
Have No Shame [GL]

An Amazon Princess gives herself to the female commander of an invading dark-elf army in order for her people to be spared. --------- ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This story leans in heavily on sexual abuse on the first chapter but it will gradually lessen and evolve into romance. I like to describe this story as a Romance/Erotica/DnD loosely inspired Adventure hybrid. There will be action and there will be copius amounts of sex. There is hand holding. It involves lesbians and Futa(Female with male genitals). Discord is here : https://discord.gg/53q5F9kC If you liked my work the please consider buying me a coffee at : https://ko-fi.com/bamboo_gossip Cover is not mine. Got it from : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3o98WA

Bamboo_Gossip7 · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Eyes of Ruin and Lust

At the city park, there were numerous children of various races playing together with smiles on their faces. The lovebirds decided to stop by at a bench for a quick breather since they were just done with their morning training.

Antani's gaze suddenly went onto the elderly woman passing by. Her back scrunched. The steps she took were slow, she hobbled not because of her own volition, but because it was the only speed she was capable of. The Amazon's eyes followed as she tottered onto wherever her destination might.

Next, she turned her head to Ellamir who was right next to her, the dark elf seemed to have been staring at the playing children.

Antani's head fell onto her lover's shoulder, asking her question, "Would you still remain on my side even if I became old and wrinkly?"

"What kind of question is that!? After I've professed my love for you countless times, you still have the nerve to ask me that question!?" Ellamir's tone relayed her ire.

How Ellamir took offense at a simple question made Antani giggle. They've rarely fought these past few days and it made her remember how cute Ellamir got when she was angry. Antani had no doubt that Ellamir loved her, but the opportunity to tease her lover was too good to pass up.

"It was a simple question. Just give me a yes or no. I'm starting to think that you're staying with me only for my body."

"Do you fucking have any idea how badly I want you to become the mother of my child!? My dream is for us to settle down here and have a family. But I chose to support you on your dream of becoming your tribe's next queen. And what do I get from you? Fucking nothing but doubt! I hate you!" Ellamir crossed her arms and rolled her eyes along with her head to the opposite direction.

Satisfied at the reaction Antani received, it was now time to make up for the emotional distress that her teasing had caused.

Gently cupping Ellamir's chin, Antani made Ellamir face her. The Amazon leaned in for a kiss, tender and soft. Ellamir's ire vanished as soon as she closed her eye, her heart thumping in her chest as she savored the sensation of their lips touching.

A few of the other park goers started giving them looks as they stayed connected close to a minute but they quickly minded their own business since it wasn't like they were torridly kissing or anything. It was but an innocent show of affection.

Soon they seperated.

Antani smirked, "How about now, you still hate me?"

Avoiding eye contact in fear that she might tell the truth if she had done so, Ellamir answered.

"A little."

"It seems I need to do more than a kiss, how about we head home so we can get on it?"


Both naked as the day they were born, Antani pushed Ellamir into their bed.

Antani slowly crawled on all fours, the intensity of her lover's gaze made Ellamir liken her to a predator that's about to pounce.

Finally on top, Antani's bedroom eyes bore straight into Ellamir's as she said…

"I want to try something."

Ellamir's single eye narrowed. "Okay, Tell me." What could her lover be up to this time?

"Oh nothing. Just a little payback for last time. Come on, I promise you're going to enjoy it."

Antani gave her most seductive bedroom eyes, hoping it would be enough to string Ellamir along.

Payback and enjoyment? Ellamir scoffed. More like payback and humiliation. But, since she was in the mood to be on the receiving end for today, why not submit to Antani's lascivious plans?

Ellamir grinned as she gave her approval, "Have at it."

Moments later, Ellamir found herself blindfolded while both of her hands were tied to the bedpost. It made Ellamir smile in amusement, did Antani hold a grudge when she was bound in ropes?

"Grin while you can. Soon… " While Antani threatened, she grabbed her lover's rock hard cock and slowly impaled herself with it. "... You'll be nothing more than a moaning mess."

Ecstasy coursed through Antani as Ellamir filled her to the brim. She had to be careful, or her threat might rebound back to her. Thus, she decided to talk dirty first, to distract her mind from the pleasure, and to incite Ellamir's arousal.

"It was fun playing with that dick of yours, but I don't need to depend on one to dominate you. This pussy of mine will do just fine. Are you ready to be milked dry?"

Even if her rod was encased in fleshy softness, melting in pleasure, Ellamir's pride won't easily give in. Also, she noticed that Antani's dirty talk lacked…nastiness. She might need to show Antani how it's done.

