
Have No Shame [GL]

An Amazon Princess gives herself to the female commander of an invading dark-elf army in order for her people to be spared. --------- ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This story leans in heavily on sexual abuse on the first chapter but it will gradually lessen and evolve into romance. I like to describe this story as a Romance/Erotica/DnD loosely inspired Adventure hybrid. There will be action and there will be copius amounts of sex. There is hand holding. It involves lesbians and Futa(Female with male genitals). Discord is here : https://discord.gg/53q5F9kC If you liked my work the please consider buying me a coffee at : https://ko-fi.com/bamboo_gossip Cover is not mine. Got it from : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3o98WA

Bamboo_Gossip7 · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Cruel Jest

"Let me come with you."

The Giantess' timbre bordered on pleading. Not that she wanted to confront the woman that orchestrated their exodus, but to ensure the safety of Maessha.

Coat at the ready, Maessha resolutely shook her head, "There is no need. I can handle mother just fine, besides, I swore an oath to keep her as far away from Ellani as possible."

Even as Ellamir radiated immesurable rage, it was in Antani's best interest to take their daughter to another room. Ellamir's malice coated her words as she spoke.

"Tell mother that if she as much as show her face on my doorstep, I will rip them off from her shoulders and feed them to Zarg!"

"Worry not, sister, I'll make sure mother steers clear from this place." Maessha assured.

After all warning Ellamir gave Zorrla last, her mother dared dared to set foot in this city!? Fists still clenched in rage, looking ready don Drider armor and burn down not just the home she worked hard to fund, but the entire block in a fit of rampage while she would make her way to Zorrla.

Ellamir stormed off to seek comfort in Antani, giving Alara and Maessha a few moments for their brief goodbye.

"The next time we would meet should be in the Arena." Maessha gazed up at her lover with a tender smile. The thought of an exhilarating battle with Alara in front of thousands had Maessha excited rather pained by the prospect. "I'll be sure to crush you properly by then."

A smugness from Maessha that made Alara chuckle. Leaning down, Alara's savored Maessha's soft lips before their temporary parting.

"Cheeky. Unlike earlier, I'm afraid I won't be gentle once we meet it in battle."

Giggling at the innuendo, Maessha struck back.

"Its fine, get rough with me as much as you want. I shall be the one emerging as the victor anyway."

An amazoness warrior with that can close the distance easily with her agility, peerless with a spear and the strength to overpower all in her path. Alara was one of the fiercest, strongest that Maessha knew. But that does not mean Maessha would roll over and give her lover the victory. No, with all her spells unleashed, Maessha will do her darndest to slip past Alara's defenses and sieze Victory for the glory of the Dark elves.

The touch of their hands lingered, true to their hearts' wishes never to pat, Maessha and Alaea both let go. No farewells uttered for they will soon meet again.


Gazing at the battalion of Dark elves clad in pristine dark armor, the guard halted Zorrla's Royal Entry for some much needed verification. From the Carriage's window, the ruler's stare had him shook through his helm. This Queen was giving off the same aura of danger as a viper, ready strike at the opportune moment.

Perhaps it has to do something with the fact that he is holding her? She is royalty after all. Maybe poking at the fact that she brought 40 or more soldiers at what counts as a diplomatic visit would help dispel this aura of doom.

"I'm just unsure why you would need that many soldiers, it's like you're planning an assault on the city or something."

The city guard let out an wry chuckle at his own morbid suggestion.

The Queen's lips curved with maddened glee.

"What wondrous suggestion, since we are celebrating your city's foundation, how about I destroy a few buildings so you can rediscover the joy of building this city from scratch once more!? Shall I do it? Come on, let's make your ancestors proud!"

The absurdity of the Dark Elf Queen's words took a second to settle in, until the City Guard arrived at the grim realization. Zorrla threatened the peace of their city.

What was it that the Guard was supposed to do in times like these? Oh, that's right, arrest her! The moment his hand touched the grip of his blade, an even greater wave of terror slammed over him.

His eyes locked on to Zorrla, her initial expression of glee redoubled, rejoicing that he was about to brandish his sword on her.

Mad as she was, Zorrla had this cunning when it comes to goading. Feeding off the exquisite taste of his fear, he only need to come at her and she would have his guts dragged along the pavement. It was self-defense, truly, pointing his sword at a Queen. Zorrla would left with no option other than to defend herself.

"Y-you are threatening public safety, I...I will have to take you into custody."

"Oh but it's not a threat. I've taken quite the liking to you. Tell you what, point me to which direction your house is and I will start from there."

He has done this numerous times before, countless times he had hauled into jail rowdy citizens that disrupted the public ordinance. He is alone, he cannot go against an entire troop of Dark elf soldiers! Ah, but these armored fellows paid him no heed, almost as they had an accord with their Queen to let her act absolutely brash.

Zorrla watched with delight as his hand hand quivered, the moment he pulls out his sword would the perfect excuse for Zorrla to justify her wicked plan. After all, a City Guard pointing its sword to a Queen? A travesty of the higest order!

A tension thin as ice, the Guardsman knew not he was treading on it. A leviathian lurking in the dark waters below waiting to devour him once the ice breaks.

Zorrla gasped in excitement as the city guard drew her hand...

...but halfway from its scabbard, a voice sneaked up from behind him.

"Forgive my mother, her jests can be extreme. That is simply how it is in the under dark."

The City Guard sheathed his blade. It was extreme all right, it was to his greatest shame that he will admit to no one that he almost pissed his pants due to the unknown terror exuded by this Queen.

The presence of this newly arrived Dark elf seemed to have deterred the ominous mood. The Guard turned to the Queen and questioned.

"I will let you off with a warning this time. I don't know how you operate in the underdark, but jests like that are not to be taken lightly in surface." Suddenly, another man wearing the red Guardsman uniform approached, telling him that the clearance of the Dark elf delegates have been approved. The City Guard nodded, "You unpleasant lot are free to go."

"Aw, what a shame." Zorrla grinned, as quickly as she took interest of him, so too did the boredom to mess with a weakling struck her. She will have to get her rocks off by ways other than murder, it seems.

The moment Maessha made her way inside the carriage to sit opposite of her mother, Queen Zorrla wasted no time in questioning.

" I can't wait to see little Ellani! Has Ellamir come around on her opinion about her beloved mother?"

"Sister is...not ready to meet with you yet, give her time mother. We have plenty of it after all."

Maessha dared not speak of Ellamir's threat, for her cuckoo of a mother will no doubt take it as an invitation for good time.

"What a bore! No matter, I shall find my entertainment some place else."