

Fran Garner finds herself living in a haunted house, but among all the weird things around, there's something darker and more dangerous lurking. To her dismay, the only one who can deal with it is the king of TV ghost-hunting, Brandon Price. Not only is he the last person she would like to turn to for help: they're also black-and-white opposite about pretty much everything. So there's no telling what will happen when they have to work together to fix this mess. And after. Especially after. A story of bonds that transcend realms, and the struggle to overcome an inner darkness that can be scarier than actual demons.

La_Prelooker · Fantasy
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124 Chs

A Bright New Day

I jumped to my feet when I heard Brandon move. His fingers flickered slightly and I covered his hand with mine, my heart hammering my chest. His head tilted a little toward me and his lips parted.

"Hey," I whispered. "Easy there."

He tried to speak and frowned.

"It's okay, Bran. The surgery worked alright."

He frowned deeper, trying to press my fingers. I took his hand to my lips to kiss it.

"It worked, Bran," I repeated, just in case. "You're gonna be fine."

His shaky sigh told me he'd understood. His other hand came slowly up to brush the dressing covering his eyes.

"That's gonna stay there for a few days."

"Did it?" he mumbled, as his fingers explored the dressing further.

"Yes, love. It worked. If we do what the doctor says, you're gonna be fine in a few months. Maybe even better than before the infection."

He let out another shaky sigh with a muffled groan that almost made me cry.