"Just move if you're going to move. Fuck me good and prove to me that you're not all talk, you Amazon bitch."

Antani bit her lip, defiant until the end. She would like it no other way.

"Poor choice of words. You're going to regret that."

"Well why don't you…Aaaah!"

A lustful whimper escaped from Ellamir's lips as Antani suddenly began moving back and forth.

Turning into an expert jockey, Antani rode Ellamir vigorously like a horse on a race.

The blindfold added to the helplessness of being tied up, all while Antani rocked her world. It might not be as elegant as Ellamir's rope dress, but with its simplicity, Antani's bedroom savagery was on full display.

And the one on the receiving end of this savagery, winced. It was bad, Ellamir might come soon if Antani continued her pace.

"Antani..Aaah..slow down!" Ellamir pleaded in between her moans.

Antani realized, this was the perfect opportunity to hammer home the result of their little 'game'.

"Tell me what's our score and I'm going to stop."

A grimace fell on Ellamir's demeanor. Antani can't be serious. Making her admit that she fell behind is a blow to her ego. She won't do it, but then again she was out of choice, she's about to blow any moment from now.

"It's 6-3!"

Antani ceased her movement, "That's right, and that clearly makes me the winner. Wouldn't you agree?" The obvious smirk in her voice made the dark elf pinned underneath her more bashful.

"It's not over yet, I can still catch up!"

If only Ellamir could see the look of smug triumph on Antani's face right now.

"I'm sure you can. Then I would just extend my lead again, like now." Since her lover wanted to buy into the thought of being her retainer that badly, wouldn't it be natural for her to act as her queen? "Since I am a magnanimous Queen, I hereby declare our little game null and void. After the fact that I've won, of course." Antani had realized that none of them would give up their position as the top, Ellamir prided herself as such. Antani decided that it would be better for them to switch every now and then. Thus, she declared…"By my authority, I hereby grant you the royal privilege to ravage me whenever the mood strikes you, and I, you."

"That's going to be a problem." Ellamir's face turned into a serious one.

"And why is that? Is my retainer unhappy with such generous arrangements?"

As an answer, Ellamir's seriousness broke into a haughty grin, "Because you're making me want to ravage you right now."

A loud snap. With some of her strength provided by her drider armor now manifested in her regular unarmored state, Ellamir was able to destroy the bedpost, taking the entirety of their headboard along with it.

Completely reversing their position, Ellamir took off her blindfold. It was now Ellamir that was on top of Antani. Settling on missionary for that sweet intimacy of their face being close to each other.

"Ellamir, you dumbass! Did you really have to do that!?"

The brutishness of what the dark elf had just pulled took Antani out of their bedroom roleplay.

"I'll replace the bed, don't worry." Ellamir playfully brushed her finger from her lover's forehead, down to her rosy cheeks. "So, how about we continue where we left off, my Queen?"

There's just something about how sultry Ellamir dictioned 'Queen' that made Antani slide back into the mood again.

"Alright, fine. I'll allow it."

Ellamir's meaty rod entered Antani once more. The Amazon's back arched in response to the pleasure that impacted her nether. The dark elf began pistoning, aiming to please so she could continue hearing Antani's erotic moans.

Antani's hands caressed Ellamir's hair as she stared at both or her lover's eyes. The one that she scarred, white and ruined. While the other one, red and passionate, intensely gazing at her with affection. A tinge of regret mixed with the overwhelming arousal, bringing Antani closer to orgasm.

Meanwhile, Ellamir's loins burned with lust and love, the desire not only to partake in Antani's body, but also to knock her up, bringing Ellamir closer to orgasm.

Their feelings for each other intersected, both of their moans filled the room as they climaxed at the same time.

In the afterglow of such explosive finale, Antani spooned Ellamir. No second round for tomorrow would be the day they start adventuring once more, sleep deprivation saps the fun out of travelling.

As Antani spoke, Ellamir felt her breath on her shoulder.

"We should get that eye of yours replaced soon."

"Why?" The dumbfounded Ellamir questioned.

"What do you mean 'Why'? Aren't you bothered by only having one eye?"

"I'm used to it."

In the beginning, her right eye was a sign of Antani's transgression . Now, by Ellamir's twisted devotion, she had akin it to a personalized brand inflicted by her lover. Something that would remind Ellamir of their connection with just a single touch, even if they were apart from each other.

Antani sighed, her arms around Ellamir's waist she tightened.

"I'm not. And I don't think I ever will be."