
Chapter 7

"Sorry, I have to leave now," Adrienne said politely to Ryan.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Ryan asked, his concern evident.

"Oh, it's nothing major. Just an accident. I need to head there right away," Adrienne explained.

"Oh...do you want a ride?" he offered.

"I actually drove here, but thank you," Adrienne declined graciously.

"Well, I didn't even drive," Ryan admitted.

"What? You just offered to drive me a few minutes ago. How were you planning to go back?" Adrienne questioned.

"Okay, let me explain. I didn't drive here, but I was going to call my driver to bring the car. Our office is only a twenty-minute walk from this coffee shop, so I decided to walk. It's like a mini workout," Ryan explained.

"Oh, that's interesting. Do you want me to drop you off at your office?" Adrienne kindly offered.

"No need, thanks. I'd rather not explain myself to anyone," Ryan replied.

"What do you mean?" Adrienne inquired curiously.

"Just avoiding those judgmental looks," Ryan chuckled, and they both shared a laugh.

Adrienne rose to leave, and Ryan followed suit. He extended his hand for a handshake, and Adrienne reciprocated.

"Let's stay in touch, okay?" Ryan pleaded.

"Well, you already have my number. Feel free to call me anytime. I might not be able to answer if I'm busy, though," she replied, letting go of his hand.

"Goodbye," he said as he watched her walk away.

Ryan strolled back to his office, hands casually tucked into his pockets, his mind occupied by thoughts of Adrienne.

"Why did she refuse to show me her face?" he pondered, a small smile gracing his lips. He made his way back to the company building, ascending to the top floor where his office resided.

The reception lounge greeted him with its generous size, tastefully adorned with a modern flair. Smooth marble floors reflected the warm glow of the recessed lighting above, creating an inviting atmosphere. Framed artwork adorned the walls, injecting a burst of color into the otherwise neutral cream and taupe tones.

In one corner of the room, a plush gray sofa beckoned guests to relax and unwind. Complementing throw pillows in shades of blue and silver added both comfort and a touch of vibrant allure. Across from the inviting sofa, a sleek glass coffee table displayed meticulously arranged magazines and a small vase of fresh flowers, diffusing a delicate scent throughout the air.

A reception desk stood against the wall, constructed from elegant dark mahogany wood. Utterly organized, it showcased a sleek computer monitor, a stack of neatly filed papers, and a phone resting in one corner. A polished silver nameplate proudly displayed the name "Juliette Davis" in elegant calligraphy.

Juliette, engrossed in her work, sat poised behind her desk. Clad in a professional black suit and crisp white blouse, she exuded efficiency and tranquility. Her dark, wavy hair framed her face flawlessly, and her focused eyes darted across the screen from behind her stylish glasses. The room seemed to buzz with intensity as she diligently attended to her tasks, ensuring everything was in perfect order for Ryan's arrival.

The reception lounge emanated an atmosphere of anticipation and productivity. Soft instrumental music played gently in the background, providing a soothing backdrop to the space. The hum of the air conditioning unit, barely perceptible, maintained a comfortable temperature throughout the area.

Overall, the reception lounge exuded an air of professionalism, efficiency, and a touch of welcoming warmth.

As Ryan opened the door, a wave of tension washed over the room. Juliette quickly lifted her gaze from her work, her expression shifting into one of composed professionalism. A glimmer of excitement danced in her eyes as she stood up from her desk, prepared to greet her 'boss' and offer any assistance he may require.

"Why do you have glasses on?" Ryan inquired.

"Good day, sir," Juliette replied.

"Why are you wearing glasses today? Is anything wrong?" Ryan asked, his concern evident.

"No, I'm fine, thank you, sir," Juliette responded, slightly flustered.

Ryan approached her, moving closer to where she stood.

"You're acting rather formal today, what brought about this sudden change? Your voice, tone, and even your attire seem different. Jules, is this because of what happened last night? If so..."

"Sir, you have a visitor. She arrived a few minutes ago, and I was planning to inform you in fifteen minutes, but since you're already here, there's no need," Juliette explained.

"A visitor?" Ryan questioned.

"Yes," Juliette confirmed.

