
Chapter 72

Mase's breath sighed against the top of my ear, and I trembled at the ripple of warmth it sent down to my toes. I turned my face to his, melting into the depth of love I saw in his shuttered gaze.

He captured my lips with an urgency that spun the cockpit and roared fire through my veins within seconds. He pushed me against the closed door with a low groan, the rumble in his chest vibrating a shockwave into mine and down to my center.

I moaned and arched into him, all my aches and pains forgotten except the throbbing one between my thighs and the pinch around my heart at how much I loved this man.

"You're not being very good," I said, breathless. "I might make you hold that potato after all."

"I'm no good at being good," he rasped. Then he hiked up my legs around his waist and pushed into me in what seemed like one movement.

"Thank Feozva for that," I said between kisses, then lost myself in the sensations of being loved by Mase Ryan.