrate as many races as they could, all in the creed of fair knowledge for everyone.

A few minutes later, they had finally arrived at the academy that Antani told her about.

It was a really huge beige building that could be categorized as a castle more than an academy. Shatter sound was in awe, her lips curved into a smile as she admired the architecture.

Suddenly the stagecoach stopped.

One armored guard posted for each metal gate, the academy was so massive that it had three.

"Halt. State your name and the reason for your visit at the academy." The guard commanded with a huge halberd by his side.

"How imposing, I remember when you were still a newly stationed guard, Lim."

The guard squinted at who this woman was that was trying to act all chummy with him.

From suspicion to friendliness, they weren't the closest but the Amazon would often strike up a conversation with him back in the days.

"Antani, is that you!? Come on in!"


After parking, the two of them entered Aeselis' corridors with a few students turning their eyes at them, wondering who could the warrior and her companion be?

Shatter Sound marveled at the academy's interior, like the outside, the inside was very much what you would expect a castle would look like except there were a hodgepodge of striking rooms left and right.

There were potion rooms, study halls, and a grand library. Impressed, her eyes widened, did they just pass a forge?

Antani smiled at Shatter Sound who was clearly enjoying herself, this trip was partly for her after all.

Climbing the stairs, they had finally arrived at the fifth floor.

Since Antani decided to stop by, it was only natural to give her respect to the headmistress.

After knocking thrice, the ornate wooden door opened by itself. Inside was a high elf wearing a comely smile, welcoming her alumnus. Her skin pale, while her locks were a flowing golden mane, her pristine white robe venerated her position as the one who holds the academy's reins.

"Antani, what brings you back to Aeselis?" The high elf questioned.

"We're on a quest, and since we were passing by, I figured why not give my friend a tour?"

The high elf glanced at Shatter sound, to which the werewolf flashed an awkward smile out of respect. The high elf nodded.

The high elf's attention returned to antani, she asked, "Where will you two stay for the evening then?"

"We're planning to check one of the board houses near the plaza, one of them should be able to accommodate us for a single night."

Like that of a concerned mother, the high elf's face became sullen.

"That will not do. You can take two of the dorm rooms, we only have 40 enrolled at the royal branch at the moment."

"I'm delighted, headmistress, but we can't accept your offer. I only went here to pay my respect. It's best for us to be on our way." Elated at the headmistress' offer, Antani did not want to take her up on it for two reasons. One, they had ample silver to spare for boarding, two is that she wasn't a student anymore. A full grown adult like her would be out of place around the teens.

With the same warm smile, the headmistress would argue otherwise.

"Oh, but I insist. You are no stranger within these academy walls. And please, call me headmistress no longer. Argonna will do…" Argona's gaze suddenly fell onto the necklace of Antani. "...it is only proper that we treat a high ranking adventurer with the respect they deserve. Tell me, is Caduceus still as hale as ever?"

"He is, too hale as a matter of fact. Do you two know each other?"

"We were party members, around a hundred years ago." Reminiscing about their jovial adventuring days, Argonna's expression suddenly became sullen. "Tell me, is there a spell blade in your guild that goes by the name of 'Althea'?"

"There is. What about her?"

The sullen look in Argonna's face worsened, as if the sky had fallen over her, making her carry a tremendous burden.

"Headmist…I mean, Argonna, are you okay?" The concerned Antani wondered, what could be the reason for her mood to plummet like that?

After a heavy sigh, Argonna's comely demeanor returned once more, she answered, "Yes. Forgive me."

Suddenly, the door opened. The woman addressed her headmistress with a polite tone.

"Head mistress, I'm about to teach. Can we do the evaluation right now?"

The woman that waltz inside the room was a beauty as fine as aged wine, yet possessing a gait of a veteran warrior with plenty of experience accumulated throughout the years, both in battle and in teaching. Her complexion, caramel, while her auburn hair was tied in a ponytail. Her blouse was covered in a silver breastplate, her arms in bracers. Her choice of weapons were the dual short swords sheathed in both of her waists.

The woman's attention suddenly went to the two who were right next to her, a smile bloomed on her lips as soon as she saw the identity of one of them.

"Antani is that you!? If it isn't one of my favorite students, you've turned out to be a stunning woman, and a high ranking adventurer to boot!" The cheery swordswoman exclaimed.

"It is me, Professor Rayla. Glad to see you're still teaching here."

It was a good thing that Ellamir wasn't there as Antani couldn't help but plaster a wide smile. Her old professor was a woman she greatly admired back in her academy days. Rayla was as deadly with the sword as she is gorgeous, after her first lesson, Antani was already smitten.

"No place else I would rather be. I don't see myself returning into mercenary business soon, the pay here is much more stable, and it's safer too. Never mind me, what brings you here?"

Antani explained that she and Shatter Sound just stopped by for a tour, that she was about to leave until Argonna insisted for them to stay the night.

As Antani was talking Rayla couldn't help but admire the strength that Antani exuded. Antani was already good with the sword during her teens, Rayla wanted to know how great she is with it now that the Amazon was in her peak years.

"I'm about to hold a lesson on the knight branch about dual wielding, care to join me?"

Seeing as their lodging was already secured, Antani figured why the hell not?