
Hatuko and The 18 Ancient Swords

I’m tired of people being unoriginal so I made this.

UnordinarySoul · Fantasy
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Cursed Child

A/N: This will be the start of a thrilling Fantasy, Action, and Adventure Tale. This will be my only note to the readers until the end of the novel. I Hope You Enjoy ; -)

Chapter 1: Cursed Child

It was a cold windy night, the breeze chilling to the bone. A cabin in the woods stands solitary, smoke coming from the chimney. The cabin had a triangle roof made of logs with cement (clay mud mix) and a short yet stout totem poll to the left of the front door.

The Totem poll had 18 different animals on it all fierce looking in there own right. The door of the cabin had a strange symbol carved into the wood. The interior of the cabin is warm looking with rugs, a fire place, and candles lining the walls.

In the center of the cabin is a couple, the man is holding the woman worriedly. His hand was being squeezed tightly by the woman. The woman was in a large water basin and wearing a birthing gown.

The woman has bright purple eyes and dark brown hair. The woman's normally pretty face twisted in pain and as she gave one last push before her new born child then floated to the top of the water face down.

The man with black hair and emerald green eyes hurried and grabbed a towel to pick up his child and pulled them out of the water. The child wasn't making a sound so the man patted the child's back causing loud screams to be heard throughout the small cabin.

His usual stoic features softened as he swaddled his now revealed son in a warm blanket and set him down gently on the bed. The man then went to the mother only to find out that she was dead.

The man faltered as his mind shattered, he broke down crying and screaming. His screams turned to sobs before hearing his son also crying for his mother. The man stands up and with tears and snot rolling down his face he walked to the bed where his son was laying with a dark expression.

The man grabbed a pillow from the bed and placed it on his son. The man held it there for two full seconds before pulling the pillow off throwing it to the floor as he falls on his behind. Cries continued to fill the cabin as the man layed on the floor for the next hour and a half.

The man suddenly sat up and glared at the baby holding back none of his killing intent causing the child to cry louder causing the man to cringe. He stands up and starts to prepare for a seamingly long journey.

The man picks up his son with disgust and walks out the door dressed in a large cloak and hood. He walks to the side of his house where a horse is and gets on it. The man then decisively heads west to the nearest village.

The journey would take three days by horse Exept the woods are filled with animals and monster that are very aggressive. However the man was a former adventurer so he had faith to make it through.

On the second day of travel on the journey the man had had enough of the childs crying and since he had emptied his food and water on the previous day he placed the child in his bag and closed it.

Although muffled screams could be heard the man thought this much better. Right as he looked up to see the path a large panther leaped at the man tossing him to the ground and his back off to the side.

His horse ran the moment it felt the weight leaving its back. Meanwhile the panther was ripping the throat out of the man's throat. For the next hour the panther feasted and then left, never noticing the child in the bag a few meters away.

Soon after a hooded figure walked from behind a tree. The figure had on a dark brown hooded cloak with many bags with some of them having plants hanging out of them. The figure slowly walked to the man.

They crouched down and took the man's rings and necklace. They stood up and heard cries from the woods. They pulled out a decorative knife and turned to the noise only to see nothing. A shiny jewel on the bag caught the figures eye.

The figure picked up the bag and opened it to find a baby crying and slightly blue from lack of oxygen. "What are you doing in there" the figure says in a gentle feminine voice. Before taking out the swaddled baby and holding him. The baby suddenly stopped crying and finally fell asleep for his first time.