
Chapter 116

With my heart pulsing like a siren, I pawed at my corset where my ice picks should've been. I was defenseless without a weapon and useless as a ghost magnet since I couldn't invite any more spirits inside. At least I had my chains, though I'd learned on Mayvel just how easily those could be yanked from my scalp.

We followed the trail of death down a hallway past several closed doors, the noise of the seemingly disinterested crowd of space travelers fading behind us. I mapped our progress in the periodic table map in my mind since we'd likely need to make a quick getaway, if we happened to survive. Poh scanned the names on the plaques beside the doors while I threw glances over my shoulder to see if anyone followed us. The floor dipped down steadily, leading us to the bowels of a haunted space station.

Around the next corner, we slid to a stop. I gasped. Blinked. Tried to plug my head into what I'd half expected, but never wanted to see.