
Chapter 114

"I don't have anything," I said.

The guard swept an electronic wand over me that beeped the entire time. Then he sent me through the metal detector which - gasp - triggered the alarm.

He made it stop and then turned to Poh. She motioned for him to do his things with the electronic wand, which also beeped the entire time he scanned her. Whatever else she was packing didn't appear to be inside her pockets, though, since they were empty.

The guard ushered her and Crispin through the rest of these time-wasters, and then we were on our way again. At the end of the hallway were several double doors, none of which opened or closed. I glanced behind us, but only the guard, now facing away from us, and the cleaning bots joined us in here. We were alone, despite this place brimming with travelers. I rubbed absently at my bandaged, scaled arm, ticking my gaze around the hallway for any sign of life.