"Who is it? Am I dressed appropriately?" he asked, glancing down at his outfit consisting of a black shirt tucked into beige-colored chinos and white sneakers.

"I suppose it's suitable," Juliette nodded as she held the door open, allowing him to enter his office.

Ryan let out a sigh when he caught sight of his visitor.

"What was I expecting?" he muttered to himself.

"She could have just informed me it was Annabelle," Ryan remarked as soon as he laid eyes on his guest.

"Hello," he greeted Annabelle, a smile gracing his face.

"Your greeting and expression make you appear so innocent. I almost fell for it once more," Annabelle retorted.

"I have always been innocent. It is only because you have always been sinful that you cannot - and couldn't - see it. How can I assist you, ma'am?" Ryan replied, shifting to a more formal tone.

"I need some money," Annabelle stated.

"Okay, how about you go and look for a job? You know, the kind of job that can support the hedonistic life you want to live," Ryan said with a smirk.

"I don't have time to work," Annabelle replied.

"Well, I don't have money to support a lazy person," he retorted.

"Are you okay with seeing the mother of your only child - and your supposed first love - suffer because of money while you are in a position to help? Don't you care about me?" Anabelle shot back.

Ryan fell silent for a moment, his fingers tapping on the table.

"Emotional blackmail? Really? That doesn't work on me, ma'am. And who told you that you were my first love? Tch! You wish," he said with a smirk.

"I think I might be pregnant," Annabelle stated.

Ryan burst into laughter, tears streaming down his face.

"We haven't been intimate for months now. If you are pregnant, congratulations to you and the lucky man who is about to become a father," Ryan said, laughing once again.

"Fine, forget it. Just give me some cash. I need it urgently," Annabelle begged.

"You really have no shame, do you?" Ryan responded, his tone now serious.

"What?" Anabelle said, giving him a stern look.

"It's been two days. You haven't asked about Brian. In the past two days, I've lost count of how many times he has asked for you, his 'sweet mom'," Ryan said, using air quotes.

"Please give him my regards," Annabelle said, lacking sincerity.

Ryan sighed disappointedly.

"I feel so incredibly ashamed right now. How am I going to explain this to Brian?" Ryan said, his voice trembling with emotion.

"Do you truly love our son?" he asked her.

"Is there a mother on this planet who doesn't love her own child?" Anabelle responded.

"Then prove it. Show that you genuinely love Brian. Actions speak louder than words, you know," Ryan challenged her.

"You're the one who ended our engagement. What do you expect?" Anabelle retorted.

"Regardless of our broken engagement, it shouldn't impact how you care for Brian. He is our flesh and blood," Ryan insisted.

"All this talk because I asked for some money. Just make a quick transfer. I don't have time for this conversation. I already told you I love him, and that won't ever change," Anabelle stated, her words lacking any hint of emotion.

"Have you informed your father about our separation?" Ryan inquired.

"Ugh! Too much talking! I just need the money, then I'll be on my way. Mind your own business!" Anabelle hissed angrily.

"Well, I don't have any money to give you. How about we all focus on our own business? Please leave my office," Ryan responded, trying to relax in his chair.

"Will you send me the money?" Anabelle asked.

"My lawyer contacted you yesterday, didn't he? You'll receive the money next week. I'm not giving you anything beyond what was agreed upon in the contract. Now, please, leave my office," he said sharply, anger evident on his face.

"I don't deserve this treatment. I am the mother of your child. And also..." Annabelle paused.


"...don't forget something very important, I hold the key to tearing your family apart. Don't make me use it," Anabelle smirked at him, a devilish smile growing on her face.

"What?" He asked, puzzled.

"You have twenty minutes to make the transfer. I'm leaving," Anabelle declared, reaching for her handbag and exiting his office to head to her car.

Ryan remained seated in his chair after Anabelle departed. Approximately a minute later, he received a call from his father.

"Hi dad. Good morning. How are..." Ryan didn't have a chance to finish his greeting.

"Send her a hundred thousand dollars immediately. You have only one minute. Don't make me remind you after that," his dad yelled at him.

"But dad, she...dad...hello..." But his father had already hung up.