
Chapter 18

I rushed past to chromium, but a door blocked the rest of the hallway even though I hadn't come to iron yet. This floor wasn't laid out like the one above. Sucking hard on my nail, I yanked on the lever, and the door swung open.

I shined my phone around the small room in a sweeping arc to try to see everything inside at once. Grating covered the ceiling above my head, then a square of solid titanium and then more grating. I was pretty sure my iron had fallen through that second square of grating. I hurried forward, head bent toward the floor as I searched, and slammed into a metal cabinet with a sink built into the top. A sink with a drain. Oh, rusted balls no.

I plunged my fingers down inside it as far as they would go and felt nothing but bits of soggy residue around the drain's sharp edges.